Ordinances by Joseph Vollmer

Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman

Ward 05, President, Ward 10

List all 260 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71927 2023 Fire Prevention & Safety Grant
This Board Bill is recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the Fire Commissioner, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into the 2023 Fire Prevention & Safety Grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It authorizes the Fire Commissioner to accept the grant funds; appropriating said funds and a required City match for said funds; and authorizing the Fire Commissioner to expend the appropriated funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for grant purposes. It also contains an emergency clause.
71924 “Tuskegee Airmen Way”
An Ordinance authorizing the honorary street name “Tuskegee Airmen Way” pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937, which shall begin at the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 13th Street and run west on Chestnut Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 14th Street.
71922 Adding City Offices to the List that Have Campaign Contribution Limits.
An Ordinance to amend Section 3.72.030 of the Revised Codes of the City of St. Louis to add Circuit Attorney to the list of offices that have campaign contribution limits.
71921 renaming of the Civil Courts Building in Honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr.
An ordinance authorizing the renaming of the Civil Courts Building at 10 N Tucker Blvd. in honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr., pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937.
71920 Honorary Street Name “Freedom Way”
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937 the proposed bill authorizes honorary street name “Freedom Way” which shall begin at the intersections of Market Street and 11th Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and 11th Street.
71909 St. Louis Integrated Health Network Award
This Board Bill approves an award of $263,800.00 for the analysis of public health and health equity to the St. Louis Integrated Health Network; authorizes the execution of a grant agreement between the City of St. Louis, by and through its Department of Health and The St. Louis Integrated Health Network for the purpose of conducting an analysis of the healthcare “safety net” network of providers and member organizations; authorizes certain actions by City officials; and contains an emergency clause.
71905 Pay Bill - Circuit Attorney's Office
An ordinance to regulate employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis, and all employees under the Circuit Attorney Office, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan, repealing Ordinance Number 71693, allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause; and an effective date.
71898 Redevelopment Plan for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area. It is anticipated that there will be at least three projects developed in the Area. The projects will include the renovation of a commercial building and construction of 34 senior housing units and retail. The commercial building will house a location of the Negro League Baseball Museum. Estimated cost of development is $17.6 million. This Board Bill will allow up to fifteen (15) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 90 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and followed 5 years based on 50 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71896 Proposed City Charter Change Removing Municipal Fine Limits
An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of St. Louis amending Article IV of the Charter and enacting a new section of Article IV to remove municipal fine limits that are assessed for ordinance violations; providing for an election to be held for voting on the proposed amendment and for the manner of voting; and for the publication, certification, deposit, and recording of this ordinance and containing an emergency clause.
71893 Restated Maintenance Cooperation Agreement, between the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever, Inc.;
An ordinance relating to Forest Park, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Board of Public Service; providing for the execution and delivery of an Amended and Restated Maintenance Cooperation Agreement, between the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever, Inc.; amending Sections Two and Six of Ordinance Number 61988 codified as Chapter 5.74.020 and Chapter 5.74.060 Section A, subsection 11 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis and containing an Emergency Clause.
71880 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 56729 and 56579
he proposed bill repeals Chapter 11.28 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis pertaining to Abortions, by repealing: Section 11.28.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Ordinance Number 56729 codified in Sections 11.28.010, 11.28.020, 11.28.030, 11.28.040, 11.28.050, 11.28.060, 11.28.070, 11.28.080, 11.28.090, and 11.28.100 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 or Ordinance Number 56579 codified in Section 11.28.230, 11.28.240, 11.28.250, 11.28.260, 11.28.270, 11.28.280, 11.28.290, 11.28.300, 11.28.310, 11.28.320, and 11.28.330, 11.28.340, 11.28.350, 11.28.360, and 11.28.370 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis.
71871 U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grant Program
This Board Bill authorizes the City of St. Louis, by and through its Forestry Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, to accept a Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grant Program in the amount of $8,000,000.00 (Eight Million Dollars), and to expend those funds for tree pruning, removal and all aspects of tree maintenance in the City of St. Louis. The Board Bill also contains an emergency clause.
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
71809 Tax Accountability in Development Act
An ordinance known as the “Tax Accountability in Development Act,” or TADA, which adds to Section Three of Ordinance Number 71620, codified in Chapter 3.160 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinance, a new subsection, Chapter 3.160.030(g), requiring applicants for development tax incentives to be current in the payment of all City property taxes, and requires that the applicants be current in the payment of bills for water and refuse services provided by the City at the time of application for tax incentives from the City.
71802 Rezoning of (2009-11 Marconi Avenue
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on December 13, 2023, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District, in City Block 4075 (2009-11 Marconi Avenue), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4075; and containing an emergency clause
71769 Retention of Employees Performing Janitorial and Security Services
This Board Bill would establish requirements pertaining to the retention of employees performing janitorial and security services under contracts for such services with the City and/or City Agency. It provides for certain exemptions, setting forth consequences for violations, establishing requirements in the event the City and/or City Agency outsources janitorial and security services being performed by employees of the City and/or City Agency and establishes policies in the event the City and/or City Agency determines to have its employees perform janitorial and security services. It contains a severability clause and effective date clause.
71754 2021 Assistance- to Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
This Board Bill is recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the Fire Commissioner, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into the 2021 Assistance- to Firefighters Grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It authorizes the Fire Commissioner to accept the grant funds; appropriating said funds and a required City match for said funds; and authorizing the Fire Commissioner to expend the appropriated funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for grant purposes. It also contains an emergency clause.
71744 Speed Humps various Locations in the 5th Ward
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394 the proposed bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic at various locations within the Fifth Ward.
71743 Two-Way Stop Site at the intersection of Brannon Avenue and Lindenwood Avenue
The proposed bill will establish a two-way stop site at the intersection of Brannon Avenue and Lindenwood Avenue regulating all traffic travelling north and southbound on Brannon Avenue at the intersection of Brannon Avenue and Lindenwood Avenue.
71742 Amending Ordinance Number 70794 2018 International Building Code
The proposed bill amends Section Two of Ordinance Number 70794, adopting 2018 International Building Code with amendments, by the addition of a new subsection, subsection 119.3.3, to authorize the Building Commissioner to take steps to secure vacant buildings or structures of five-hundred thousand (500,000) or more square feet which pose significant, extensive concerns to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the public, to prevent their entry and occupancy including but not limited to the use of steel barriers or plates and engaging the services of a security services provider, with the cost of any such measures being paid for by the owner of the building or structure.
71723 Contract agreement with the Missouri Association of Area Agencies
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Division of Human Services (“DHS”), on behalf of the City of St. Louis, for the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging to enter into a contract agreement with the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4), to help older adults and community members access vaccines. Attached is Exhibit A, the ADVC Subaward and Scope of Work.
71717 Prohibiting Persons from Openly Carrying or Displaying Firearm
The proposed bill will prohibit persons from openly carrying or displaying any firearm readily capable of lethal use within the City unless the person possesses a valid concealed carry endorsement or permit as provided herein on their person or fails to present such endorsement or permit upon demand by a law enforcement officer.
71715 Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Clayton and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
This board bill authorizes the City of St. Louis through its Water Division to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Clayton and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. The City of St. Louis Water Division has waterlines conveying water from its Howard Bend Water Treatment Plant in Chesterfield into the City of St. Louis. These waterlines run through the City of Clayton. The Intergovernmental Agreement provides the City of St. Louis Water Division with an easement to access its waterlines. The previous access to the waterlines was eliminated when improvements were made to Highway 170. This agreement will correct the situation at no cost to the City of St. Louis.
71712 Two-Way Stop Site at the Intersection of Macklind Avenue and Botanical Avenue
The proposed bill will establish a two-way stop site at the intersection of Macklind Avenue and Botanical Avenue regulating all traffic travelling north and southbound on Macklind Avenue at the intersection of Macklind Avenue and Botanical Avenue; and a three-way stop site at the east intersection of Dagget Avenue and Boardman Street regulating all traffic travelling east and westbound on Dagget Avenue at the east intersection of Dagget Avenue and Boardman Street, and regulating all traffic travelling southbound on Boardman Street at the east intersection of Boardman Street and Dagget Avenue.
71699 Gardenside Subdivision Special Business District Renewal
An ordinance renewing the Gardenside Subdivision Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy subject to the approval of the qualified voters, bonding authority, and uses to which tax revenue may be put; creating a board of commissioners; and containing severability, effectiveness, and emergency clauses.
71698 Gardenside Subdivision Special Business District Ballot Renewal
The proposed bill renews the Gardenside Subdivision Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy subject to the approval of the qualified voters, bonding authority, and uses to which tax revenue may be put; creating a board of commissioners; and containing severability, effectiveness, and emergency clauses.
71666 OD2A Grant Award to the St. Louis City Department of Health
This Board Bill, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, appropriates up to Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) of the OD2A grant award to the Department of Health. The Department of Health is hereby authorized to accept such funds. The Director of the Department of Health is hereby authorized to expend such funds, and to make, negotiate, and execute any and all contracts or other documents on behalf of the City, for the purposes set forth in the grant; and contains an emergency clause.
71662 Homeland Security Grant for the St. Louis Fire Department
This Board Bill is recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the Fire Commissioner, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into the 2021 Assistance- to Firefighters Grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It authorizes the Fire Commissioner to accept the grant funds; appropriating said funds and a required City match for said funds; and authorizing the Fire Commissioner to expend the appropriated funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for grant purposes. It also contains an emergency clause.
71658 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs
This Board Bills is recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, spot curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein, appropriating $9,800,000.00 from the Street Improvement Fund; containing sections for description of the work, approval of plans and specifications, work and material guarantees, estimated costs from City funds and supplemental agreements and reversion authorizations, applicable state and federal wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor's Executive Orders, contract advertising statutes, and a public work emergency clause.
71646 Amending the Lead Poisoning Law
This ordinance amends the Lead Poisoning Control Law for the City of St. Louis by requiring certain building permits issue only following an inspection of lead hazards and certification that hazards will be addressed by qualified contractors and workers. These requirements will ensure hazardous lead conditions are effectively abated by contractors observing high standards for the safety of occupants and tenants, workers, and the surrounding community. Under current law, certain lead abatement projects require prior notice to the state. This Ordinance enacts penalties against lead abatement contractors who fail to comply with notification requirements under Missouri State law, and other notification requirements as set out in this ordinance. Contractors failing to provide initial notice under State law and this City Ordinance will be subject to a stop work order, suspension of City work permits on the instant work site, and a fine. Work may recommence upon payment of fine, compliance with notice requirements and the Building Commissioner’s satisfaction the contractor has complied with other permitting conditions. Lead abatement contractors who persistently fail to provide notification under State and City law shall forfeit their privilege of conducting lead abatement projects in the City of St. Louis. The Building Commissioner and City of St. Louis Lead Inspection and Hazard Control Division shall receive complaints regarding violations of this ordinance and accordingly conduct investigations, including through periodic inspections of lead abatement projects to determine on-site compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, permits, and project notifications submitted to the building Commissioner.
