Board Bills In Session 2014-2015

Legislation introduced by Aldermen in the form of bills.

Board bill data is available for the 2005-2006 session and later.

BB #: All
272 records
Board Bill Sponsor Ordinance
BB 1
Budget FY14/15
Lewis E Reed 69736
BB 2
Ordinance establishing bond oversight committee
Lewis E Reed 69757
BB 3
Towing of vehicle with unpaid handicap tickets
Sharon Tyus
BB 4
Washington Place Special Business District
Lyda Krewson 69737
BB 5
Washington Place tax levy
Lyda Krewson 69738
BB 6
Waterman Lake Special Business District
Lyda Krewson 69739
BB 7
Waterman Lake Tax levy
Lyda Krewson 69740
BB 8
Westminster Lake Special Business District
Lyda Krewson 69741
BB 9
Westminster Lake Tax levy
Lyda Krewson 69742
BB 10
Rezoning of 4301 Hampton
Donna Baringer 69743
BB 11
Rezoning Chouteau Corridor Phase 1
Christine Ingrassia 69744
BB 12
Ballot language for Capital Improvement Bonds
Lewis E Reed
BB 13
Revelopment plan for 3637 N. Utah Place
Dionne Flowers 69758
BB 14
Redevelopment plan for 1900 Washington
Marlene E Davis 69750
BB 15
Redevelopment plan for 2841-47 Indiana
Kenneth Ortmann 69759
BB 16
Redevelopment plan for 4409-25 Evans
Samuel L Moore 69760
BB 17
Redevelopment plan for 4218 Maryland
Terry Kennedy 69761
BB 18
Redevelopment plan for 5444 Odell
Joseph Vollmer 69762
BB 19
Redevelopment plan for 2422-24 S. 11th Street
Phyllis Young 69763
BB 20
Redevelopment plan for 5223 Elizabeth
Joseph Vollmer 69805
BB 21
Redevelopment plan for 4936-38 Odell
Stephen Conway 69751
BB 22
Redevelopment plan for 5135 Shaw
Joseph Vollmer 69764
BB 23
Amended redevelopment plan for Bremen Homes
Freeman M. Bosley Sr. 69752
BB 24
Redevelopment plan for 4467 Gibson
Joseph D Roddy 69765
BB 25
Short term borrowing
Terry Kennedy 69746
BB 26
Redevelopment plan for 7200-7230 S. Broadway
Thomas A Villa 69766
BB 27
Parking within 1100 Taylor Avenue
Joseph D Roddy 69745
BB 28
Redevelopment plan for 1910 Virginia
Christine Ingrassia 69767
BB 29
Redevelopment plan for 2655 Accomac
Christine Ingrassia 69768
BB 30
Redevelopment plan for 3670 Flora Pl
Stephen Conway 69769
BB 31
Redevelopment plan for 3663 Cleveland
Stephen Conway 69770
BB 32
Redevelopment plan for 4055-57 Shaw
Stephen Conway 69771
BB 33
3516-18 Wyoming
Stephen Conway 69772
BB 34
Redevelopment plan for 3329 S. 7th Street
Kenneth Ortmann 69773
BB 35
Redevelopment plan for 2724 Utah
Kenneth Ortmann 69774
BB 36
Redevelopment plan for 3501 Utah
Stephen Conway 69753
BB 37
750,000 Grant for Re-Entry Service
Craig N Schmid 69749
BB 38
Change collection containers at Lambert Airport
Lewis E Reed
BB 39
Amendment to the Agreement with Downtown Convention Center Hotel
Phyllis Young 69747
BB 40
