Ordinances by Anne Schweitzer

Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman

Ward 01, Ward 13

List all 72 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71946 Prevent and Remediate Mold
An ordinance requiring property owners to prevent and remediate mold in rental dwelling units; prohibiting an owner of a rental dwelling unit from obtaining a Certificate of Inspection if mold is present; providing for notice protocols to owners of units where mold is found; requiring owners to notify tenants of units where mold is found; directing the Department of Health to create materials with information about mold prevention, remediation, and hazards; empowering the Building Division to enforce this ordinance; imposing penalties for violating this ordinance; and containing an emergency clause and a severability clause.
71944 Laurel and Waterman Bridge
This bill authorizes and directs the City of St. Louis to let contracts and provide for design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction for the Laurel and Waterman Bridge Over Metrolink; Traffic Management Enhancements Ph. 7 – South Broadway (Marceau to Carroll); Traffic Management Enhancements Ph. 8 – North Broadway (Cass to Riverview); River Des Peres Boulevard Improvements (Lansdowne to Gravois); and American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Bus Stop Compliance Collaboration on Grand Avenue (Holly Hills to Hall Street), Delmar Boulevard (Hodiamont to Kingshighway), and Cass Avenue (Grand to Kingshighway). The bill also authorizes the City of St. Louis to enter into supplemental agreements with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission, Federal Highway Administration, utilities, railroads, Bi-State Development Agency, Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA), Great Rivers Greenway District (GRG), Greater St. Louis, Inc., and other governmental agencies and parties as necessary for the completion of the projects.
71943 Utility Coordination Policy
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70924, codified as Chapter 25.74 of the Revised Code of Ordinance of the City of St. Louis and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance to be known as the “Utility Coordination” policy.
71942 Sale of 5937-47 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr.
The City of St. Louis is the owner of certain real property located at 5937-47 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., St. Louis, Missouri 63112 (the "Property") which is the subject of this ordinance that authorizes the sale of said Property to Young Voices With Action, a Missouri nonprofit corporation. The Property is vacant parking lot. There is land adjacent on both sides, not part of the sale, wherein Young Voices With Action is planning to construct (i) a multi-story, approximately 28,000 square foot, residential, retail, and office multi-use project to include the properties at 5949 and 5955 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., St. Louis, Missouri 63112 (currently owned by the Land Reutilization Authority of The City of St. Louis ), and (ii) a residential, commercial, retail, or mixed-use development on the Property and the adjacent property at 5933 Martin Luther King Dr., St. Louis, Missouri 63112 with a building or buildings containing an exclusive parking area. There is a reversion if the projects fail.
71936 ARPA Funds Reallocation
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, amending Ordinance Number 71393, Ordinance Number 71494, Ordinance Number 71554, Ordinance Number 71591, Ordinance Number 71841, and Ordinance Number 71864, by reappropriating certain amounts specified herein in an aggregate amount of $8,488,215.06 for other purposes; and with an emergency clause.
71931 Speed Humps 6900, 7300 - 7400 Sharp Avenue
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on various blocks of the first ward.
71924 “Tuskegee Airmen Way”
An Ordinance authorizing the honorary street name “Tuskegee Airmen Way” pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937, which shall begin at the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 13th Street and run west on Chestnut Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and N. 14th Street.
71921 renaming of the Civil Courts Building in Honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr.
An ordinance authorizing the renaming of the Civil Courts Building at 10 N Tucker Blvd. in honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr., pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937.
71920 Honorary Street Name “Freedom Way”
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937 the proposed bill authorizes honorary street name “Freedom Way” which shall begin at the intersections of Market Street and 11th Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and 11th Street.
71916 Property Tax Credit for Eligible Seniors
An Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 71758; property tax credit for eligible senior taxpayers residing in the City of St. Louis.
71909 St. Louis Integrated Health Network Award
This Board Bill approves an award of $263,800.00 for the analysis of public health and health equity to the St. Louis Integrated Health Network; authorizes the execution of a grant agreement between the City of St. Louis, by and through its Department of Health and The St. Louis Integrated Health Network for the purpose of conducting an analysis of the healthcare “safety net” network of providers and member organizations; authorizes certain actions by City officials; and contains an emergency clause.