71560 Benjamin Polson Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Benjamin Polson Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Benjamin Polson Way will begin at the intersection of Shawmut Place and Ridge Avenue and run north on Shawmut Place to the intersection of Shawmut Place and North Wells Avenue.
71530 City Transportation Trust Fund
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transportation Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.600 through 94.655, RSMo., from the City Transportation Trust Fund in the amount of $21,209,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for transportation purposes for the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71529 City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., from the City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO in the amount of $11,107,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71528 City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., from the City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE in the amount of $11,107,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71505 City Annual Budget FY 2023
This bill is the City’s Annual Budget Appropriation for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 and containing an emergency clause.
71478 Increasing City Maximum Fines
The bill proposes to change the first sentence of Article IV, Section 24 of the City’s Charter to increase the maximum fine that be assessed for violations of ordinances regarding the preservation and protection of environmental conditions in the City for the prevention of harm to the health, safety and comfort of City residents or harm to private or public property such as the unauthorized dumping of waste or debris, prohibited refuse, waste tire disposal, and the like from $500.00 to $1,000.00. The bill provides for an election to be held on August 2, 2022, for voting on the Charter change.
71443 Ward Boundaries
An ordinance pertaining to ward boundaries for the City of St. Louis; repealing Ordinance 68981, codified as Chapter 2.12 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis 2020 Anno.; establishing new ward boundaries; with an emergency clause.
71395 Car Door Locks
The proposed bill would make it unlawful for an individual to lift the door handles or otherwise try the doors and locks of successive vehicles to gain entry to the vehicles unless the individual is the owner of the vehicles or has the owners’ permission to enter the vehicles. Individuals found to be in violation would be subject to a fine of not more than $500 and or a term of imprisonment not more than ninety days.
71305 Honorary Street Naming to Kim Massie Way
The proposed bill would create the honorary street name Kim Massie Way, beginning at the intersection of North Broadway and Convention Plaza and running south on North Broadway to the intersection of North Broadway and Lucas Avenue.
71300 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant
This Board Bill seeks the approval of a competitive Lead Hazard Reduction Grant in the amount of Two Million, Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand ($2,520,000) received by the Community Development Administration (CDA) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Funding from the grant will allow for CDA, the Building Division and Department of Health to continue efforts in reducing lead poisoning and will also allow for the remediation of lead hazards from 210 units of housing.
71267 Chapter 99 for 4914 Daggett Avenue
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 4914 Daggett Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%.
71265 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5509 Magnolia Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5509 Magnolia Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 50%.
71264 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5520 Daggett Ave
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5520 Daggett Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 50%.
71262 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 2732 59th St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 2732 59th St. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 50%. Construction of two attached townhomes will occur.
71247 Earnings Tax
An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to Section 92.115 RSMo, the question of whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
71228 Quick Claim Deed for 3724 Aldine
This Board Bill authorizes and directs the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of “Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), a Quit Clair Deed to forever quit-claim unto the Veterans Community Project a certain City-owned property located at 3724 Aldine, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
71225 Covid-19 Response Grant for Board of Elections
This Board Bill authorizes the Board of Elections to accept the Center for Tech and Civic Life (the “CTCL”) Covid-19 Response Grant of $1,034,200.00 to provide financial assistance to local election officials (“LEOs”) for expenses incurred between June 15, 2020 and December 31, 2020, associated with the safe administration of election responsibilities, including safe election day administration; poll worker recruitment, training and safety efforts; voter education and outreach for safe voting policies and procedures; and expanding and maintaining early in-person voting sites and expedited and improved vote-by-mail ballot processing. The grant limits reimbursement to expenses incurred between June 15 and December 31, 2020, in accordance with an assessment called “Safe Voting Plan” prepared by the STL BEC. The grant precludes supplanting previously appropriated funds to BEC or the reduction in budgeted funds to the BEC during the term of this grant unless CTCL grant funds are to be returned.
71191 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for 5633 - 37 Botanical Avenue
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5633-5637 Botanical Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 40%.
71182 CARES Act Funding
An Ordinance wherein Board of Aldermen authorizes the receipt of and appropriates funds (solely to the extent received) under the CARES Act, the Federal Emergency Management Act Grant Program, the Bureau of Justice Assistance Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program, the Community Development Block Grant Program, the Emergency Solutions Grant Program, and the Housing Opportunities for People with Aids and Ryan White Grant Programs, all relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; and containing an emergency clause. Additionally, the Ordinance allows for the appropriation of “Additional Cares Act Funds” that would correct the City of St Louis’ per capita funds.
71181 Annual Appropriation of the Transportation Sales Tax
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transportation Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.600 through 94.655, RSMo., from the City Transportation Trust Fund in the amount of $17,860,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for transportation purposes for the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71176 Ruggeri Place
New public street located in CB 4084 in the La Collina Subdivision
71173 City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., from the City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO in the amount of $9,354,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71172 ity Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE
This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the This Bill is the City’s annual appropriation of the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., from the City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE in the amount of $9,354,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This Bill contains an emergency clause. imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., from the City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE in the amount of $9,354,000 to the Bi-State Development Agency for the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This Bill contains an emergency clause.
71165 Short Term Notes
The Notes will assist the City in financing, in part, the City’s cash flow requirements during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, to allow the City to cover periods of temporary cash flow deficits resulting from an uneven flow of revenues. The bill will authorize the City to issue short term notes to address cash flows issues. The main components of the bill. This includes an overview of its significant provisions and/or sections? An Ordinance to provide for the borrowing of funds in anticipation of the collection of tax payments levied by the City for deposit in its General Revenue Fund for the calendar year ending December 31, 2020, and remaining uncollected and other revenues remaining to be collected and deposited in the General Revenue Fund for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, all such revenues for the General Revenue Fund in the Treasury of the City through the issuance by the City of its Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, and the acquiring of credit enhancement, if necessary, in order to lower the cost of such borrowing; prescribing the form and details of such Notes; authorizing and approving certain documents and other actions; and containing an emergency clause. Proceeds of the Notes will allow the City to fund necessary operating costs incurred and due prior to the collection of certain revenues of the City.
71160 The City’s Annual Budget Appropriation for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021
This bill is the City’s Annual Budget Appropriation for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Billion, One Hundred Sixteen Million, Three Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand, Four Hundred Ninety-Seven Dollars ($1,116,375,497) which sum is hereby appropriated from Revenue and Special Funds named for the purposes hereinafter enumerated and containing an emergency clause.
71159 Honorary Naming of a Street to Alderman Samuel Moore Way
The proposed bill authorizes the installation of an honorary street sign, Alderman Samuel Moore Way, at the intersection of Garfield Avenue and Newstead Avenue.
71138 Redevelopment Plan for 5476 Dempsey & 5027 Daggett
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5476 Dempsey Ave. and 5027 Daggett Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 40%.
71122 Sale of City Owned Property at 1485-1487 South Vandeventer Avenue
The City of St. Louis is the owner of certain real property located at 1485-1487 South Vandeventer Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (the “Property”). The Property currently sits as a vacant lot. The Transgender Memorial, LLC plan to purchase the Property from the City to preserve the Transgender Memorial Garden of St. Louis in perpetuity as a memorial to murdered Trans people, a green space with a grove, a gathering space for Trans and LGBTQ community, and the greater community of the Grove and St. Louis. The proposed Bill will have a positive impact on the community, as it will help beautify the neighborhood and surround areas.
71110 The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area and Plan LCRA Law
Overall Purpose/Reasons for the Board Bill The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area consists of approximately 34.7 acres, including rights-of-way, and is generally comprised of I-64 exit and entrance ramps and associated rights-of-way, Aloe Plaza West park, surface parking, and vacant and occupied commercial buildings. The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Plan contemplates that the Redevelopment Area will be redeveloped for use as a stadium and associated team facilities, but Aloe Plaza West will remain a public park owned by the City. The Redevelopment Plan contemplates 25 years of real property tax abatement on the value of improvements constructed within the Redevelopment Area, as well as certain other incentives. To implement those incentives, the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Area must qualify under both the LCRA Law (Chapter 99) and the Urban Redevelopment Corporation Law (Chapter 353). What the Board Bill Will Do Approves the Redevelopment Plan under the LCRA Law. Key points: • Declares the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” under the LCRA Law. • Approves condemnation for property located at 2008-2012 Olive Street. • Requires Redeveloper to comply with all City requirements relating to non-discrimination and MBE and WBE utilization. • A companion Board Bill (Board Bill Number 215) approves declares the Redevelopment Area to be blighted under Chapter 353 and approves a Master Redevelopment Agreement and other documents in connection with the project. The Main Components of the Board Bill The Project • Approximately 22,500-seat professional soccer stadium. • Team offices. • Practice fields. • Parking facilities. • Renovated Aloe Plaza West (which will remain a City-owned public park). • Various street, sidewalk and utility improvements. Available Incentives • 25-year real property tax abatement on the assessed value of the stadium (the Redeveloper will pay real property taxes on the value of the underlying land during this period). • Sales tax exemption on the purchase of construction materials used to complete the stadium and related team facilities. • Creation of a community improvement district and transportation development district (each imposing a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • If the port district is extended to include the project site (which would require passage of a separate board bill), the potential creation of a port improvement district (that would impose a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • Abatement of amusement tax (which is already applicable for this type of project pursuant to Chapter 8.08 of the City Code). Redeveloper Responsibilities and Obligations • Acquire the property and construct the project. • Comply with generally applicable MBE/WBE, competitive bidding, prevailing wage, First Source employment and living wage requirements. • Keep the stadium and related facilities in good repair. • Cooperate with the LCRA to identify potential locations for off-site parking that would be beneficial to both fans attending soccer matches and businesses in the downtown west area. • If the team relocates within 10 years, pay to the City the sum of $15 million reduced by $1.5 million for each year or portion thereof that the team operates within the City. City/LCRA Responsibilities and Obligations • Facilitate the incentives described above. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to acquire the necessary property. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to identify and obtain other funding sources, such as assistance from the State of Missouri. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper with respect to signage, security, marketing, traffic management, street maintenance, sidewalk utilization, construction staging, etc. in generally the same manner as the City cooperates with the Cardinals and the Blues. The Impact of the Board Bill to the Community The Board Bill will incentivize the Redeveloper to invest more than $500 million in the City to attract an expansion Major League Soccer franchise and construct a professional soccer stadium and related team facilities.