Redevelopment plan for 1212-14 Lynch
Kenneth Ortmann 69775
BB 41
Establish Carrie CID
Dionne Flowers 69748
BB 42
Redevelopment plan for 4156-58 Juniata
Jennifer Florida 69776
BB 43
Redevelopment plan for 3548 Giles
Jennifer Florida 69777
BB 44
Redevelopment plan for 6201-05 Columbia
Scott Ogilvie 69778
BB 45
Redevelopment plan for 2701 Delmar
Marlene E Davis 69754
BB 46
Redevelopment plan for 4929-63 Manchester
Joseph D. Roddy 69755
BB 47
Rental registration program
Jennifer Florida
BB 48
Gregory J. Carter Park
Chris Carter 69806
BB 49
Redevelopment plan for 2400 S. 9th Street
Phyllis Young 69779
BB 50
Redevelopment plan for 2010 Geyer
Phyllis Young 69780
BB 51
5th Supplemental Indenture for 634 N. Grand
Marlene E Davis 69807
BB 52
Redevelopment plan for 6335 Bulwer Ave
Dionne Flowers 69781
BB 53
Redevelopment plan for Lookaway Drive
Dionne Flowers 69782
BB 54
Redevelopment plan for 2600 Dr. Samuel T. Shepard Drive
Marlene E Davis 69756
BB 55
Ordinance relating to fortunetellers
Shane Cohn 69808
BB 56
Est. Grand Center CID
Marlene E Davis
BB 57
Sweetie Pies CID
Marlene E Davis 69783
BB 58
Quit claim for 5279 Page
Frank Williamson
BB 59
Transit sales tax
Terry Kennedy 69795
BB 60
Transit sales tax-1997
Terry Kennedy 69796
BB 61
Transportation sales tax 2014-2015
Terry Kennedy 69797
BB 62
Treasurer's Office budget
Freeman M Bosley Sr. 69786
BB 63
An Ordinance establishing the Office of Financial Empowerment.
Chris Carter 69809
BB 64
Quit Claim Deed to AGC of St. Louis Education Foundation
Christine Ingrassia 69784
BB 65
New public street adjacent to North Sarah Phase II
Terry Kennedy 69787
BB 66
adoption of a policy supporting the practice of the Trap-Neuter-Return of feral cats;
Christine Ingrassia 69798
BB 67
Stop signs at Newstead and Cote Brillante
Samuel L Moore 69788
BB 68
Closing Ridge at 5364 Ridge
Frank Williamson 69789
BB 69
Stop signs at Tesson and Schroeder
Larry Arnowitz 69790
BB 70
Redevelopment plan for 4517-25 S. Kingshighway
Carol Howard 69810
BB 71
Redevelopment plan for 3822 Flad
Stephen Conway 69811
BB 72
Redevelopment plan for 2622-24 Cherokee
Craig N Schmid 69812
BB 73
Redevelopment plan for 3023-25 Allen
Marlene E Davis 69813
BB 74
Redevelopment plan for 3818-20 Arsenal
Jennifer Florida 69814
BB 75
Redevelopment plan for 3433 McKean
Jennifer Florida 69815
BB 76
Redevelopment plan for 1515-215 S. 39th, 3901-05, 3907-09 Folsom, 3861-69 McRee, 3867 Lafayette
Marlene E Davis 69816
BB 77
Redevelopment plan for 2017 Allen
Phyllis Young 69817
BB 78
Redevelopment plan for 3150-56 S. Grand and 3515-21 Juniata
Stephen Conway 69818
BB 79
Redevelopment Plan for 3806 Flad
Stephen Conway 69819
BB 80
Redevelopment plan for 2629 S. 11th Str.
