Services and Information

  • 2022 Flood Information
    Relief and recovery resources for the July 2022 flood.
  • American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Resource Guide
    Resources for COVID-19 recovery, including ARPA funded projects and additional support.
  • Certified Local Government
    Defines the City's responsibilities as a Certified Local Government
  • Child Support Services
    Information and Overview to file with Child Support Services
  • City of St. Louis Language Access Initiative
    Learn about the City’s work towards creating services, programs, and activities to improve government services for residents with limited English.
  • Contact the City
    Elected officials, departments, boards, jobs, and more contact information
  • Dense Urban Terrain Exercise - Day One (July 15, 2024)
    Facilitated by Task Force 46 (Michigan National Guard) in cooperation with the Missouri National Guard, the multi-day event allows local and military emergency responders to coordinate, deploy, and mitigate dangerous scenarios in the days after a catastrophic disaster. The drills involve reconnaissance, urban search and rescue, mass casualty decontamination, and structural and infrastructure damage assessment in the vicinity of Busch Stadium and the Missouri River between Grafton and St. Charles.
  • Dense Urban Terrain Exercise - Day Three (July 17, 2024)
    Facilitated by Task Force 46 (Michigan National Guard) in cooperation with the Missouri National Guard, the multi-day event allows local and military emergency responders to coordinate, deploy, and mitigate dangerous scenarios in the days after a catastrophic disaster. The drills involve reconnaissance, urban search and rescue, mass casualty decontamination, and structural and infrastructure damage assessment in the vicinity of Busch Stadium and the Missouri River between Grafton and St. Charles.
  • Dense Urban Terrain Exercise - Day Two (July 16, 2024)
    Facilitated by Task Force 46 (Michigan National Guard) in cooperation with the Missouri National Guard, the multi-day event allows local and military emergency responders to coordinate, deploy, and mitigate dangerous scenarios in the days after a catastrophic disaster. The drills involve reconnaissance, urban search and rescue, mass casualty decontamination, and structural and infrastructure damage assessment in the vicinity of Busch Stadium and the Missouri River between Grafton and St. Charles.
  • File Land Records
    Information on filing land records with the Recorder of Deeds office
  • Fraud Hotline
    If you have information regarding fraudulent spending of tax dollars, the Comptroller's Office encourages you to call the Fraud Hotline.
  • Free Student Meals
    St. Louis City schools provide breakfast, lunch and a snack for all students.
  • Land Tax Sale Guidelines for Purchasers
    Post-sale procedures for those who have successfully bid on land tax sale properties.
  • Obtain Accessible Communication Services
    Information for City residents on how to obtain accessible communication services when working with City departments.
  • Obtain Land Records
    How to search for and obtain land records from the Recorder of Deeds Archives Department
  • Receive Alerts from DPS
    DPS Alerts is the push notification system that contacts residents in St. Louis City with news and information from the St. Louis Department of Public Safety (DPS).
  • Recorder of Deeds Copy Services Brochure
    Brochure for Copy Services offered by the St. Louis City Recorder of Deeds
  • Register Now for Emergency Alerts from the City Emergency Management Agency
    Informational flyer instructing people how to sign up to receive CEMA emergency alerts via Nixle.
  • Report a Disability Issue
    Submit concerns on disabled parking, ADA accessibility of public buildings and programs, no interpreter for the deaf provided, sidewalk and ramp repair or replacement, sidewalk inspections.
  • Report a Problem at City Parks
    Report maintenance issues or problems with equipment, facilities, grounds, infrastructure, or vendors at parks in the City of St. Louis.
  • Report a Problem with the City Website
    Instructions for members of the public to report a problem on the website such as an error, a missing file, missing information, etc.
  • STL Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program
    The STL Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program uses ARPA funds to help families whose children attend city public schools.
  • Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act)
    A description of the City's preservation review for Federally-funded projects
  • Sewer Lateral Repair Program
    Sewer Lateral Repair Program covers repairs to sewer line under the right of way
  • Street Department Services
    List of Street Department Services and how to request them.
  • Submit Web Team Service Requests
    Instructions for city employees to request services from or report website problems to the web team via Help Desk.
  • Tell Us How We're Doing
    The City of St. Louis Department of Public Safety wants to hear from you on how we are doing and use what we learn to better serve you.
  • Vendor Information
    A guide, documents, and information for vendors interested in doing business with the City of St. Louis via the Supply Division
  • When To Call CSB
    Flyer giving overview of how CSB works

Departments and Agencies

  • Citizens' Service Bureau (CSB)
    The Citizens' Service Bureau's (CSB) purpose is to effectively and efficiently register and route city service requests, answer citizen requests for information, and provide City departments with statistics as needed.
  • Comptroller's Office
    Welcome to the Office of the Comptroller of the City of St. Louis.
  • Homeless Services
    Provides a comprehensive approach in responding to the diverse needs of homeless individuals and families in the City of St. Louis.
  • Office on the Disabled
    The Office on the Disabled assists the City in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Recorder of Deeds and Vital Records Registrar
    Birth, death, land, marriage records, and archival records

Downloadable Forms

Laws, Bills, and Policies

  • ADA Grievance Procedure
    Describes how to file a grievance claiming that the City of St. Louis has discriminated against you based on disability.
  • Cooperative Purchasing
    The City of St Louis is allowed per Ordinance 16879 to use Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements. This is a list of the Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements that are allowed and those that are not allowed.
  • Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    The City's formal statement that it does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in providing its services.
  • Temporary Clerical Services
    Administrative Regulation No.119 pertaining to City Policy on Temporary Clerical Services Revised and Reissued August 18, 1992

Plans and Reports

Maps and GIS

  • Composite Geocoding Verification
    The map application on this page can be used to verify addresses against the City's composite geocoder as well as ensure locational accuracy when collecting addresses for various programmatic tracking.

Meeting Materials

  • Missouri Birth Records
    The Vital Records Department provides assistance in obtaining birth or death certificates recorded anywhere within the State of Missouri.

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