71109 Authorizes the Master Redevelopment Agreement for the Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area
Overall Purpose/Reasons for the Board Bill The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area consists of approximately 34.7 acres, including rights-of-way, and is generally comprised of I-64 exit and entrance ramps and associated rights-of-way, Aloe Plaza West park, surface parking, and vacant and occupied commercial buildings. The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Plan contemplates that the Redevelopment Area will be redeveloped for use as a stadium and associated team facilities, but Aloe Plaza West will remain a public park owned by the City. The Redevelopment Plan contemplates 25 years of real property tax abatement on the value of improvements constructed within the Redevelopment Area, as well as certain other incentives. To implement those incentives, the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Area must qualify under both the LCRA Law (Chapter 99) and the Urban Redevelopment Corporation Law (Chapter 353). What the Board Bill Will Do Approves the Redevelopment Plan under Chapter 353 and authorizes the Master Redevelopment Agreement. Key points: • Declares the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” under Chapter 353. • Approves condemnation for property located at 2008-2012 Olive Street. • Requires Redeveloper to comply with all City requirements relating to non-discrimination and MBE and WBE utilization. • Approves Master Redevelopment Agreement (described below) and related documents: o Cooperation Agreement regarding improvements to Aloe Plaza West o Cooperation and Transportation Project Agreement regarding proposed CID and TDD o Encroachment Agreement regarding reconstruction of Market Street • A companion Board Bill (Board Bill Number 216) will declare the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” and approve the Redevelopment Plan under the LCRA Law The Main Components of the Board Bill The Project • Approximately 22,500-seat professional soccer stadium. • Team offices. • Practice fields. • Parking facilities. • Renovated Aloe Plaza West (which will remain a City-owned public park). • Various street, sidewalk and utility improvements. Available Incentives • 25-year real property tax abatement on the assessed value of the stadium (the Redeveloper will pay real property taxes on the value of the underlying land during this period). • Sales tax exemption on the purchase of construction materials used to complete the stadium and related team facilities. • Creation of a community improvement district and transportation development district (each imposing a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • If the port district is extended to include the project site (which would require passage of a separate board bill), the potential creation of a port improvement district (that would impose a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • Abatement of amusement tax (which is already applicable for this type of project pursuant to Chapter 8.08 of the City Code). Redeveloper Responsibilities and Obligations • Acquire the property and construct the project. • Comply with generally applicable MBE/WBE, competitive bidding, prevailing wage, First Source employment and living wage requirements. • Keep the stadium and related facilities in good repair. • Cooperate with the LCRA to identify potential locations for off-site parking that would be beneficial to both fans attending soccer matches and businesses in the downtown west area. • If the team relocates within 10 years, pay to the City the sum of $15 million reduced by $1.5 million for each year or portion thereof that the team operates within the City. City/LCRA Responsibilities and Obligations • Facilitate the incentives described above. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to acquire the necessary property. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to identify and obtain other funding sources, such as assistance from the State of Missouri. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper with respect to signage, security, marketing, traffic management, street maintenance, sidewalk utilization, construction staging, etc. in generally the same manner as the City cooperates with the Cardinals and the Blues. The Impact of the Board Bill to the Community The Board Bills will incentivize the Redeveloper to invest more than $500 million in the City to attract an expansion Major League Soccer franchise and construct a professional soccer stadium and related team facilities.
71101 Amendment to Ground Lease at 5927 Suson Place
The City of St. Louis is the owner of certain real property and improvements situated thereon located at 5927 Suson Place, St. Louis, Missouri 63139, commonly known as the Hampton Gardens Apartments (the “Property”). The City currently leases the Property to Lucas-Hunt Associates, a Missouri limited partnership. The City and Lucas-Hunt Associates mutually desire to extend the Lease for a period of fifty years through May 15, 2070. The proposed Bill will have a positive impact on the community, as it will continue to serve the public need for housing in St. Louis and the St. Louis Hills community.
71083 Redevelopment Plan for 5223 Botanical
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5223 Botanical Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 50%.
71036 An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment making a supplemental appropriation to the Annual Budget Ordinance 70963 for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, amounting to the sum of Nine Million Three
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment making a supplemental appropriation to the Annual Budget Ordinance 70963 for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, amounting to the sum of Nine Million Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand and Four Hundred Sixty Dollars ($9,360,460.00), and containing an Emergency Clause.
71008 Northeast Hampton/I-64 CID
71002 TIF Northeast Hampton/I-44 Redevelopment Project
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the issuance and delivery of not to exceed $5,172,000 plus issuance costs principal amount of tax increment and special district revenue notes (Northeast Hampton/I-44 Redevelopment Project) Series 20__-A/B, of The City of St. Louis, Missouri; prescribing the form and details of such notes and the covenants and agreements made by the City to facilitate and protect the payment thereof; prescribing other matters relating thereto, and containing a severability clause.
70978 Transportation Sales Tax
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $21,940,000, as described and defined in Section 94.600 through 94.655, RSMo. 2000 as amended for the period herein stated, which sum is hereby appropriated out of the “Transportation Trust Fund” to the Bi-State Development Agency for transportation purposes; and further providing that the appropriation is conditional upon the Bi-State Development Agency supplying the Board of Estimate and Apportionment an annual evaluation report; further providing that in no event shall the Comptroller draw warrants on the Treasurer for an amount greater than the amount of proceeds deposited in the “Transportation Trust Fund” during the period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; further providing that the appropriation is conditional upon Bi-¬State requiring the payment of prevailing wages and benefits to employees of outside service contractors; and containing a severability clause.
70977 Transit Sales Tax Account #2
An Ordinance pertaining to the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., as adopted and approved by the voters of St. Louis City on November 4, 1997, pursuant to Ordinance 64111 creating the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” directing the Treasurer of the City of St. Louis to deposit funds received pursuant to said sales tax into the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account TWO” appropriating $11,580,000 from the said sales tax for the period herein stated to the Bi-State Development Agency for certain purposes; providing for the payment of such funds during the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020; further providing that in no event shall the Comptroller draw warrants on the Treasurer for an amount greater than the amounts of the proceeds deposited in the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” during the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; and containing a severability clause.
70976 Transit Sales Tax Account #1
An Ordinance pertaining to the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., as adopted and approved by the voters of St. Louis City on August 2, 1994, pursuant to Ordinance 63168 creating the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” directing the Treasurer of the City of St. Louis to deposit funds received pursuant to said sales tax into the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE” appropriating $11,580,000 from the said sales tax for the period herein stated to the Bi-State Development Agency for certain purposes; providing for the payment of such funds during the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020; further providing that in no event shall the Comptroller draw warrants on the Treasurer for an amount greater than the amounts of the proceeds deposited in the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” during the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; and containing a severability clause.
70967 2019 TRANS
An Ordinance to provide for the borrowing of funds in anticipation of the collection of tax payments levied by The City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) for deposit in its General Revenue Fund for the calendar year ending December 31, 2019, and remaining uncollected and other revenues remaining to be collected and deposited in the General Revenue Fund for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, all such revenues for the General Revenue Fund in the board of The City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “Treasury”), through the issuance by the City of its Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, and the acquiring of credit enhancement, if necessary, in order to lower the cost of such borrowing; prescribing the form and details of such Notes; authorizing and approving certain documents and other actions; and containing an emergency clause.
70963 Budget FY 2020
An ordinance making appropriation for payment of Interest, Expenses and Principal of the City’s Bonded Indebtedness, establishing City tax rates, and making appropriation for current year expenses of the City Government, Water Division, St. Louis Airport Commission, Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Health Care Trust Fund, Use Tax Excess Trust Fund, Building Demolition Fund, Assessor, Communications Division, City Employee Pension Trust Fund, Forest Park Fund, Child Support Unit (Circuit Attorney's Office), Circuit Attorney Training and Collection Fee Funds, Public Administrators Fund, Port Administration Fund, Peace Officer Training Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Capital Improvements Sales Tax Trust Fund, Metro Parks Sales Tax Fund, Centralized Mailroom and Equipment Services Fuel Internal Service Funds, Tourism Fund, Lateral Sewer Fund, Public Safety Trust Fund, Public Safety Sales Tax Trust Fund, Economic Development Tax Trust Fund, Local Parks Fund, Public Safety Sales and Use Tax Fund (Prop P), Neighborhood Parks Fund, BJC/City Trust Fund, Miscellaneous Special Funds, Trustee Lease Fund, Riverfront Gaming Fund, Various Grant Funds, Tax Increment District Special Allocation Fund, City Convention and Sports Facility Trust Fund, and Employee Benefits Fund (Department of Personnel) for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Billion, One Hundred Forty-Nine Million, Two Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand, Five Hundred Ninety-One Dollars ($1,149,226,591) which sum is hereby appropriated from Revenue and Special Funds named for the purposes hereinafter enumerated and containing an emergency clause.
70953 Redevelopment Plan for 5726 Reber
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5726 Reber Pl. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated November 13, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year tax abatement (based on 50% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70947 Redevelopment Plan for 5126 Daggett & 5135 Daggett
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5126 Daggett Ave. & 5135 Daggett Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 22, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year tax abatement (based on 50% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70946 Redevelopment Plan for 1929 Edwards & 5210 Daggett
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1929 Edwards St. & 5210 Daggett Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 22, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year tax abatement (based on 36% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70891 Opioid Crisis
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health to enter into and execute an Opioid Crisis Response Services Contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services in order to help to fund some personnel costs, auto travel reimbursement and equipment/supplies for a Crisis Resource Response Team, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and to expend funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the Opioid Crisis Response Services Contract purposes and containing an emergency clause.
70886 3120 Alfred Quit Deed
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Mary Jane Waggoner for certain City-owned property located in City Block 5054, which property is known as 3120 Alfred Avenue, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00), and containing an emergency clause.