71905 Pay Bill - Circuit Attorney's Office
An ordinance to regulate employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis, and all employees under the Circuit Attorney Office, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan, repealing Ordinance Number 71693, allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause; and an effective date.
71902 Installing Speed Humps on Various Blocks in the 1st Ward
A board bill to install speed humps on various blocks in the 1st Ward of the City of St. Louis to calm to flow of traffic.
71898 Redevelopment Plan for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area. It is anticipated that there will be at least three projects developed in the Area. The projects will include the renovation of a commercial building and construction of 34 senior housing units and retail. The commercial building will house a location of the Negro League Baseball Museum. Estimated cost of development is $17.6 million. This Board Bill will allow up to fifteen (15) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 90 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and followed 5 years based on 50 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71897 Operating Hours of Marijuana Dispensaries
An Ordinance amending Section B of Chapter 26.70.040 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis to extend the permitted operating hours of marijuana dispensaries.
71896 Proposed City Charter Change Removing Municipal Fine Limits
An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of St. Louis amending Article IV of the Charter and enacting a new section of Article IV to remove municipal fine limits that are assessed for ordinance violations; providing for an election to be held for voting on the proposed amendment and for the manner of voting; and for the publication, certification, deposit, and recording of this ordinance and containing an emergency clause.
71893 Restated Maintenance Cooperation Agreement, between the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever, Inc.;
An ordinance relating to Forest Park, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Board of Public Service; providing for the execution and delivery of an Amended and Restated Maintenance Cooperation Agreement, between the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever, Inc.; amending Sections Two and Six of Ordinance Number 61988 codified as Chapter 5.74.020 and Chapter 5.74.060 Section A, subsection 11 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis and containing an Emergency Clause.
71886 Amending the Zoning Code to add Section 26.80.45
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission amending the Zoning Code to add Section 26.80.45 creating exceptions to certain parking, height and area regulations of the Zoning Code for any parcel or portion thereof located within a one-half mile radius of the planned Northside-Southside Metro transit stations (NS-SS Metro Stations) on the Green Line light rail alignment approved by the East West Gateway Council of Governments Board of Directors on February 28, 2024; and containing an emergency clause. For eligible parcels along the planned route, exceptions include: 1) reduction in minimum required parking by 25 percent in zones “B” through “H” and “J” and “K”; 2) reduction in minimum lot area requirements by 40 percent in zones “B” through “H”; and 3) increase in maximum heights in zones “F” and “G” from 3 to 4 stories maximum. This board bill utilizes principles of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) to support transit investment, housing diversity, and increased access to transit for residents
71884 Stop Signs Various Locations 1st Ward
The proposed bill will establish various stop sites at the intersections throughout the 1st Ward regulating all traffic travelling on streets meeting at such intersections throughout the 1st Ward; and containing an emergency clause.
71882 Complete Streets
An ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 69955, codified as Chapter 3.110.120 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance relating to the City’s “Complete Streets” policy.
71880 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 56729 and 56579
he proposed bill repeals Chapter 11.28 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis pertaining to Abortions, by repealing: Section 11.28.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Ordinance Number 56729 codified in Sections 11.28.010, 11.28.020, 11.28.030, 11.28.040, 11.28.050, 11.28.060, 11.28.070, 11.28.080, 11.28.090, and 11.28.100 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 or Ordinance Number 56579 codified in Section 11.28.230, 11.28.240, 11.28.250, 11.28.260, 11.28.270, 11.28.280, 11.28.290, 11.28.300, 11.28.310, 11.28.320, and 11.28.330, 11.28.340, 11.28.350, 11.28.360, and 11.28.370 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis.