Kenneth Ortmann 69820
BB 81
Ord. affirming Ordinances and Notices
Phyllis Young 69785
BB 82
2015 S. 59th Street
Joseph Vollmer 69799
BB 83
Security Access system upgrades
Stephen Conway 69791
BB 84
Air service incentive authorization
Stephen Conway 69792
BB 85
Air service incentive financing
Stephen Conway 69793
BB 86
4200 Gibson Residential Parking
Joseph D. Roddy 69794
BB 87
Vacate Pleasant St. at Carter
Freeman M. Bosley Sr. 69804
BB 88
Rezoning 7200-30 S. Broadway
Thomas Albert Villa 69822
BB 89
Closing of Maple at Clarendon
Frank Williamson 69854
BB 90
Renaming 7th Street to Shannan's Way
Phyllis Young 69855
BB 91
Cortex - Release of properties on Duncan and Sarah
Joseph D. Roddy 69800
BB 92
Establishing the Euclid CID
Joseph D. Roddy 69801
BB 93
Establishing the 1831/2000 Sidney St. CID
Kenneth Ortmann 69802
BB 94
Administrative fine ordinance
Craig N Schmid 69821
BB 95
Metro City tax ordinance
Stephen Conway 69803
BB 96
Designate Providence Place as Knapstein Place
Craig N Schmid 69863
BB 97
5 year ABM Parking services contract
Stephen Conway 69824
BB 98
1st amend. for Intergovernmental agreement with BiState
Stephen Conway 69825
BB 99
Redevelopment plan for DeSales Scattered Sites
Kenneth Ortmann 69833
BB 100
Redevelopment plan for 3304 Shenandoah
Christine Ingrassia 69834
BB 101
Redevelopment plan for 3130 Ohio
Kenneth Ortmann 69835
BB 102
Redevelopment plan for 5624 Magnolia
Joseph Vollmer 69836
BB 103
Redevelopment plan for 4019 Magnolia
Stephen Conway 69837
BB 104
Redevelopment plan for 5320 Brannon
Carol Howard 69838
BB 105
Redevelopment plan for 2340 S. 11th
Phyllis Young 69839
BB 106
Redevelopment plan for 1041 Shenandoah
Phyllis Young 69840
BB 107
Redevelopment plan for 3904 Hartford
Jennifer Florida 69841
BB 108
Redevelopment plan for 3804 and 3822 Humphrey
Jennifer Florida 69842
BB 109
Redevelopment plan for 514 Holly Hills
Thomas Albert Villa
BB 110
Redevelopment plan for 5132 Daggett
Joseph Vollmer 69843
BB 111
Redevelopment plan for 5103-05 Wicklow Place
Shane Cohn 69844
BB 112
Zoning change for 3992 Gratiot
Joseph D. Roddy 69823
BB 113
Vacation for alley at Compton from Fassen south
Shane Cohn 69856
BB 114
Vacation of the north/south alley at Children's Place/Taylor/Scott/Euclid
Joseph D. Roddy 69857
BB 115
US Bank Concession
Stephen Conway 69826
BB 116
Redevelopment plan for 4321-25 Manchester
Joseph D. Roddy 69845
BB 117
Redevelopment plan for 4187-91 Manchester
Joseph D. Roddy 69828
BB 118
Redevelopment plan for 1409 Missouri
Phyllis Young 69846
BB 119
Redevelopment plan for 1115-21 Pine
Phyllis Young 69829
BB 120
Redevelopment plan for 823-27 Washington
Phyllis Young 69830
BB 121
Redevelopment plan for 5528 & 5560 Pershing
Frank Williamson 69831
BB 122
Redevelopment plan for 3501 California
Craig N Schmid 69847
BB 123
Redevelopment plan for 2117 Russell
Phyllis Young 69848
BB 124
Lease of golf courses in Forest Park
Lyda Krewson 69877
BB 125
Ordinance pertaining to banner permits
Stephen Conway 69883
BB 126
Ordinance pertaining to barbecuing in Benton Park
Kenneth Ortmann 69894
BB 127
Redevelopment plan for 4151-53 Cleveland
Stephen Conway 69849
BB 128
Redevelopment plan for 3854,3858,3860 Shenandoah
Stephen Conway 69850
BB 129
Redevelopment plan for 5201-03 Virginia
Shane Cohn 69851
BB 130
Redevelopment plan for 4449-73 Evans