70843 Redevelopment Plan for the 3201 Morgan Ford Rd. Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3201 Morgan Ford Rd. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 24, 2018, for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year tax abatement based on 95% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70818 condemnation by the City of St. Louis to acquire a site consisting of about 97 acres in North St. Louis near the intersection of Jefferson and Cass Avenues which is owned in fee simple by LCRA Holdings Corporation (“LCRAH”), which site was chosen for
An ordinance approved and recommended by the Board of Public Service and enacted pursuant to Article XXI of the City Charter and Chapter 523 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri; approving the use of condemnation by the City of St. Louis to acquire a site consisting of about 97 acres in North St. Louis near the intersection of Jefferson and Cass Avenues which is owned in fee simple by LCRA Holdings Corporation (“LCRAH”), which site was chosen for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's new NGA West facility, and which is described more fully in Exhibit A ("Property") and a map of the Property contained in Exhibit B; finding that development of the NGA West facility is in the national interest as well as the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City by continuing the City's ongoing efforts to remedy defective or inadequate street layout, unsanitary or unsafe conditions, and other conditions which negatively impact the public health, safety, morals or welfare at and near the site of the planned NGA West project; finding that acquisition of the Property is required for purposes of national security; finding that there is a plan to put the Property to public use by the government of the United States of America; finding that the Property is unoccupied, but is the location for the planned National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's new NGA West complex; appropriating funds and authorizing the expenditure of funds for the acquisition of said Property; approving the City's subsequent transfer of title to the Property to LCRAH or to the United States government; authorizing and directing certain actions by City officials; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70779 zoning of property in City Block 4741, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District and “F” Neighborhood Commercial District to the “A” Single-Family Dwelling District only, at 5201 Fyler,
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on February 7, 2018, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map and in City Block 4741, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District and “F” Neighborhood Commercial District to the “A” Single-Family Dwelling District only, at 5201 Fyler Avenue, so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4741; and containing an emergency clause.
70694 Redevelopment plan for 5231 - 5233 Shaw & 5239 - 5241 Shaw
BOARD BILL NO. 198 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5231-5233 & 5239-5241 Shaw Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 26, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (first 5 years based on 100% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and second 5 years based on 0% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70645 Redevelopment plan for 5345 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 143 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5345 Daggett Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 25, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (first 5 years based on 75% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and second 5 years based on 50% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70631 Redevelopment plan for 5219 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 100 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5219 Daggett Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 25, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement with five (5) years of payments in lieu of taxes or up to five (5) years real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70590 Ordinance to issue Taxable Industrial Bonds
BOARD BILL #54 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing The City of St. Louis, Missouri to issue its Taxable Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Huvepharma Inc. Project), Series 2017, in a principal amount of not to exceed $20,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing, equipping and improving an industrial development project in the City; approving a plan for such project; authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller to execute certain documents related thereto; and authorizing and directing the taking of other actions and approval and execution of other documents as are necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof.
70492 Redevelopment plan for 5214 Wilson
BOARD BILL NO. 274 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5214 Wilson Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 13, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement with five (5) years of payments in lieu of taxes or up to five (5) years real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70491 Redevelopment plan for 5217 Botanical
BOARD BILL NO. 273 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5217 Botanical Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated November 15, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement with five (5) years of payments in lieu of taxes or up to five (5) years real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70483 vacation of alley at Kemper from Hereford westwardly
BOARD BILL NO. 212 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in Kemper from Hereford westwardly 82.34 feet to a point previously vacated by Ordinance 69720 in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
70477 Redevelopment plan for 5006-5030 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 228 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5006-5030 Daggett Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated November 15, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70476 Zoning change for 5006-30 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 215 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on December 7, 2016, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “J” Industrial District to the “D” Multiple-Family Dwelling District, in City Block 4085 (5006-30 Daggett Avenue), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4085; and containing an emergency clause.
70403 Amending Northeast Hampton, I-44 TIF
BOARD BILL #160 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 70076 and 70077 Relating To The Northeast Hampton/I-44 TIF Redevelopment Project; And Prescribing Other Matters Relating Thereto.
70364 Redevelopment plan for 5214 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 116 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5214 Daggett Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 26, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70363 Redevelopment plan for 5378-5390 Southwest
BOARD BILL NO. 115 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5378-5390 Southwest Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 26, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70314 Ordinance calling for a proposal to levy property tax
BOARD BILL NO. 57 INTRODUCED BY PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance calling and providing for the holding of an election in the City of St. Louis on November 8, 2016, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of St. Louis a proposal to levy and collect a property tax of five cents per each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the purpose of providing services to persons aged sixty or older.
70277 Program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances
BOARD BILL NO. 36 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMEN AND ALDERMEN LYDA KREWSON, CARA SPENCER, DIONNE FLOWERS, MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, CAROL HOWARD, KENNETH ORTMANN FRANK WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH VACCARO, PRESIDENT REED, MARLENE DAVIS, STEPHEN CONWAY, SHANE COHN, DONNA BARINGER, LARRY ARNOWITZ, ANTONIO FRENCH, JOSEPH VOLLMER, TERRY KENNEDY, JEFFREY BOYD, CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance pertaining to the development and administration of a program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances by professionals licensed to prescribe or dispense such substances within the City of St. Louis; establishing penalties for violations thereof; authorizing Health Department officials to work with officials in St. Louis County, which is currently setting up a prescription drug monitoring program; authorizing the receipt of donations for support of the monitoring program; and containing an emergency clause.
70220 Redevelopment plan for 2123 Marconi
BOARD BILL NO. 276 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated December 15, 2015 for the 2123 Marconi Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
70203 Lease of 5151 Northrup Avenue
BOARD BILL # 202 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 64210 authorizing a lease agreement with the Saint Louis Public Schools Gateway Institute of Technology and terminating said lease agreement dated June 9, 1998, and authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to remise, release and forever quit-claim unto The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District certain City-owned property which property is known as 5151 Northrup Avenue and which consists of Lot E through M in Block 8 of the Sublette’s Subdivision in Block 3998-D.
70184 Earnings Tax
BOARD BILL No. # 265 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERMAN THOMAS VILLA, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERMAN ANTONIO FRENCH, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to section 92.115 RSMo., the question whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
70178 Redevelopment plan for 2733 January
BOARD BILL NO. 224 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2733 January Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 27, 2015 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70177 Redevelopment plan for 4418-4420 Connecticut
BOARD BILL NO. 223 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4418-4420 Connecticut Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 27, 2015 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70176 Redevelopment plan for 4339 Juniata
BOARD BILL NO. 222 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4339 Juniata Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 27, 2015 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70164 Prohibiting liquor in the 10th Ward
70120 Soldiers Memorial Agreement
70097 Redevelopment plan for 5213-5215 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 132 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated June 23, 2015 for the 5213-5215 Bischoff Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
70077 Northeast Hampton/I-44 Special Allocation Fund TIF Plan
BOARD BILL #121 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance designating a portion of the City of St. Louis, Missouri as a redevelopment area known as the Northeast Hampton/1-44 Redevelopment Area pursuant to the Real Property Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act; approving a redevelopment plan and a redevelopment project with respect thereto; adopting tax increment financing within the redevelopment area; making findings with respect thereto; establishing the Northeast Hampton/1-44 Special Allocation Fund; authorizing certain actions by City officials; and containing a severability clause.
70076 Northeast Hampton/I-44 Special Allocation Fund TIF Agreement
BOARD BILL #120 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance affirming adoption of a redevelopment plan, redevelopment area, and redevelopment project; authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the City of St. Louis and Jerry Ackerman Motor Company; prescribing the form and details of said agreement; designating Jerry Ackerman Motor Company, as developer of the redevelopment area; making certain findings with respect thereto; authorizing other related actions in connection with the redevelopment of certain property within the redevelopment area; and containing a severability clause.
70005 Redevelopment plan for 5921 Southwest, 4405 Fyler, 3279-3283 Alfred
BOARD BILL NO. 24 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated April 20, 2015 for the 5921 Southwest Ave., 4405 Fyler Ave., and 3279-3283 Alfred Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
70004 Redevelopment plan for 3531-3537 S. Kingshighway
BOARD BILL NO. 23 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated April 20, 2015 for the 3531-3537 South Kingshighway Blvd. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69994 Southwest Columbia Bridge
BOARD BILL NO. 44 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance, recommended by the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis (the "Board of Public Service"), establishing a public works and improvement project for the Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad involving the demolition of the Columbia Avenue Bridge and the Southwest Avenue Bridge and the construction of one new bridge and associated roadway improvements (the “Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad Project”); authorizing and directing the City of St. Louis (the "City"), by and through its Board of Public Service, to let contracts and provide for the Planning, Engineering Design, and Property Acquisition for the Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad Project; authorizing the Board of Public Service to employ labor and consultants, pay salaries, fees and wages, acquire any and all said real and personal property rights and interests, in whole or in part, including easements (by lease, purchase, eminent domain, condemnation, or otherwise), as necessary for completion of the Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad Project, and to enter into supplemental agreements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, Federal Highway Administration, utilities, railroads, and other governmental agencies as necessary for completion of the Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad Project, all in accordance with the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. § 110, et seq.), with any contract containing sections for: description of the work, material guarantees, estimated expenditure allocations, fund reversion authorization, applicable federal and state wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor’s Executive Orders, and contract advertising statutes; requiring that all work provided for herein shall be carried out in accordance with detailed plans and specifications adopted and approved by the Board of Public Service before bids are advertised therefor; directing that all construction contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for federal and state prevailing wage requirements, including prevailing wage holiday and overtime pay, and compliance with all applicable statutes of the State of Missouri, including Sections 290.210 through 290.340 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, the City Charter, City ordinances including the “Complete Streets Policy,” (City Ordinance 68663), when applicable, and the Revised Code of the City, as amended; requiring that all contractors shall comply with the provisions of Sections 285.525 through 285.555 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, by requiring enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program and agreeing not to knowingly employ unauthorized aliens; requiring that all contractors shall comply with the provisions of Section 292.675 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, by providing a ten-hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration construction safety program for their on-site employees; requiring that all contractors shall comply with the provisions of Section 34.057 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (Prompt Payment/Retainage), as applicable; requiring the furnishing of a bond by every contractor on this public works project pursuant to the provisions of Section 107.170 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended; requiring compliance with Section 34.353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended (Domestic Product Procurement Act – Buy American); requiring all specifications approved by the Board of Public Service and contracts let by authority of this Ordinance shall provide for: compliance with the Mayor’s Executive Orders on Equal Opportunity and maximum MBE/WBE/DBE utilization goals, except when superseded or prohibited by federal or state law or regulation; requiring all advertisements for bids pursuant to this Ordinance be subject to the provisions of Section 8.250 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended; appropriating the total estimated cost for the Planning, Engineering Design, and Property Acquisition of the Columbia and Southwest Bridge Reconstruction Over the Union Pacific Railroad Project of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) from various sources including the Federal Highway Administration Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), and the Union Pacific Railroad Company; authorizing and directing the Comptroller of the City to draw warrants from time to time and disburse funds appropriated by this Ordinance and to receive and disburse grant funds in accordance with the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. § 110, et seq.) upon the signature and certification of vouchers by the President of the Board of Public Service; and containing a public work emergency clause.