71873 Parking Division’s Annual Budget
This Board Bill is the Parking Division’s Annual Budget for making the appropriation for payment of the operating expenses, capital equipment and improvement expenses, including lease purchase agreements involving Parking Division assets, and debt service expenses of the Parking Division of the Treasurer’s Office for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. The Parking Division consists of the Kiel & City Hall Parking Facilities, Information Technologies Office, Argyle Parking Facility, Chouteau Building & Parking Facility, Williams Paper Parking Facility, Central Downtown Parking Facility, Buckingham Parking Facility, Cupples Parking Facility and Justice Parking Facility. It contains an emergency clause.
71871 U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grant Program
This Board Bill authorizes the City of St. Louis, by and through its Forestry Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, to accept a Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grant Program in the amount of $8,000,000.00 (Eight Million Dollars), and to expend those funds for tree pruning, removal and all aspects of tree maintenance in the City of St. Louis. The Board Bill also contains an emergency clause.
71862 St. Louis Works
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 2024 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, sport curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein, appropriating $5,200,000.00 from the Street Improvement Fund; containing sections for description of the work, approval of plans and specification, work and materials guarantees, estimated costs from City funds and supplemental agreements and reversions authorizations applicable state and federal wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor’s Executive Orders, contract advertising statutes, and public work emergency clause.
71857 Grant from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
This bill would authorize the Department of Public Utilities to accept grant awards in the amounts of $400,000.00, 200,000.00 and $5,050,000.000, from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) for the grant purposes to help water systems achieve the health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) by improving drinking water treatment facilities, fixing leaky or old pipes (water distribution), improving source of water supply, replacing or constructing finished water storage tanks, and other infrastructure projects needed to protect public health; appropriating such funds to the Department of Public Utilities; authorizing the expenditure of such funds to fulfill the obligations of said grant, to the extent such funds are received; and containing an emergency clause.
71855 Speed Humps 4000 Block of Concordia Avenue
his ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the 4000 block of Concordia Avenue in the first ward.
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
71835 Mandatory Registration Process for Residential Rental Units
An Ordinance establishing a mandatory registration process for residential rental units in the City through the City’s Housing Conservation Program; repealing earlier adopted ordinances establishing and amending the Housing Conservation Program; enacting in lieu thereof, an Ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter with provisions setting forth the procedures, requirements, fees, regulations, inspections, issuance and revocation of Certificates of Inspection for dwelling units; adding rental dwelling unit registration; and containing a penalty clause and severability clause.
71832 Standards for Lowest Responsible Bidders
This Board Bill would establish standards and requirements for determining lowest responsible bidders on City service contracts for janitorial and security services. It sets forth standards which may be deemed relevant for assessing the bidder’s business integrity, finances expertise, qualifications, experience, performance record, and compliance with the law. Such responsible bidder standards will also be applicable to subcontractors. The Board Bill also addresses the failure of a bidder to timely provide the information, documentation, and certifications set forth in the bill. It provides for certain exemptions. It contains a severability clause and an effective date clause.
71829 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Improvement Fund
This Board Bill establishes the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Improvement Fund and authorizes the appropriation of those funds. The finds are to be used for certain projects to prevent traffic accidents and fatalities and improve traffic safety citywide, and requiring annual reports developed by the Street Department and presented to the Public Infrastructure and Utilities Committee regarding the expenditure of funds. It contains a severability clause.
71810 Easement for the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller of the City of Saint Louis to execute a permanent, irrevocable Easement, which shall give, grant, extend and confer on the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, its agents, successors, and assigns, the exclusive right to build and maintain a sewer or sewers, including storm water improvements on the strip or strips of ground described, and in Lot “A” of Belle Crest Plat Book, and containing an emergency clause.
71809 Tax Accountability in Development Act
An ordinance known as the “Tax Accountability in Development Act,” or TADA, which adds to Section Three of Ordinance Number 71620, codified in Chapter 3.160 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinance, a new subsection, Chapter 3.160.030(g), requiring applicants for development tax incentives to be current in the payment of all City property taxes, and requires that the applicants be current in the payment of bills for water and refuse services provided by the City at the time of application for tax incentives from the City.
