Ordinances by Cara Spencer

Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman

Ward 08, Ward 20

List all 138 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71946 Prevent and Remediate Mold
An ordinance requiring property owners to prevent and remediate mold in rental dwelling units; prohibiting an owner of a rental dwelling unit from obtaining a Certificate of Inspection if mold is present; providing for notice protocols to owners of units where mold is found; requiring owners to notify tenants of units where mold is found; directing the Department of Health to create materials with information about mold prevention, remediation, and hazards; empowering the Building Division to enforce this ordinance; imposing penalties for violating this ordinance; and containing an emergency clause and a severability clause.
71943 Utility Coordination Policy
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70924, codified as Chapter 25.74 of the Revised Code of Ordinance of the City of St. Louis and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance to be known as the “Utility Coordination” policy.
71905 Pay Bill - Circuit Attorney's Office
An ordinance to regulate employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis, and all employees under the Circuit Attorney Office, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan, repealing Ordinance Number 71693, allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause; and an effective date.
71898 Redevelopment Plan for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the JeffVanderLou Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area. It is anticipated that there will be at least three projects developed in the Area. The projects will include the renovation of a commercial building and construction of 34 senior housing units and retail. The commercial building will house a location of the Negro League Baseball Museum. Estimated cost of development is $17.6 million. This Board Bill will allow up to fifteen (15) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 90 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and followed 5 years based on 50 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71890 Speed Humps 1600 Block of S. 9th Street
This Board Bill is pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, an ordinance directing the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on various blocks in the 8th ward.
71880 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 56729 and 56579
he proposed bill repeals Chapter 11.28 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis pertaining to Abortions, by repealing: Section 11.28.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Ordinance Number 56729 codified in Sections 11.28.010, 11.28.020, 11.28.030, 11.28.040, 11.28.050, 11.28.060, 11.28.070, 11.28.080, 11.28.090, and 11.28.100 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 or Ordinance Number 56579 codified in Section 11.28.230, 11.28.240, 11.28.250, 11.28.260, 11.28.270, 11.28.280, 11.28.290, 11.28.300, 11.28.310, 11.28.320, and 11.28.330, 11.28.340, 11.28.350, 11.28.360, and 11.28.370 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis.
71863 Honorary Street Name “On Leong Way”
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937 the proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name “On Leong Way”, which shall begin at the intersection of S. 8th Street and Walnut Street and run North on S. 8th Street to the intersection of S 8th Street and Market Street.
71859 Zoning Change 930 Sidney Street
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on April 17, 2024, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “K” Unrestricted District to the “D” Multiple-Family Dwelling District, in City Block 847 (930 Sidney Street), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 847; and containing an emergency clause.
71850 Speed Humps Various Locations in the 8th Ward
This ordinance pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on various blocks of the 8th ward.
71846 St. Louis City Annual Budget FY 2025
The proposed bill makes an appropriation for payment of Interest, Expenses and Principal of the City’s Bonded Indebtedness, establishing City tax rates, and making appropriation for current year expenses of the City Government, Water Division, St. Louis Airport Commission, Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Health Care Trust Fund, Use Tax Excess Trust Fund, Building Demolition Fund, Assessor, Police Contracts Fund, Communications Division, City Employee Pension Trust Fund, Forest Park Fund, Child Support Unit (Circuit Attorney's Office), Circuit Attorney Training and Collection Fee Funds, Public Administrators Fund, Port Administration Fund, Fire Department EMS GEMT Fund, Peace Officer Training Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Capital Improvements Sales Tax Trust Fund, Metro Parks Sales Tax Fund, Centralized Mailroom and Equipment Services Fuel Internal Service Funds, Tourism Fund, Lateral Sewer Fund, Public Safety Trust Fund, Public Safety Sales Tax Trust Fund, Economic Development Tax Trust Fund, Local Parks Fund, Public Safety Sales and Use Tax Fund (Prop P), Neighborhood Parks Fund, BJC/City Trust Fund, Miscellaneous Special Funds, Trustee Lease Fund, Riverfront Gaming Fund, Various Grant Funds, Tax Increment District Special Allocation Fund, City Convention and Sports Facility Trust Fund, Judgment Fund, and Employee Benefits Fund (Department of Personnel) for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Billion, Three Hundred Thirty-Five Million, One Hundred Thirty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred Dollars ($1,335,133,900) which sum is hereby appropriated from Revenue and Special Funds named for the purposes hereinafter enumerated and containing an emergency clause.