69976 Redevelopment plan for 5532 Magnolia
BOARD BILL NO. 262 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated January 13, 2015 for the 5532 Maganolia Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69975 Redevelopment plan for 5519 Botanical
BOARD BILL NO. 261 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated January 13, 2015 for the 5519 Botanical Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69969 Redevelopment plan for 3219 Regal Place
BOARD BILL NO. 253 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated January 13, 2015 for the 3219 Regal Place Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69964 Redevelopment plan for 5435 Elizabeth
BOARD BILL NO. 237 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated December 16, 2014 for the 5435 Elizabeth Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69963 Redevelopment plan for 5528 Botanical
BOARD BILL NO. 236 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated December 16, 2014 for the 5528 Botanical Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69910 Redevelopment plan for 1918 Edwards
BOARD BILL NO. 184 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated October 28, 2014 for the 1918 Edwards St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69898 Redev plan for 2615 January
BOARD BILL NO. 156 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated September 23, 2014 for the 2615 January Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69891 Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds
BOARD BILL #195 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN PHYLLIS YOUNG, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) authorizing and directing the St. Louis Municipal Finance Corporation (the “Corporation”) to issue and sell its Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds in order to refund all or a portion of its outstanding Refunded Bonds (as defined herein) and its Leasehold Revenue Improvement Bonds to fund the construction, repair, improvement and renovation of the Cervantes Convention Center (as defined herein) (collectively, the “Leasehold Revenue Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000 for the general welfare, safety and benefit of the citizens of the City; authorizing and directing the officers of the Corporation to execute and deliver the Supplemental Indenture (as defined herein), the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement (as defined herein), the Supplemental Deed of Trust (as defined herein), the Official Statement (as defined herein), and the Bond Purchase Agreement (as defined herein); authorizing the City to execute and deliver, as necessary or desirable to facilitate the transactions contemplated hereby, the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement, the Tax Compliance Agreement (as defined herein), the Continuing Disclosure Agreement (as defined herein), the Official Statement, and the Bond Purchase Agreement; providing for a debt service reserve fund or funds, if any, and a capitalized interest fund or funds, if any, for the Leasehold Revenue Bonds (as defined herein); authorizing the Corporation and the City to obtain credit enhancement for all or any portion of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds from one or more Credit Providers (as defined herein); authorizing the payment of any obligations due to such Credit Provider or Credit Providers, if any; and authorizing the Comptroller and any other appropriate City officials to execute the Credit Agreement (as defined herein) and other documents related thereto, if any; authorizing participation of appropriate City officials in preparing the Official Statement; authorizing the acceptance of the terms of the Bond Purchase Agreement and the taking of further actions with respect thereto; authorizing the payment of certain costs of issuance of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds; authorizing and directing the taking of other actions and approval and execution of other documents as necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof; superseding provisions of prior ordinances of the City to the extent inconsistent with the terms hereof; and containing an emergency clause.
69888 Zoning change for 5213 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 163 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on October 1, 2014, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District, in City Block 4074 (a portion of 5213 Bischoff), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4074; and containing an emergency clause.
69874 10th Ward Liquor Control District
69843 Redevelopment plan for 5132 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 110 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated June 24, 2014 for the 5132 Daggett Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69836 Redevelopment plan for 5624 Magnolia
BOARD BILL NO. 101 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated June 24, 2014 for the 3130 Ohio Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that no property within the Area is occupied, but if it shall become occupied, the Redeveloper (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a five (5) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69805 Redevelopment plan for 5223 Elizabeth
BOARD BILL NO. 20 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated March 25, 2014 for the 5223 Elizabeth Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69799 2015 S. 59th Street
BOARD BILL NO. 82 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance authorizing the execution of a commercial lease with an option to purchase between the City of St. Louis and R and C Company; prescribing the form and details of said commercial lease; authorizing other related actions in connection therewith; containing an emergency clause.
69764 Redevelopment plan for 5135 Shaw
BOARD BILL NO. 22 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated February 25, 2014 for the 5135 Shaw Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69762 Redevelopment plan for 5444 Odell
BOARD BILL NO. 18 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated February 25, 2014 for the 5444 Odell St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69720 Street vacation of Kemper at Hereford
BOARD BILL NO. 313 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in a portion of Kemper beginning 82.34’west of Hereford and continuing 157.66 feet to a point previously vacated by Ordinance 68544 in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
69719 Redev. plan for 5707-15 and 5725-27 Parc Ridge
BOARD BILL NO. 312 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated January 28, 2014 for the 5707-15 & 5725-27 Parc Ridge Way Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69642 Vacation of Pattison at Hereford
BOARD BILL # 230 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in an irregular portion of Pattison beginning approximately 190 feet east of Hereford and continuing eastwardly 210 feet to a point in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
69597 Prohib. liquor in 10th Ward
69556 Redev. plan for 2313 Edwards
BOARD BILL NO. 152 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated August 27, 2013 for the 2313 Edwards St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69555 Redev. plan for 2107 Lilly
BOARD BILL NO. 151 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated August 27, 2013 for the 2107 Lilly Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69554 Redev. plan for 5546 Dugan
BOARD BILL NO. 150 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated August 27, 2013 for the 5546 Dugan Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69543 Redevelopment plan for 5314 Wilson
BOARD BILL NO. 99 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated May 28, 2013 for the 5314 Wilson Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69491 Rezoning for Charlie Gitto's
BOARD BILL NO. 65 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on May 1, 2013, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District, in City Block 4076 (5220 & 5222 Shaw), so as to include the described parcels of land in City Block 4076; and containing an emergency clause.
69483 Redevelopment plan for 1924 Edwards
BOARD BILL NO. 51 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated April 23, 2013 for the 1924 Edwards St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69482 Redevelopment plan for 5517-19 Dugar
BOARD BILL NO. 50 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated April 23, 2013 for the 5517-19 Dugan Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69454 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement
BOARD BILL #34 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FRED WESSELS, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN KEN ORTMANN, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD An Ordinance adopted pursuant to Sections 70.210-70.325 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (2000); authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller, on behalf of The City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) to execute and deliver an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by and among the City, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “County”), the Economic Council of St. Louis County (“SLCEC”) and St. Louis Development Corporation (“SLDC”), concerning the combination of existing SLCEC and SLDC business development, business finance and entrepreneurial support services; prescribing and approving the form and details of said Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement; making certain findings and declaring the official intent of the Board of Aldermen with respect thereto; authorizing other related actions in connection with the implementation of said Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement; and containing a severability clause.
69324 Redevelopment plan for 5237-5239 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 185 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated September 25, 2012 for the 5237-5239 Bischoff Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69314 Redevelopment plan for 5231-35 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 149 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated July 24, 2012 for the 5231-5235 Bischoff Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69313 Redevelopment plan for 5130 Shaw
BOARD BILL NO. 148 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated July 24, 2012 for the 5130 Shaw Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69312 Redevelopment plan for 2226 Edwards
BOARD BILL NO. 147 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated July 24, 2012 for the 2226 Edwards St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69263 Ordinance pertaining to solicitation on highway entrance and exit ramps
B0ARD BILL 161 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERWOMAN PHYLLIS YOUNG, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERWOMAN JENNIFER FLORIDA, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN ALFRED WESSELS, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN CHARLES Q. TROUPE, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An Ordinance pertaining to solicitation on highway entrance and exit ramps within the City of St. Louis; amending Section One, Part 829.060 (e) of Ordinance 57831, approved April 19, 1979 codified in Section 17.20.070 (E) of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, adding new sections pertaining to the same subject matter and containing a severability and emergency clause.
69220 Redevelopment plan for 5025 Pattison Avenue
BOARD BILL NO. 65 INTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5025 Pattison Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 22, 2012 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
69165 Public works for Kingshighway Blvd
BOARD BILL NO.39 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY AND ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance, recommended by the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis (the "Board of Public Service"), establishing a public works and improvement project for the Kingshighway Boulevard Bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad involving the reconstruction of the bridge and associated roadway improvements on Kingshighway Boulevard from Interstate 44 to Vandeventer Avenue, and the relocation and improvements of Shaw Avenue in the vicinity of Kingshighway Boulevard (the ?Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project?); and authorizing and directing the City of St. Louis (the "City"), by and through its Board of Public Service, to let contracts and provide for Property Acquisition and Construction of the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project; authorizing the Board of Public Service to employ labor and consultants, pay salaries, fees and wages, acquire any and all said real and personal property rights and interests, in whole or in part, including easements (by lease, purchase, eminent domain, condemnation, or otherwise), as necessary for completion of the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project, and to enter into supplemental agreements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, Federal Highway Administration, utilities, railroads, and other governmental agencies for the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project all in accordance with the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. 110, et seq.), with any contract containing sections for: description of the work, material guarantees, estimated expenditure allocations, fund reversion authorization, applicable federal and state wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor?s Executive Orders, and contract advertising statutes; requiring that all work provided for herein shall be carried out in accordance with detailed plans and specifications adopted and approved by the Board of Public Service before bids are advertised therefor; directing that all construction contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for federal and state prevailing wage requirements including prevailing wage holiday and overtime pay and compliance with all applicable statutes of the State of Missouri, the City Charter and the Revised Code of the City, as amended; requiring all specifications approved by the Board of Public Service and contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for: compliance with the Mayor?s Executive Orders on Equal Opportunity and maximum MBE/WBE/DBE utilization goals, except when superseded or prohibited by federal or state law or regulation; contractor?s compliance with the provisions of Sections 285.525 thru 285.555 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, by requiring enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program and no knowing employment of unauthorized aliens; contractor?s compliance with the provisions of Section 292.675 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, by providing a ten-hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration construction safety program for their on-site employees; contractor?s compliance with the provisions of Section 34.057 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, (Prompt Payment/Retainage), as applicable; requiring all advertisements for bids pursuant to this Ordinance be subject to the provisions of Section 8.250 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri., as amended; and appropriating Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($18,500,000.00), in addition to Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000.00) previously authorized by Ordinance 68839, for the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project from various sources including the Federal Highway Administration Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), and the Union Pacific Railroad Company; authorizing and directing the Comptroller of the City to draw warrants from time to time and disburse funds appropriated by this ordinance and to receive and disburse grant funds in accordance with the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. 110, et seq.) upon the signature and certification of vouchers by the President of the Board of Public Service; authorizing the Board of Public Service to accept on behalf of the City monetary donations from other governmental agencies and others to assist in paying for the work authorized in this Ordinance; and containing a public work emergency clause.