71789 Ward Capital Funds
An ordinance providing for the reallocation of funds remaining in the twenty-eight ward sub-accounts after April 18, 2023.
71777 Speed Humps for the 5800 block of Minnesota Avenue and 3700 block of Roberts Avenue
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the 5800 block of Minnesota Avenue and 3700 block of Roberts Avenue.
71769 Retention of Employees Performing Janitorial and Security Services
This Board Bill would establish requirements pertaining to the retention of employees performing janitorial and security services under contracts for such services with the City and/or City Agency. It provides for certain exemptions, setting forth consequences for violations, establishing requirements in the event the City and/or City Agency outsources janitorial and security services being performed by employees of the City and/or City Agency and establishes policies in the event the City and/or City Agency determines to have its employees perform janitorial and security services. It contains a severability clause and effective date clause.
71765 Speed Humps at Various Locations in the 1st Ward
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on various blocks of the first ward.
71758 Property Tax Credit to Freeze Property Tax Rates for Eligible Seniors
An Ordinance pertaining to the creation and administration of a property tax credit to freeze property tax rates for eligible senior taxpayers residing in the City of St. Louis.
71742 Amending Ordinance Number 70794 2018 International Building Code
The proposed bill amends Section Two of Ordinance Number 70794, adopting 2018 International Building Code with amendments, by the addition of a new subsection, subsection 119.3.3, to authorize the Building Commissioner to take steps to secure vacant buildings or structures of five-hundred thousand (500,000) or more square feet which pose significant, extensive concerns to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the public, to prevent their entry and occupancy including but not limited to the use of steel barriers or plates and engaging the services of a security services provider, with the cost of any such measures being paid for by the owner of the building or structure.
71735 Speed Humps to Calm the flow of Traffic on Various Blocks of the First Ward
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on various blocks of the first ward.
71728 installation of Speed Humps in the 5600 and 5700 Blocks of Dewey Avenue.
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic in the 5600 and 5700 blocks of Dewey Avenue.
71718 Officers of the City of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to Identify Themselves
The bill will require officers of the City of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to identify themselves as specified therein when requesting that a person consent to a search of their person, property, vehicle or home when the search is not pursuant to a warrant or exception to warrant requirements under applicable law, where the officer has reasonable suspicion or probable cause for the search, and the search is not incident to a lawful arrest. The bill will require that the officer inform such persons of the reasons for the request to consent to a search and that they may refuse to consent to the search or revoke their consent at any time during the search without consequences to them, and to create a record documenting the person’s consent, refusal to consent, or revocation of their consent to the search which shall be publicly available.
71717 Prohibiting Persons from Openly Carrying or Displaying Firearm
The proposed bill will prohibit persons from openly carrying or displaying any firearm readily capable of lethal use within the City unless the person possesses a valid concealed carry endorsement or permit as provided herein on their person or fails to present such endorsement or permit upon demand by a law enforcement officer.
71702 St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners Pay Bill
An ordinance relating to the appointment of and salaries of certain employees of the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners (the “Election Board”) pursuant to §§ 115.045 and 115.049, Revised Statutes of Missouri (“RSMo.”), by repealing Ordinance Number 71513; allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this ordinance shall be effective with the start of the first pay period after approval by the Mayor.
71701 Board of Public Service (BPS) Multiple Public Works Projects
This bill authorizes and directs the City of St. Louis to let contracts and provide for design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction for the Tower Grove Connector, Phase 2 (Sarah Street from Vandeventer Avenue to Forest Park Avenue); Lindell/Union Bridge Reconstruction Over Metrolink and Forest Park Parkway; Traffic Management Enhancements, Phase 5 (Delmar Boulevard from DeBaliviere Avenue to Vandeventer Avenue); and Louisiana Calm Streets, Phase 2 (Meramec Street to Holly Hills Avenue).
