Neighborhood Plans

Plans for individual or groups of neighborhoods that include more details than the Comprehensive Plan may be prepared by PDA or consultants.

The following are plans that have been adopted by the Planning Commission as a Neighborhood Plan. As of July 1, 2020, all neighborhood plans requesting review as an adopted neighborhood plan must follow the adopted minimum standards for submittal. Hard copies of the plans may also be viewed at our office.

A Plan for the Neighborhoods of the 5th Ward
Design Downtown STL Neighborhood Plan
Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods Plan
JeffVanderLou Neighborhood Plan
Lafayette Square Neighborhood-Urban Plan
McRee Town - South Neighborhood Plan
Skinker DeBaliviere Neighborhood Urban Design and Development Plan
We Collab Resident-Led Reinvestment Neighborhood Plan

Archived Neighborhood Plans

The following previously adopted neighborhood plans have been repealed and replaced by another neighborhood plan in the same geography.

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