69125 Sale of 5151 R. Northrup
BOARD BILL NO. 245 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to remise, release and forever quit-claim unto VOLPI FOODS, certain City-owned property located in City Block 3998 - D, which property is a parcel of land containing 0.58 acres more or less known and numbered as 5151 R Northrup 63110.
69057 Redev. plan for 5439 Reber Pl.
BOARD BILL NO. 196 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated September 27, 2011 for the 5439 Reber Pl. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the ?Plan?) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (?Area?) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (?LCRA?), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (?Board?) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69029 Redev. plan for 5227-39 Northrup Ave.
BOARD BILL NO. 152 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated August 23, 2011 for the 5227-39 Northrup Ave. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the ?Plan?) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (?Area?) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (?LCRA?), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied/and the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (?Board?) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
69002 Prohib. liquor in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 161 NTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68809 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
68993 Grant for Child & Adult Care Food Program
BOARD BILL NO. 91 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, ALDERWOMAN KACIE STARR TRIPLETT, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERMAN CHARLES Q. TROUPE, ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor, on the behalf of the City of St. Louis, to submit all necessary applications and to enter into agreements with the State of Missouri, Department of Health and Senior Services, (Department) (Grant# 3M0300006-11) for the ?Child & Adult Care Food-I Am Moving, I Am Learning? Program and authorizing the Mayor, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend any funds received by said grants to fulfill the obligations of the grants, and containing an emergency clause.
68961 Redev. plan for 2025 Hereford
BOARD BILL NO. 85 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated May 24, 2011 for the 2025 Hereford St. Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the ?Plan?) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (?Area?) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (?LCRA?), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (?Board?) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
68927 Amended Redev. plan for 2632 January - Amending the North Magnolia Area
BOARD BILL NO. 59 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance amending Ordinance #67015 approved March 14, 2006, by modifying the terms of the ten (10) year real estate tax abatement for the 2632 January Avenue in the N. Magnolia Ave./Pearl St./S. Magnolia Av./January Ave. Redevelopment Area authorized by Ordinance #67015.
68844 Renaming 1900 Boardman as Rigazzi's Place
BOARD BILL NO. 226 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance authorizing and directing the Street Commissioner to take all necessary actions to honorarily designate the 1900 block of Boardman Street as “Rigazzi’s Place.”
68839 Kingshighway Bridge Project
BOARD BILL NO. 265 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY AND ALDERMAN JOE VOLLMER An Ordinance, recommended by the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis (the "Board of Public Service"), establishing a public works and improvement project for the Kingshighway Boulevard Bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad involving the reconstruction of the bridge and associated roadway improvements on Kingshighway Boulevard from Interstate 44 to Vandeventer Avenue (the “Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project”); and authorizing and directing the City of St. Louis (the "City"), by and through its Board of Public Service, to let contracts and provide for the Planning, Engineering Design, and Property Acquisition for the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project, authorizing the Board of Public Service to employ labor and consultants, pay salaries, fees and wages, acquire any and all said real and personal property rights and interests, in whole or in part, including easements (by lease, purchase, eminent domain, condemnation, or otherwise), as necessary for completion of the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project, and to enter into supplemental agreements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, Federal Highway Administration, utilities, railroads, and other governmental agencies for the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project all in accordance with the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. 110, et seq.), with any contract containing sections for: description of the work, material guarantees, estimated expenditure allocations, fund reversion authorization, applicable federal and state wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor’s Executive Orders, and contract advertising statutes; requiring that all work provided for herein shall be carried out in accordance with detailed plans and specifications adopted and approved by the Board of Public Service before bids are advertised therefor; directing that all construction contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for federal and state prevailing wage requirements including prevailing wage holiday and overtime pay and compliance with all applicable statutes of the State of Missouri, the City Charter and the Revised Code of the City, as amended; requiring all specifications approved by the Board of Public Service and contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for: compliance with the Mayor’s Executive Orders on Equal Opportunity and maximum MBE/WBE/DBE utilization goals, except when superseded or prohibited by federal or state law or regulation; contractor’s compliance with the provisions of Sections 285.525 thru 285.550 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, by requiring enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program and no knowing employment of unauthorized aliens; contractor’s compliance with the provisions of Section 292.675 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, by providing a ten-hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration construction safety program for their on-site employees; contractor’s compliance with the provisions of Section 34.057 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, (Prompt Payment/Retainage), as applicable; requiring all advertisements for bids pursuant to this Ordinance be subject to the provisions of Section 8.250 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri., as amended; and appropriating the total estimated cost of the Kingshighway Bridge Reconstruction Over Union Pacific Project of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000.00) from various sources including the Federal Highway Administration Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), and the Union Pacific Railroad Company; authorizing and directing the Comptroller of the City to draw warrants from time to time and disburse funds appropriated by this ordinance and to receive and disburse grant funds in accordance with the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. 110, et seq.) upon the signature and certification of vouchers by the President of the Board of Public Service; and containing a public work emergency clause.
68815 Earnings tax bill
BOARD BILL # 225 INTRODUCED BY PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to section 92.115 RSMo., the question whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
68809 Prohibiting package liquor in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 158 NTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67917 and 68052 prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, and allowing package liquor at two locations and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance relating to the same subject matter; and containing an emergency clause.
68771 Redev. plan for 4268 Hartford
BOARD BILL NO. 149 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated July 27, 2010 for the 4268 Hartford Street Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
68734 Redev. plan for 2653 January
BOARD BILL NO. 86 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated May 25, 2010 for the 2653 January Avenue Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied, and the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
68669 Redev. plan for 5124 Shaw
BOARD BILL NO. 17 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated February 16, 2010 for the 5124 Shaw Avenue Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
68544 Vacation of Kemper west of Hereford
BOARD BILL NO. 194 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMEN JOSEPH VOLLMER & STEPHEN CONWAY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in Kemper beginning 240 feet west of Hereford and continuing westwardly 130.315 feet to a point previously vacated by Ordinance No. 63602 in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
68489 Redevelopment plan for 5325 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 164 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated August 25, 2009 for the 5325 Bischoff Avenue Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that all of the property within the Area is occupied, and the Redeveloper(s) (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
68460 Francis Slay Park
68359 Redev. plan for 5100 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 10 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated March 24, 2009 for the 5100 Daggett Avenue Redevelopment Area ("Plan") after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (“LCRA”) of the City of St. Louis, a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that none of the property within the Area is occupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
68340 Public Works Bill
BOARD BILL NO. 43 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An Ordinance, recommended by the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis, establishing public works and improvement projects for the design and/or construction of twelve (12) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Projects involving various infrastructure improvements (the “ARRA Projects”) including Compton Avenue Viaduct Repairs Over Union Pacific Railroad, Vandeventer Avenue Streetscape (Kingshighway to Shaw), Dr. Martin Luther King Pedestrian Lighting (City Limits to Arlington), Loughborough Avenue Bridge Widening Over Union Pacific Railroad, Manchester Avenue Pedestrian Lighting (Taylor to Sarah), Overlay and Pedestrian Improvements (Goodfellow from Delmar to Natural Bridge, and Skinker from Clayton to Page), South Grand Improvements (Arsenal to McDonald), Morgan Ford Road Signal Interconnection and Upgrades (Arsenal to City Limits), Grand Center/Grand Boulevard Streetscape (Lindell to Page), South Broadway Streetscape (Courtois to Upton), Removal of North Tucker Boulevard Bridge (Washington to Cass), and Municipal Terminal Dock Improvements (One North Market); and authorizing and directing the City of St. Louis (the "City"), by and through its Board of Public Service, to let contracts and provide for the design, construction, materials, and equipment for the ARRA Projects, authorizing the Board of Public Service to employ labor and consultants, pay salaries, fees and wages, acquire real property interests, and to enter into supplemental agreements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, Federal Highway Administration, railroads, utilities, and other governmental agencies for the ARRA Projects all in accordance with the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, with any contract containing sections for: description of the work, material guarantees, estimated expenditure allocations, fund reversion authorization, applicable federal and state wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor’s Executive Orders, and contract advertising statutes; requiring that all work provided for herein shall be carried out in accordance with detailed plans and specifications adopted and approved by the Board of Public Service before bids are advertised therefor; directing that all construction contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for federal and state prevailing wages requirements including prevailing wage holiday and overtime pay and compliance with all applicable statutes of the State of Missouri, the City Charter and the Revised Code of the City, as amended; requiring all specifications approved by the Board of Public Service and contracts let by authority of this Ordinance provide for compliance with the Mayor’s Executive Orders on Equal Opportunity and maximum MBE/WBE/DBE utilization goals, except when superseded or prohibited by federal or state law or regulation; requiring all advertisements for bids pursuant to this Ordinance be subject to the provisions of Section 8.250 RSMo., as amended; and appropriating the total estimated cost of the twelve (12) ARRA Projects of Thirty-two Million, Five Hundred Thirty-four Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($32,534,395.00) from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; authorizing and directing the Comptroller of the City to draw warrants from time to time and disburse funds appropriated by this ordinance and to receive and disburse grant funds in accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 upon the signature and certification of vouchers by the President of the Board of Public Service; and containing a public work emergency clause.
68319 5700 Arsenal TIF
68301 Lead grant
BOARD BILL NO. 392 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN GREGORY CARTER An ordinance, recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing the Mayor of the City of St. Louis, on behalf of the City, to apply for funding under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control being offered pursuant to a Federal Fiscal Year 2008 Notice of Funding Availability (the “NOFA”) for the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant (LHRD) and the Lead Hazard Control Grant (LHC) Programs, authorizing the Mayor and the Comptroller on behalf of the City to enter into and execute agreements with HUD for the receipt of Fiscal Year 2008 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration and LHC funds, appropriating the sum of a maximum federal obligation of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) awarded through the LHRD Grant Program , appropriating the sum of a maximum federal obligation of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) awarded through the LHC Grant Program and directing the Director of Public Safety and the Building Commissioner, the Health Commissioner and Director of the Community Development Administration (CDA) to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities as necessary for the expenditure of LHRD and LHC funds for the purpose of expansion and continuation of the Mayor’s Lead Safe St. Louis Comprehensive Action Plan which will include activities such as lead screening, testing, outreach, education, inspection services, clearance testing, lead hazard remediation, enforcement, temporary relocation , administration, and directing the Comptroller to issue warrants thereon upon the City Treasury; and containing an emergency clause.
68289 Ballpark Village TIF Auth. Dev. Agreement
68284 Board Bill establishing a City Health Insurance Committee
BOARD BILL NO. 308 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN GREGALI An ordinance establishing a City Health Insurance Committee to recommend programs concerning health/medical insurance coverage offered by the City of St. Louis to its employees in the classified service and others; repealing Ordinance 67665; and authorizing the Director of Personnel to engage the services of a contractual health insurance consultant recommended by the City Health Insurance Committee.