Samuel L Moore 69832
BB 131
Zoning change for 4537, 4541, 4545 Geraldine
Sharon Tyus 69858
BB 132
Ordinance pertaining to rail road improvements
Thomas Albert Villa 69827
BB 133
Ordinance designating 1345-55 N.Garrison a city landmark
Marlene E Davis 69935
BB 134
Ordinance designating 1401 N. Kingshighway a city landmark
Terry Kennedy 69936
BB 135
Redevelopment plan for 3884 Fairview
Stephen Conway 69852
BB 136
Redevelopment plan for 3518 Utah
Stephen Conway 69853
BB 137
Block Grant for 2015
Joseph D. Roddy 69876
BB 138
Prohibiting liquor in the 27th Ward
Chris Carter 69864
BB 139
Ordinance prohibiting liquor in the 14th Ward
Carol Howard 69865
BB 140
Lease agreement with ACL Transportation
Phyllis Young 69878
BB 141
Grant for Medical Examiner
Larry Arnowitz 69859
BB 142
Establishment of a honorary Poet Laureate
Lewis E Reed 69879
BB 143
8th Supplemental Appropriation to CIP Projects
Stephen Conway 69866
BB 144
Emergency bldg & environs project
Stephen Conway 69867
BB 145
Suppl. appropriation to the Annual Budget
Stephen Conway 69868
BB 146
Transfer of funds for fire main
Stephen Conway 69869
BB 147
Airfield bldg and environs project
Stephen Conway 69870
BB 148
Northpark partners land sale
Stephen Conway 69871
BB 149
Brownsville Int. air cargo agrmt
Stephen Conway 69880
BB 150
Auto rental auth. (7 contracts)
Stephen Conway 69872
BB 151
Recorder of Deeds
Phyllis Young
BB 152
Redev. plan for 2700 Henrietta
Christine Ingrassia
BB 153
Redev. plan for 2804-08 S. Compton, 3151-53 Halliday
Christine Ingrassia 69895
BB 154
Redev. plan for 2925 Lemp
Kenneth Ortmann 69896
BB 155
Redev. plan for 3453 Wisconsin
Kenneth Ortmann 69897
BB 156
Redev plan for 2615 January
Joseph Vollmer 69898
BB 157
Amend. redev.plan for Hyde Park Scattered Sites
Freeman M. Bosley Sr. 69899
BB 158
Redev. plan for 1011 Olive St.
Phyllis Young 69900
BB 159
Redev. plan for 3826-32 McRee, 3828-30 Folsom
Marlene E Davis 69901
BB 160
Pedestrian traffic signal impr.
Phyllis Young 69881
BB 161
Carrie Av. CID
Dionne Flowers 69873
BB 162
Zoning change for 2842 Magnolia
Christine Ingrassia 69887
BB 163
Zoning change for 5213 Bischoff
Joseph Vollmer 69888
BB 164
Ord. regarding the Equitable Relief from Utility Tax Fund
Craig N Schmid 69860
BB 165
Continuum of Care Grant
Craig N Schmid 69861
BB 166
Grant for Navigator Project Services
Craig N Schmid 69862
BB 167
Parking in 4500 Gibson Av. Residential District
Joseph D. Roddy 69882
BB 168
10th Ward Liquor Control District
Joseph Vollmer 69874
BB 169
Vacation of Shaw between Kingshighway and Vandeventer
Stephen Conway 69884
BB 170
Vacation of Hebert from Clara to Blackstone
Jeffrey L Boyd 69885
BB 171
Vacation of Vulcon to Davis, Reilly, Marceau
Thomas Albert Villa 69886
BB 172
Sixth supplemental indenture for Grandel Theatre
Marlene E Davis 69902
BB 173
Dissolving special allocation funds for Center for Emerging Technologies
Joseph D. Roddy 69903
BB 174
Use of portable recording devices by the police
Antonio D French
BB 175
Prohibiting liquor in 22nd Ward
Jeffrey L Boyd 69875
BB 176
Assigning TIF revenues to Southtown Redevelopment Area
Megan E. Green 69904
BB 177
9th Supplemental Appropriation to CIP projects
Stephen Conway 69889
BB 178
1st Amendment to AVEND Co. concession agreement
Stephen Conway 69890
BB 179
Tax Increment Financing Plans