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
71838 Appropriating $15,300,000 of Interest Funds Earned on the City’s Funds Received Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment appropriating $15,300,000 of interest funds earned on the City’s funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021) (ARPA); and authorizing the transfer of such funds for Convention Center project purposes; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
71809 Tax Accountability in Development Act
An ordinance known as the “Tax Accountability in Development Act,” or TADA, which adds to Section Three of Ordinance Number 71620, codified in Chapter 3.160 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinance, a new subsection, Chapter 3.160.030(g), requiring applicants for development tax incentives to be current in the payment of all City property taxes, and requires that the applicants be current in the payment of bills for water and refuse services provided by the City at the time of application for tax incentives from the City.
71790 Speed Humps Various Locations 8th Ward
The bill directs the Director of Streets pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394 to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the 3800 block of Wisconsin Avenue, 1220 block of Missouri Avenue, 2100 block of Missouri Avenue, 2400 block of Salena Street, 2700 block of Salena Street, 2200 block of Lynch Street, 1800 block of Rutger Street, 1040 block of Lafayette Avenue, 2200 block of Wyoming Street, and the 4700 block of Nebraska Avenue.
71769 Retention of Employees Performing Janitorial and Security Services
This Board Bill would establish requirements pertaining to the retention of employees performing janitorial and security services under contracts for such services with the City and/or City Agency. It provides for certain exemptions, setting forth consequences for violations, establishing requirements in the event the City and/or City Agency outsources janitorial and security services being performed by employees of the City and/or City Agency and establishes policies in the event the City and/or City Agency determines to have its employees perform janitorial and security services. It contains a severability clause and effective date clause.
71766 Amending Police and Fire Pay
This Board Bill amends Section 2(c) and Section 2(d) of Ordinance Number 71686; and includes an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this ordinance shall be effective with the start of the first pay period following approval by the Mayor.
71755 Eminent Domain and Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Locust St./ North 6th St./ Pine St./ North 7th St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the Locust St./ North 6th St./ Pine St./ North 7th St. Redevelopment Area. The proposed Bill also allows for use of eminent domain within the area for all properties except for 622 Olive St. This Board Bill will allow for up to a 20-year tax abatement at 95 percent.
71747 Deed to ARTCO
This Board Bill authorizes the execution of a Contract for Sale of Real Estate, accepting a deed to certain real property located in City Block 2710 owned by American River Transportation Co., LLC (“ARTCO”), and execution of a deed to ARTCO for certain City-owned property located in City Block 2709 in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
71746 Medical Examiner's Employee Pay Plan
The proposed bill regulates employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis and all employees under the Medical Examiner’s Office, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan. The bill repeals the current ordinance concerning the forgoing, Ordinance Number 71510.
71745 2024 Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”)
A board bill recommended by the Board of Estimate & Apportionment to submit a 2024 Annual Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"); authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller to enter into and execute agreements with HUD for the receipt of 2024 Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”), HOME Investment Partnership (“HOME”), HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (“HOME-ARP”), Emergency Solutions Grant (“ESG”), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (“HOPWA) funds; appropriating CDBG, HOME, HOME-ARP, HOPWA, and ESG grant funds; authorizing the Directors of the Community Development Administration (“CDA”), Department of Human Services (“DHS”), and Department of Health (“DOH”) to make, negotiate and execute contracts as may be necessary to expend funds; and containing an emergency clause.
71742 Amending Ordinance Number 70794 2018 International Building Code
The proposed bill amends Section Two of Ordinance Number 70794, adopting 2018 International Building Code with amendments, by the addition of a new subsection, subsection 119.3.3, to authorize the Building Commissioner to take steps to secure vacant buildings or structures of five-hundred thousand (500,000) or more square feet which pose significant, extensive concerns to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the public, to prevent their entry and occupancy including but not limited to the use of steel barriers or plates and engaging the services of a security services provider, with the cost of any such measures being paid for by the owner of the building or structure.