68189 Manchester TIF Note
68185 Ordinance pertaining to check cashing.
BOARD BILL NO. 239 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN JENNIFER FLORIDA, ALDERMAN STEPHEN GREGALI, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance pertaining to check-cashing and short-term loan establishments; repealing Ordinance 64836 and 64837; amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 64836, codified in Section 26.08.101 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section pertaining to the same subject matter defining check-cashing establishments; amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 64837, codified in Section 26.08.384 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section pertaining to the same subject matter defining short-term loan establishments; containing severability clause.
68184 Manchester TIF Agreement
68183 Manchester TIF Plan
68052 Repealing liquor licenses
BOARD BILL NO. 126 NTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance repealing Section Three of Ordinance 67197 pertaining to the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District and in lieu thereof containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, and allowing package liquor at two locations; and containing an emergency clause
67959 Redev. plan for 5528-32 Southwest
BOARD BILL NO. 488 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5528-32 Southwest Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated January 22, 2008 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67958 Redev. plan for 5224 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 487 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5224 Daggett Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated January 22, 2008 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67943 Redev. plan for 4958 Miani
BOARD BILL NO. 462 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4958 Miami Street. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 18, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67930 Redev. plan for 5021 Fyler
BOARD BILL NO. 403 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5021 Fyler Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated November 13, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67917 Liquor moratorium in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 493 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, and allowing package liquor at two locations; and containing an emergency clause.
67865 Redev. plan for 5017-5025 Northrup
BOARD BILL NO. 431 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5017 - 5025 Northrup Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated November 13, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is partially occupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67827 Redevelopment plan for 5337 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 317 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5337 Daggett Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 25, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67826 Redevelopment plan for 2117 Lilly
BOARD BILL NO. 315 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2117 Lilly Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 25, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67800 Cyber Harassment
BOARD BILL NO. 404 INTRODUCED BY PRESIDENT REED ALDERMAN FORD GRIFFIN An ordinance prohibiting any person from harassment by means of the Internet or other electronic communications hereinafter referred to as “cyber harassment;” containing a penalty clause, severability clause and an emergency clause.
67790 Redevelopment plan for 2726-36 Sublett
BOARD BILL NO. 316 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2726-36 Sublette Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 25, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is partially occupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67754 Redev. plan for 5326-34 Daggett
BOARD BILL NO. 301 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5326-34 Daggett Avenue. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 24, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. If it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67684 Rezoning 5133 Bischoff
BOARD BILL NO. 172 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on June 6, 2007, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District in City Block 4083 to “F” Neighborhood Commercial District, so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4083; and containing an emergency clause.
67604 Rezoning 3301 Sublett
BOARD BILL NO. 173 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on June 6, 2007, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District and “F” Neighborhood Commercial District in City Block 4647 to “F” Neighborhood Commercial District only, so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4752.03; and containing an emergency clause.
67591 Gateway Mall
67562 Red. plan for 3340 & 3344 Morganford
BOARD BILL NO. 82 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3340 & 3344 Morgan Ford Rd.. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated February 20, 2007 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67511 Designating Fourth Street between Market Street and Chestnut Street as Dred Scott Way@.
67478 An ordinance to change the zoning of property as indicated on the district map, to the “I” Central Business District.
An ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission to change the zoning of property as indicated on the district map, to the “I” Central Business District, so as to include the described parcels of land in city block 2022; and containing an emergency clause.
67476 an ordinance recommended by the board of estimate and apportionment authorizing and directing the st. louis municipal finance corporation (the “corporation”) to amend certain documents related to the $16,400,000 forest park leasehold revenue refunding bonds
an ordinance recommended by the board of estimate and apportionment authorizing and directing the st. louis municipal finance corporation (the “corporation”) to amend certain documents related to the $16,400,000 forest park leasehold revenue refunding bonds (city of st. louis, missouri, lessee) series 2004 (the “series 2004 bonds”) issued pursuant to ordinance 66492 in order to refund the then outstanding forest park leasehold revenue improvement bonds (city of st. louis, missouri, lessee) series 1997 issued by the corporation pursuant to ordinance 64106 in the original aggregate principal amount of $19,270,000 for the construction, renovation, equipping and installation of site furnishings and improvements for forest park, all for the general welfare, safety and benefit of the citizens of the city of st. louis, missouri (the “city”) in connection with the release of the portion of the property that is the subject of the amended and restated lease between the city and barnes-jewish hospital being considered pursuant to ordinance ______ [b.b. #_____ ]; authorizing and directing the officers of the corporation to execute and deliver the second supplemental indenture of trust, the second supplemental lease purchase agreement, the first supplemental base lease, and authorizing and directing the comptroller and any other appropriate city officials, if necessary, to execute any other documents related thereto; authorizing participation of appropriate city officials in the taking of further actions with respect to releasing the portion of the property from the terms of the series 2004 bonds in connection with the leasing of such portion to barnes-jewish hospital pursuant to ordinance ______ [b.b. #_____ ]; and authorizing and directing the taking of other actions, and approval and execution of other documents as necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof.
67440 Redevelopment plan for 5417 Botanical
BOARD BILL NO. 343 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN: JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5417 Botanical Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 19, 2006 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain or otherwise; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67416 Animal House Fund
BOARD BILL NO. 353 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service; authorizing the Board of Public Service to execute and deliver of behalf of the City a design-build contract in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A with Animal House Fund, Inc., a Missouri not for profit corporation, for the design and construction by Animal House Fund, Inc., at its sole cost and expense, and donation to the City, of an animal shelter in a portion of Arsenal-Ellendale Park.
67324 Ordinance pertaining to the traffic code
An Ordinance pertaining to the traffic code repealing Ordinance 65351 setting forth the penalty for traffic violations occurring within construction zones and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter; further amending part 17.02.230 and 17.14.010 of Section One of Ordinance 57831 pertaining to the definition of emergency vehicles and the color of lights which may be displayed such emergency vehicles and further enacting a new section to be codified as Section 17.14.050 of the Revised Code traffic regulations for vehicles approaching stationary emergency vehicles; containing an emergency clause.
67296 Zoning change for 5701 Columbia
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on September 6, 2006, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to “F” Neighborhood Commercial District in City Block 4647, so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4647; and containing an emergency clause.
67273 Redev. plan for 5101-03 Botanical
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5601-03 Botanical Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated August 22, 2006 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that any property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain or otherwise; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67254 Quit claim for 3250 Brannon
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars ($6,880.00) and other good and valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to remise, release and forever quit-claim unto Brannon Avenue Warehouse, LLC, certain City-owned property located in City Block 4739 and City Block 4740, which property is known as 3250 Brannon Avenue, and containing an emergency clause.
67215 Redevelopment plan for 3163 Portis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3163 Portis Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 23, 2006 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67195 Ordinance relating to parks; subject to the approval of the voters, a sales tax
BOARD BILL #157 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, O. L. SHELTON, LEWIS REED, JOE VOLLMER, MATT VILLA, FRED HEITERT, FRED WESSELS, STEPHEN GREGALI, JENNIFER FLORIDA, KATHLEEN HANRAHAN, WILLIAM WATERHOUSE An ordinance relating to parks; imposing, under and by the authority of Sections 644.032 and 644.033 RSMo., subject to the approval of the voters, a sales tax of one-eighth of one per cent (1/8%) on all retail sales made in the City of St. Louis which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Sections 144.010 to 144.525 RSMo., for the purpose of providing funding for local parks, and specifically, funding for the construction and maintenance of new and existing recreation centers and recreation programs in parks, including but not limited to programs for children and seniors, in addition to any and all other sales taxes allowed by law; submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis a proposal to authorize the imposition of such tax; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such tax shall be authorized and in effect as provided in Sections 644.032 and 644.033 RSMo.; providing that the tax imposed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be a tax on all retail sales made in the City of St. Louis which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Sections 144.010 to 144.525 RSMo.; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
67194 Graduated Business License Tax for Public Safety Purposes
BOARD BILL # 156 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, O. L. SHELTON, LEWIS REED, KEN ORTMANN, JOE VOLLMER, STEPHEN GREGALI, JENNIFER FLORIDA,KATHLEEN HANRAHAN, WILLIAM WATERHOUSE An ordinance relating to the graduated business license tax imposed pursuant to Ordinance 60643; imposing, subject to the approval of the voters, increased graduated business license taxes and setting forth public safety purposes for which revenue generated by the proposition shall be used; repealing, subject to the approval of the qualified voters SECTION ONE of Ordinance 60643, approved January 8, 1988, and enacting in lieu thereof a new SECTION ONE imposing increased graduated business license taxes; submitting unless such question shall have received in its favor the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon at the August 8, 2006, election, to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis a proposition to approve the increase in the graduated business license taxes; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such tax shall be authorized and shall be imposed on graduated business licenses issued for the tax year beginning June 1, 2007 and every tax year thereafter; providing further for the establishment of a Public Safety Trust Fund and for the establishment of an Enhanced Police Services Account, an Enhanced Criminal Prosecution Account, and an Enhanced Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution Account within such Fund into which all revenue derived from the increase in the graduated business license tax pursuant to the approval of the voters and all interest on such revenue shall be deposited, allocated and credited and setting forth the purposes for which monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts shall be used; restricting the use of monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts to expenditures for the purposes listed; requiring an annual review by the Ways and Means Committee of the Board of Aldermen to monitor the distribution of all monies in the Public Safety Trust Fund; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
67193 Graduated business license tax for the Public Trust Fund
BOARD BILL #155 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMEN STEPHEN CONWAY, O. L. SHELTON, LEWIS REED, KEN ORTMANN, JOE VOLLMER, STEPHEN GREGALI, JENNIFER FLORIDA, KATHLEEN HANRAHAN, WILLIAM WATERHOUSE An ordinance relating to the graduated business license tax imposed pursuant to Ordinance 60643 and the proposition relating to the graduated business license tax submitted to the voters pursuant to Ordinance 67091, setting forth public safety purposes for which revenue generated by the proposition shall be used; providing further for the establishment of a Public Safety Trust Fund and for the establishment of an Enhanced Police Services Account, an Enhanced Criminal Prosecution Account, and an Enhanced Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution Account within such Fund into which all revenue derived from the increase in the graduated business license tax pursuant to the approval of the voters and all interest on such revenue shall be deposited, allocated and credited and setting forth the purposes for which monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts shall be used; restricting the use of monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts to expenditures for the purposes listed; requiring an annual review by the Ways and Means Committee of the Board of Aldermen to monitor the distribution of all monies in the Public Safety Trust Fund; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
67083 Street vacation of East road North of Wise
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in A portion of East Road beginning at the north right-of-way lineof Wise and extending southwardly ? 274.3 feet to appoint and a portion of Wise from the west right-of-way line of East Road westwardly ? 90.15 feet in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
67044 An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for a portion of City Block 4052 to be known as the "Highland Walk Planned Unit Development District".