71694 Program Providing Access to Legal Representation for Tenants Facing Eviction or Equivalent Proceedings
This proposed ordinance would establish a program providing access to legal representation for tenants facing eviction or equivalent proceedings; provide an appropriation for initial costs to begin the program; create the position of program coordinator in the Department of Human Services to implement and oversee the program; require the ongoing assessment of and oversight over the needs and outcomes of the program; provide that organizations providing legal representation under the program should work to provide the best possible outcome for a case; require property owners to provide tenants information regarding the availability of the program when terminating tenancy, and require the program coordinator to produce and make available to property owners materials for this use; and require that the program coordinator will work to engage and educate tenants and others about the program, including a severability clause, and an emergency clause.
71692 Parking Division Annual Budget FY2023-2024
An ordinance making appropriation for payment of the operating expenses, capital expenses, including lease purchase agreements and debt service expenses of the Parking Division of the Treasurer’s Office for fiscal year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, in the sum of Nineteen Million, One Hundred Seventy-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred Twenty-Four Dollars ($19,174,924) including Two Million, Three Hundred Sixty-One Thousand, Five Hundred Seventy-Eight Dollars ($2,361,578) for Capital Improvements; containing an emergency clause.
71690 Treasurer’s Office Annual Pay Bill
The Board Bill repeals Ordinance Number 71550 relating to the position classifications and salaries of the Treasurer’s Office employees and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance dealing with the same subject matter and containing an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this ordinance shall be effective June 18, 2023
71689 Parking Division Annual Pay Bill
The Board Bill repeals Ordinance Number 71551 relating to the position classifications and salaries of the Parking Division employees and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance dealing with the same subject matter and containing an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this ordinance shall be effective June 18, 2023
71685 Collector of Revenue Pay Bill
The Board Bill relates to the appointment of and salaries of certain Employees in the Collector of Revenue’s Office pursuant to Section 82.610, Revised Statutes of Missouri, by repealing Ordinances Number 71508; allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this ordinance shall be effective with the start of the first pay period following approval by the Mayor.
71683 Water Rates
The proposed bill pertains to water rates, finding that an increase in certain water rates is necessary for certain purposes. The bill repeals Ordinance Number 68694, and a part of Ordinance Number 63136 presently codified as Sections 23.04.220, 23.06.130, 23.16.020, 23.16.025, 23.16.040, 23.18.070, 23.20.020, 23.20.030, and 23.20.040, Revised Code of The City of St. Louis all having as their subject water rates and charges; and enacts in liew thereof nine new sections.
71682 Bevo Mill Area Special Use District
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on May 10, 2023, to amend the boundaries of the Bevo Mill Area Special Use District (established by Ordinance 71282) so as to include the remaining portions of parcel 5653-9-220.001; to likewise amend the boundaries of the Bowtie Subarea within the Bevo Mill Area Special Use District; and containing an emergency clause.
71681 Zoning Change 4910-12 Gravois Avenue
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on May 10, 2023, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “A” Single-Family Dwelling District, the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District & the “G” Local Commercial and Office District to the “G” Local Commercial and Office District, in City Block 5653 (4910-12 Gravois Avenue), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 5653; and containing an emergency clause.
71666 OD2A Grant Award to the St. Louis City Department of Health
This Board Bill, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, appropriates up to Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) of the OD2A grant award to the Department of Health. The Department of Health is hereby authorized to accept such funds. The Director of the Department of Health is hereby authorized to expend such funds, and to make, negotiate, and execute any and all contracts or other documents on behalf of the City, for the purposes set forth in the grant; and contains an emergency clause.
71658 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs
This Board Bills is recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, spot curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein, appropriating $9,800,000.00 from the Street Improvement Fund; containing sections for description of the work, approval of plans and specifications, work and material guarantees, estimated costs from City funds and supplemental agreements and reversion authorizations, applicable state and federal wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor's Executive Orders, contract advertising statutes, and a public work emergency clause.
71653 Repeal of Chapter 3.06.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis
The proposed bill will repeal Chapter 3.06.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis which pertains to the election of members of the Board of Aldermen and their terms of office, and a restatement of and subordinate to the provisions of Article II, Section 3 of the City’s Charter which is governing. Repealing Chapter 3.06.010 will improve the organization of the City’s Code and prevent confusion that may be caused by redundant provisions.