Joseph D. Roddy 69905
BB 180
Redevelopment plan for 6828 Oakland
Lyda Krewson 69906
BB 181
Redevelopment plan for 4108-10 Castleman
Stephen Conway 69907
BB 182
Redevelopment plan for 4957-63 Arsenal
Stephen Conway 69908
BB 183
Redevelopment plan for 1349 N. Garrison
Marlene E Davis 69909
BB 184
Redevelopment plan for 1918 Edwards
Joseph Vollmer 69910
BB 185
Redevelopment plan for 2106 Wyoming
Kenneth Ortmann 69911
BB 186
BOARD BILL #186 An ordinance approving the petition to establish the Forsyth Associates Community Improvement District
Marlene E Davis 69944
BB 187
Ordinance to sell property at #5 Branch to Gunther Salt Co and Great Rivers Greenway
Dionne Flowers 69926
BB 188
Continental Cement Co. lease
Dionne Flowers 69927
BB 189
Ordinance regarding veterans preference
Jeffrey L Boyd 69982
BB 190
Redevelopment plan for 2021 Rutger
Phyllis Young 69912
BB 191
Designation of Walton Ave. as Rev. Melvin Smotherson Ave
Terry Kennedy 69937
BB 192
Zoning change for 3019-21 & 3029 Arsenal
Christine Ingrassia
BB 193
Designating Goodfellow between Enright and Delmar Rev. Tommie C. Ringo Blvd
Frank Williamson 69938
BB 194
Approving SSTIF Documents
Joseph D. Roddy 69913
BB 195
Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds
Phyllis Young 69891
BB 196
2014 Lead grant bill
Craig N Schmid 69892
BB 197
Low interest loans for residential energy efficiency
Terry Kennedy 69893
BB 198
Ordinance amending complete streets policy
Scott Ogilvie 69955
BB 199
Redevelopment plan for 3838 Flora Place
Stephen Conway 69914
BB 200
Prohibiting liquor in the 20th Ward
Craig N Schmid
BB 201
Ord. establishing the Debaliviere Place Special Business District
Lyda Krewson 69915
BB 202
Ord. submitting to voters a proposal regarding Debaliviere Place Special Business District
Lyda Krewson 69916
BB 203
Parking Revenue Bonds
Chris Carter 69917
BB 204
Transfer of money for rates mitigation
Stephen Conway 69918
BB 205
WiFi Contract
Stephen Conway 69919
BB 206
Ameren UE Substation lease
Stephen Conway 69920
BB 207
Discharging of projectile weapon
Stephen Conway
BB 208
Civilian Review Board
Antonio D French 69984
BB 209
Lacledes Landing Development Plan
Phyllis Young 69921
BB 210
Amending Redevelopment Plan for 3637 N. Utah
Megan E. Green 69956
BB 211
Redevelopment plan for 2329 Market St
Christine Ingrassia 69957
BB 212
Redevelopment plan for 4056 Russell
Stephen Conway 69958
BB 213
Redevelopment plan for 2112 Sidney St.
Kenneth Ortmann 69959
BB 214
Liquor moratorium for 24th Ward
Scott Ogilvie 69930
BB 215
Forest Park Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds
Terry Kennedy 69922
BB 216
Series 2015 Kiel Refunding Project
Terry Kennedy 69925
BB 217
Establishing the Lafayette Square Special Business District
Phyllis Young 69923
BB 218
Ordinance submitting to the voters the Lafayette Square Special Business Distict
Phyllis Young 69924
BB 219
Sale of 4213 Gibson
Joseph D. Roddy 69983
BB 220
Liquor Moratorium for 15th Ward
Megan E. Green 69931
BB 221
Competitive bidding and composition of workforce
Joseph Vaccaro
BB 222
Ordinance pertaining to construction contracts
Joseph Vaccaro
BB 223
Redevelopment plan for 2613-17 Marcus
Samuel L Moore 69960
BB 224
Redevelopment plan for 2218 Wisconsin
Kenneth Ortmann 69961
BB 225
Establishing the Citizen Commission on the Reduction and Reformation of the Board of Aldermen
