Services and Information

Departments and Agencies

  • Cultural Resources Office
    The Cultural Resources Office is the preservation agency of the City of St. Louis and responsible for review of all exterior work within the City’s 18 local historic districts, 132 City Landmarks, public parks and public buildings, and encroachments into public rights-of-way. The Cultural Resources Office also reviews any proposed demolitions of buildings that are listed on the National Register either individually or as part of a district; or are located within local historic districts or Preservation Review Districts.
  • Preservation Board
    Information about the St Louis Preservation Board, its responsibilities, meetings, agendas

Downloadable Forms

Laws, Bills, and Policies

  • City Historic District Ordinances
    Each City historic district ordinance has a unique set of rehabilitation and design standards that were developed by the Cultural Resources in consultation with neighborhood residents. The current City Historic Districts are listed below.
  • Preservation Review District Ordinance
    Preservation Review Districts are established by ordinance for those areas of the City in which the Board of Aldermen finds that review of the effects of demolitions on the area are in the public interest.
  • Proposed Central West End Historic District Standards
    Proposed Revisions to the Central West End Historic District Standards.
  • The Tower Grove East Historic District
    Tower Grove East Historic District Ordinance and Standards
  • Title 24 of the City Charter
    The intent of this title is to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the public, including particularly the educational and cultural welfare,through the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of buildings, improvements, parks,sites and natural phenomena as have or may reasonably be expected to have historic or cultural value and significance to the nation,the state or the City.

Plans and Reports

Maps and GIS

Meeting Materials

  • 1875 Compton and Dry Atlas: Pictorial St. Louis
    Link to the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress Pictorial St. Louis, the great metropolis of the Mississippi valley; a topographical survey drawn in perspective A.D. 1875, by Camille N. Dry; designed & edited by Rich. J. Compton. Source: Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650 USA
  • Missouri State Historic Preservation Office
    Missouri's agency for preservation, historic tax credits and the National Register Program.
  • National Register Properties in St. Louis City
    A current list of properties in the City that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places
  • State Historic Preservation Office
    Missouri, where the program is administered by the Department of Natural Resources’ State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), boasts more than 2,000 listings (= more than 35,000 individual resources) in the National Register.

See Also

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