71646 Amending the Lead Poisoning Law
This ordinance amends the Lead Poisoning Control Law for the City of St. Louis by requiring certain building permits issue only following an inspection of lead hazards and certification that hazards will be addressed by qualified contractors and workers. These requirements will ensure hazardous lead conditions are effectively abated by contractors observing high standards for the safety of occupants and tenants, workers, and the surrounding community. Under current law, certain lead abatement projects require prior notice to the state. This Ordinance enacts penalties against lead abatement contractors who fail to comply with notification requirements under Missouri State law, and other notification requirements as set out in this ordinance. Contractors failing to provide initial notice under State law and this City Ordinance will be subject to a stop work order, suspension of City work permits on the instant work site, and a fine. Work may recommence upon payment of fine, compliance with notice requirements and the Building Commissioner’s satisfaction the contractor has complied with other permitting conditions. Lead abatement contractors who persistently fail to provide notification under State and City law shall forfeit their privilege of conducting lead abatement projects in the City of St. Louis. The Building Commissioner and City of St. Louis Lead Inspection and Hazard Control Division shall receive complaints regarding violations of this ordinance and accordingly conduct investigations, including through periodic inspections of lead abatement projects to determine on-site compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, permits, and project notifications submitted to the building Commissioner.
71560 Benjamin Polson Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Benjamin Polson Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Benjamin Polson Way will begin at the intersection of Shawmut Place and Ridge Avenue and run north on Shawmut Place to the intersection of Shawmut Place and North Wells Avenue.
71554 Allocating Certain Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for the Reproductive Equity Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment appropriating a portion of funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-2, § 9901 (March 4, 2021) (ARPA) to the St. Louis Department of Health for a new Reproductive Equity Fund and COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination, authorizing contracts to expend the funds, to the extent received; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
71544 Ollie Stewart Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Ollie Stewart Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. The honorary street shall begin at the intersection of Park Avenue and Cardinal Avenue and run east on Park Avenue to the intersection of Park Avenue and Montrose Avenue.
71538 Speed humps 4000 block of Eichelberger
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, an ordinance directing the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the: 4000 block of Eichelberger Street.
71524 City Youth Council
This Board Bill will establish the “City Youth Council” in order to better serve the needs of the children and young people of St. Louis.
71507 Holly Hills Special Business District
The proposed bill would establish the Holly Hills Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, and setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy of sixty-five cents per $100.00 of assessed value for the tax years 2022 to 2031subject to the approval of the qualified voters within the proposed district, and uses to which tax revenue may be put.
71485 All-Terrain Vehicles
The proposed bill will make it unlawful for an individual to operate an “all-terrain vehicle”, as defined in the bill, on any public right-way or public property in the City.
71483 Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the Fire Chief, on behalf of the City of St Louis, to enter into and execute an Assistance to Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to receive $273,568.18 in such grant award funds. The ordinance appropriates the awarded funds and the required match amount of $27,356.82 and authorizes the Fire Chief to spend the program funds for approved purposes, which include fitness training, health and wellness programs, and exercise equipment for the firefighters’ use. The ordinance contains an emergency clause.
71452 Nash Way
This Board Bill is recommended by the Planning Commission. It approves the renaming of the entire length of a public street in the City of St. Louis, Childrens Place -- extending between Euclid Avenue on the west to Taylor Avenue on the east to be renamed to Nash Way to celebrate the accomplishments and cultural impact of Dr. Helen Nash on the Saint Louis region.
71450 Conditional Vacation of City Block 1881
The overall purpose for this bill is to conditionally vacate the following public alley. The 15 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 1881 as bounded by Aldine, Grand, Cass and Spring. The Petitioner is Veterans Community Project. The vacated area will be used to consolidate property for residential development.