Shane Cohn
BB 226
2015 St. Louis Works and 50/50 Sidewalk
Freeman M. Bosley Sr. 69932
BB 227
Carondelet Commons Community Improvement District
Thomas Albert Villa 69945
BB 228
Zoning change for LaSalle Park Scattered Sites
Phyllis Young 69928
BB 229
Salaries of Employees in the Sheriff's Office
Joseph Vaccaro 69929
BB 230
Agreement between the City of St. Louis and Hallmark Hotels
Stephen Conway
BB 231
Northern Tract
Marlene E Davis 69933
BB 232
North Park Partners contract
Marlene E Davis 69946
BB 233
ATM Concessions
Marlene E Davis 69934
BB 234
Redevelopment plan for 1956 Wyoming
Kenneth Ortmann 69962
BB 235
Repealing City Plan on proposed residential structures
Christine Ingrassia 69948
BB 236
Redevelopment plan for 5528 Botanical
Joseph Vollmer 69963
BB 237
Redevelopment plan for 5435 Elizabeth
Joseph Vollmer 69964
BB 238
Civil Service Pay Plan
Frank Williamson 69949
BB 239
Redevelopment plan for 2350 S. Grand
Stephen Conway 69965
BB 240
Redevelopment plan for 4135-37 Shaw
Stephen Conway 69966
BB 241
Airport refunding bonds
Marlene E Davis 69939
BB 242
Rezoning 2700 S. Grand
Stephen Conway 69950
BB 243
Redevelopment plan for 2413 S. 10th
Kenneth Ortmann 69967
BB 244
Closing of Emerson at Lillian
Chris Carter 69951
BB 245
Vacation of Holly Hills at Grand
Thomas Albert Villa 69940
BB 246
Vacation of Wise between Kingshighway and Brother Thornton Way
Joseph D. Roddy 69941
BB 247
Vacation of Parkview Place from Euclid to Kingshighway
Joseph D. Roddy 69942
BB 248
Redevelopment plan for 851-859 Goodfellow
Frank Williamson 69968
BB 249
Vacation of Chouteau, Jefferson, LaSalle, Ohio
Christine Ingrassia 69947
BB 250
Establishing the 2350 South Grand CID
Stephen Conway 69952
BB 251
Vacation of the alley at Delor, Adkins, Walsh and Morganford
Carol Howard 69943
BB 252
Parking within the 4400 block of Fair Avenue
Antonio D French
BB 253
Redevelopment plan for 3219 Regal Place
Joseph Vollmer 69969
BB 254
Redevelopment plan for 3923 Cleveland
Stephen Conway 69970
BB 255
Redevelopment plan for 2640 Arsenal
Kenneth Ortmann 69971
BB 256
Redevelopment plan for 5431 Holly Hills
Larry Arnowitz
BB 257
Redevelopment plan for 4448 Oakland
Joseph D. Roddy 69972
BB 258
Redevelopment plan for 1917 Rutger
Christine Ingrassia 69973
BB 259
Northside Regeneration Agreement
Tammika Hubbard 69974
BB 260
Amending definitions in the Revised Code
Christine Ingrassia 69953
BB 261
Redevelopment plan for 5519 Botanical
Joseph Vollmer 69975
BB 262
Redevelopment plan for 5532 Magnolia
Joseph Vollmer 69976
BB 263
Redevelopment plan for Cass, Jefferson, Parnell, Montgomery, N. 22nd
Tammika Hubbard 69977
BB 264
City Arch River Project
Lyda Krewson 69954
BB 265
Ordinance relating to delinquent payments and fees
Joseph Vaccaro
BB 266
Ordinance relating to penalties for delinquencies in filing
Joseph Vaccaro
BB 267
Establishing a stop site on Pernod at Sublett
Joseph Vollmer
BB 268
Amendment to add property to CWE Community Improvement District
Lyda Krewson 69978
BB 269
Union Station TIF Agreement
Christine Ingrassia 69979
BB 270
Union Station TIF Plan
Christine Ingrassia 69980
BB 271
Union Station TIF Note
Christine Ingrassia 69981
BB 272
Stop site on McCausland at Marquette
Joseph Vaccaro

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