An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for a portion of City Block 4052 to be known as the "Highland Walk Planned Unit Development District".
67020 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1701 Macklind Avenue Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1701 Macklind Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 13, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
67015 Redevelopment plan for N. Magnolia, Pearl, S. Magnolia and January
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the N. Magnolia Ave./Pearl St./ S. Magnolia Ave./January Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated January 24, 2006 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66984 An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for a portion of City Block 4054.11 to be known as the "Magnolia Square Subdivision Planned Unit Development District".
BOARD BILL NO. 361 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for a portion of City Block 4054.11 to be known as the "Magnolia Square Subdivision Planned Unit Development District".
66959 Redevelopment plan for 5561 Elizabeth
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5561 Elizabeth Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 25, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is occupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66958 Redevelopment plan for 5216 Elizabeth
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5216 Elizabeth Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 25, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66957 Redevelopment plan for 3238 Portis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3238 Portis Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 25, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66947 Redevelopment plan for 4910 Manchester
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4910 Manchester Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 25, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain or otherwise; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66937 Zoning change for 5850 Arsenal
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on October 5, 2005, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District in City Block 5616, so as to include the described parcels of land in City Block 5616; and containing an emergency clause.
66936 Zoning change for 5210 Wilson
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on October 5, 2005, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District in City Block 4074, so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4074; and containing an emergency clause.
66901 Redevelopment plan for 5119 Pattison
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5119 Pattison Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated June 21, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain or otherwise; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available five (5) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66900 Redevelopment plan for 5941 Southwest
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5941 Southwest Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated August 23, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied. The Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66868 Ordinance relating to traffic control.
An ordinance relating to traffic control; authorizing installation of and contracts relating to one or more Automated Traffic Control Systems as defined herein; and establishing standards for prosecution of violations of traffic control ordinances detected by Automatic Traffic Control Systems.
66860 Street vending downtown
An ordinance pertaining to street vending within the Downtown Vending District; amending Section Four of Ordinance 65061 to adjust the boundaries of the Downtown Vending District and amending Section Thirty of Ordinance 65061 by adding a new paragraph restricting street vending within a defined portion of the Downtown Vending District to a person who is a designated redeveloper for the South Downtown Project Area or who has entered into a valid vending agreement with a designated redeveloper for the South Downtown Project Area and containing an emergency clause.
66859 Penalty for Building Code violations
An ordinance pertaining to the penalty for violations of the Building Code; amending Section Four of Ordinance 66790 by authorizing the code official to secure any building, structure or premises which is occupied without first securing a valid occupancy permit, as required by law, upon the issuance of a second summons for such violation and containing an emergency clause.
66857 An ordinance pertaining to enforcement of code violations relating to buildings, structures and premises in the City of St. Louis.
An ordinance pertaining to enforcement of code violations relating to buildings, structures and premises in the City of St. Louis; establishing an administrative procedure under the provisions of Section 479.011 RSMO. to enforce compliance with the provisions of the regulatory codes relating to buildings, structures and premises; containing a penalty clause and an effective date.
66811 an Ordinance to vacate public surface rights for certain streets near St. Louis University High School
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in 1) A portion of Berthold beginning 625 feet east of East Road and continuing westwardly 1123.75 feet to a point 458 feet west of East Road. East Road from Berthold to Wise. 2) A portion of Berthold from Brother Thornton Way eastwardly 215.66 feet to a point at the western right-of-way line of the alley in City Block 3995. 3) Brother Thornton Way from Berthold to Wise. A portion of Wise beginning 149.65 feet east of Brother Thornton Way and continuing westwardly 239.65 feet to a point. A portion of the 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 3966 beginning at Brother Thornton Way and continuing westwardly 50 feet. A portion of the 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 5592 beginning at Brother Thornton Way and continuing eastwardly 210 feet to a point. 4) A 197.61 foot portion of the 15 foot wide east/west alley south of Wise in City Block 3996 abutting Lots 17-22 in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
66810 An ordinance to vacate public surface rights in the 10.38 foot strip of the east side of Sublette Ave. from Reber Pl. northwardly 128 feet to alley and 4.87 foot strip of north side of Reber Pl. from Sublette Ave. eastwardly ? 45 feet to a point in the City of St. Louis, Missouri
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in the 10.38 foot strip of the east side of Sublette Ave. from Reber Pl. northwardly 128 feet to alley and 4.87 foot strip of north side of Reber Pl. from Sublette Ave. eastwardly ? 45 feet to a point in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
66738 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5358 Southwest Ave. and 2712 January Ave. Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5358 Southwest Ave. and 2712 January Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated February 22, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied, the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
66716 An ordinance establishing a two way stop site on Morganford Road at the intersection of Morganford Road and Juniata Street
An ordinance establishing a two way stop site for all north-south traffic traveling on Morganford Road approaching the intersection of Morganford Road and Juniata Street and containing an emergency clause.
66693 An ordinance pertaining to Neighborhood Orders of Protection
ordinance amending Section One of Ordinance 65800 pertaining to Neighborhood Orders of Protection within the City of St. Louis by amending the definition of a Neighborhood Order of Protection to include any court order that prohibits a person from being in any specified area as a condition of release from custody, a condition of probation, parole, or other supervision or any court order in a criminal matter; containing an emergency clause.
66692 An ordinance pertaining to motorcycles and motorized bicycles
An ordinance pertaining to motorcycles and motorized bicycles; amending Sections 17.02.300 and 17.02.315 of Section Two of Ordinance 58448 defining “motor vehicle” and “motorized bicycle”; further amending Section 17.18 of Section One of Ordinance 57831 to provide that the provisions of such section shall apply to motorized bicycles; containing a penalty clause and an emergency clause.
66689 An Ordinance directing the Health Commissioner to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the Missouri Foundation for Health
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Health Commissioner, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the Missouri Foundation for Health, appropriating said funds and authorizing the Health Commissioner, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for grant purposes and containing an emergency clause.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2207 Marconi Street Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ('City'), attached hereto
An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for a portion of City Block 4058.18 to be known as the 'Sublette Fields Subdivision Planned Unit Development District'. Whereas, the zoning ordinance of the City of St. Louis authorizes the establishment and creation of Planned Unit Development Districts (PUD’s), a special zoning
An ordinance pertaining to dogs and dog parks; establishing rules and regulations for the leashing of dogs and the establishment and use of dog parks; amending Ordinance 65206, approved June 21, 2001, by repealing Section 10.04.220 of Section One of said Ordinance and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the leashing of dogs and dog parks
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Health Commissioner, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) for a grant in the amount of $231,310 to fund the Homeless Shelter TB Nurse Coordinator for a period of three years, and appropriating said funds and
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5229 Bischoff Avenue and 5123 Daggett Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the Tower Grove South VI Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment appropriating One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) from Fund 1110 of the Healthcare Trust Fund for the purpose of assisting victims of domestic violence and children who are victims of sexual abuse in the payment of their medical expenses and depositing such funds
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Public Safety, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the U. S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women for a grant in the amount of One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety-five
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2618 Pearl Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3334 S. Kingshighway Blvd. and 4833 Fairview Ave. Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5317 Wilson Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedes­trian travel in 15 foot wide north/south alley and the westernmost 60 foot of the 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 5266 as bounded by Fairview, Maury, Potomac and Kingshighway in the City of St. Louis, Missouri
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4508 Arsenal Street Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedes­trian travel in the 17 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 4072-S as bounded by Botanical Ave., Marconi St., Southwest Ave. and Edwards St. in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter de­scribed, in accor­dance with Charter authority
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 65206 and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the regulation of dogs and cats in the City of St. Louis, to be codified as Chapter 10.04 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; containing a penalty clause, a severability clause and an emergency clause
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5323 Elizabeth Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5624 Bischoff Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An Ordinance, recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis (the 'Board of Public Service'), authorizing and directing the Mayor on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to apply for and enter into an execute an Agreement with the U.S.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1944 Berra Court Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2214 January Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An Ordinance repealing Ordinance 62305 regulating burglary and robbery alarm systems, alarm businesses, alarm agents and alarm subscribers and enacting in lieu thereof a new Ordinance relating to the same subject matter and containing a penalty clause and a severability clause. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS AS FOLLOWS
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute a Quit Claim Deed to The 5700 Property, LLC, for certain City-owned property located in City Blocks 5615 and 5616, which property is known as 5700 Arsenal Street, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of One Million Four Hundred
An ordinance prohibiting the carrying of concealed firearms by holders of concealed carry endorsements in certain buildings and areas; containing a severability clause and an emergency clause. WHEREAS, House Bill 349 passed during the 92nd General Assembly made changes to the laws governing concealed firearms by establishing a system that will allow private citizens to obtain permits
An ordinance pertaining to public nuisances; repealing Ordinance 64693 and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance establishing procedures for the abatement of public nuisances identified by the Public Safety Director; containing definitions, a penalty clause and an emergency clause. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS AS FOLLOWS
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5700 Columbia Avenue and 2607 January Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the S. Kingshighway/Fairview Ave./Potomac St. Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Health and Hospitals, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the City of St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees for a grant of $87,639 to fund Outreach service that will identify, engage, assess, and refer at risk men and women for substance abuse and/or HIV/AIDS
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Health and Hospitals, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with The Missouri Circuit Court, Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, St. Louis City Drug Court for a grant of $59,891 to fund assessment/screening for infectious and communicable diseases on potential drug court
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Health and Hospitals, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for a grant of $102,917 to fund Immunization Review and Quality Improvement ('Afix') Services appropriating said funds and authorizing the Director of Health
An ordinance, recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, ratifying and adopting the actions of the Mayor and the Comptroller in accepting and executing on behalf of the City of St. Louis a certain grant agreement (the 'Grant Agreement') offered by the United States of America, acting through the United States Department of Housing
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4329 Juniata Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a redevelopment plan for the 3126 Portis Avenue Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 1927 Marconi Street Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3281 Jasper Park and 7174 Wellington Court Area ('Area') after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the 'Statute' being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the
An Ordinance recommended by the Civil Service Commission pertaining to compensation for employees called to active military duty in response to the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives’ joint Resolution dated October 10, 2002 entitled 'Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq', amending Ordinance 64954, approved June 16, 2000, by adding thereto a new subsection

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