71445 General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds
This Board Bill seeks to authorize submission to qualified electors a proposal for the issuance of up to fifty million ($50,000,000) of general obligation public improvement bonds. Utilizing the current property tax levy, there will be no tax increase. With an election due to be scheduled for a redistricting ballot measure in April 2022 there are no additional costs associated with this bill. If approved, funds raised from the subsequent issuance would be available to use for the following purposes: (1) resurfacing arterial streets and bridges, (2) design and construction of a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) a new state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center combining Police, Fire, EMS, CEMA, and Citizen Service Bureau (3) design and construction of pedestrian and bicycle transportation facilities, (4) maintaining the safety and security of the jails and improving public safety (5) providing match share funds, where applicable and necessary, to utilize funds made available under the American Recuse Plan Act of 2021 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 in furtherance of any of the cited projects herein and, (6) replacing, improving, renovating and maintaining buildings, bridges, and equipment of the City of St. Louis including neighborhood recreation centers and fire houses, and (7) for expenses associated with the issuance of the bonds. The City’s backlog of unmet infrastructure needs greatly exceed the amount of federal assistance expected by the City in the near future. These funds will enhance the City’s ability to provide matching grant funds to apply for competitive grants and offer the opportunity to begin design work in advance of future federal assistance and secure materials in an effort to mitigate project delays due to supply chain issues.
71431 Department of Human Services (“DHS”) Grant
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Department of Human Services (“DHS”), to accept a grant award from Washington University, Health Communication Research Laboratory, in the amount of $30,000.00 to cover expenses incurred in the Calling Older adult/disabled Participants to Ensure access to vaccines (COPE) program. DHS, through its St. Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA) division, currently provides Home Delivered Meals to over 2,000 clients. Through COPE, each client will be called to ask about the services they receive, ask if they have been vaccinated, and if not, they will be asked if they would like to be added to the homebound vaccination program. COPE will assist recipients of the Home Delivered Meals with access to vaccines through the homebound vaccination program, providing transportation to vaccine clinics, or following-up with clients regarding vaccine questions. COPE will assist Washington University to fulfill agreements with the National Institutes of Health in getting people connected with the vaccine.
71429 Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia
The proposed bill would repeal Ordinance Numbers 66419, 68404 and 69429, which pertain to the possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. The bill would also update local enforcement priorities, and probable cause and reasonable suspicion standards, and disciplinary standards to harmonize City policy with Article XIV of the Missouri State Constitution.
71405 Two-Way Stop at the intersection of Bates Street and Leona Street
An Ordinance establishing a two-way stop site at the intersection of Bates Street and Leona Street regulating all traffic traveling west bound and east bound on Bates Street at the intersection of Bates Street and Leona Street.
71368 Electric Vehicles for Senior Services Grant
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Division of Human Services (“DHS”), accept a grant award from FORTH in the amount $60,000.00 to cover transportation costs and expenses serving senior citizens in St. Louis through contracting the use of electric vehicles with Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center from 2021 to 2023. Bill will assist FORTH in fulfilling contractual requirements under its United States Dept. of Energy (DOE) funded project. This bill authorizes the Director of DHS to accept and approve the appropriation to expend grant funds for the purposes and uses to assist with supporting the use of Electric Vehicles to deliver meals and provide transportation services to senior citizens in St. Louis. FORTH will provide funds to purchase/lease the electric vehicles and cover the cost to install electric charging stations for vehicles used by Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center. Through the use of electric vehicles, Senior St. Louisans who rely on services from contracting organizations will have access to transportation that will assist in providing meals and transportation for daily errands and appointments.
71354 STL CARES (Community Assessment and Referral for Enduring Stability) Program
This Board Bill authorizes the City of St. Louis Department of Health (DOH) to accept a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)(CFDA Number: 93.243)(Award No. 1H79SM080544-01), known as the Law Enforcement and Behavioral Health Partnership: STL CARES (Community Assessment and Referral for Enduring Stability) project grant in the total amount of One Million Six Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars ($1,648,627) over five years, to enable early diversion of individuals with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) from potential arrest using targeted outreach and behavioral health co-response, coupled with law enforcement personnel training in mental health and trauma-informed response and other grant purposes; authorizing the expenditure of grant funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the grant purposes.

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