71741 Conditionally Vacate and Alley bounded by McGirk Street, 11th Street, Lynch Street and 12th Street
The overall purpose for this bill is to conditionally vacate the following portion of an alley and street. The easternmost 2.03 feet of the 20 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 792 as bounded by McGirk Street, 11th Street, Lynch Street and 12th Street and beginning at McGirk Street and extending south 64.1 feet to a point and the southernmost 4.06 feet of McGirk Street beginning at 11th Street and extending west 144.3 feet to a point. The Petitioner is Rhinestone Realty LLC. The vacated area will be used to correct boundary lines.
71732 Speed Humps various Locations in the Soulard Neighborhood
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394 the proposed bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic at sixty locations within the City’s Soulard Neighborhood.
71717 Prohibiting Persons from Openly Carrying or Displaying Firearm
The proposed bill will prohibit persons from openly carrying or displaying any firearm readily capable of lethal use within the City unless the person possesses a valid concealed carry endorsement or permit as provided herein on their person or fails to present such endorsement or permit upon demand by a law enforcement officer.
71714 Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis
This bill pertains to the Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis (the “System”) by repealing Section One of Ordinance 71161 and enacting a new provision in order to comply with the federal Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2022 (the “Secure Act 2.0”). This bill will preserve the System’s “qualified status” from the Internal Revenue Service and afford the System’s participants’ continued favorable tax treatment by permitting the System’s assets to grow tax free and to prevent the participants from being taxed when a participating employer makes a contribution to the System.
71693 Circuit Attorney's Office Pay Bill
This Board Bill is to regulate employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis, and all employees under the Circuit Attorney Office. This includes a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan. This Board Bill repeals Ordinance Number 71515, allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate, and including an emergency clause.
71686 Civil Service Compensation Plan and Pay Bill
This Board Bill regulates employer and employee working relationships between the City of St. Louis and all employees under the Classified Service, including a compensation plan, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, leaves of absence, and authorization for a Deferred Compensation Plan; repealing Ordinance Number 71512; allocating certain other employees to a grade with rate; and including an emergency clause. The provisions of the sections contained in this Bill shall be effective with the start of the pay period in which this ordinance is approved by the Mayor.
71666 OD2A Grant Award to the St. Louis City Department of Health
This Board Bill, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, appropriates up to Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) of the OD2A grant award to the Department of Health. The Department of Health is hereby authorized to accept such funds. The Director of the Department of Health is hereby authorized to expend such funds, and to make, negotiate, and execute any and all contracts or other documents on behalf of the City, for the purposes set forth in the grant; and contains an emergency clause.
71665 Zoning Change for 1525-29 S. Broadway and 1506 S. 7th Blvd.
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on March 8, 2023, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “J” Industrial District to the “H” Area Commercial District, in City Block 367 (1525-29 S. Broadway and 1506 S. 7th Blvd.), so as to include the described parcels of land in City Block 367; and containing an emergency clause.
71661 General Obligation Bonds
This Board Bill seeks to authorize the issuance of an aggregate of up to $50 million of general obligation bonds in one or more series (the “Bonds”). The Bonds will be paid by utilizing the current property tax levy without a levy increase.
71660 Annual City Budget FY 2024
This bill is the City’s Annual Budget Appropriation for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 and containing an emergency clause.
71658 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs
This Board Bills is recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, spot curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein, appropriating $9,800,000.00 from the Street Improvement Fund; containing sections for description of the work, approval of plans and specifications, work and material guarantees, estimated costs from City funds and supplemental agreements and reversion authorizations, applicable state and federal wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor's Executive Orders, contract advertising statutes, and a public work emergency clause.
71635 Speed Humps Various Locations 20th Ward
Pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394, the bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the 3800 block of Virginia Avenue, 2600 block of Winnebago Street, 3100 block of Osceola Street, 3500 block of Iowa, 3600 block of Iowa Avenue, 2800 block of Miami, 3900 South Compton Avenue, 2600 block of Osage Street, 3700 block of California, 3500 block of Michigan Avenue, 3500 block of Nebraska, and the 4000 block of California Avenue between the intersections of California Avenue and Osage Street and California Avenue and Gasconade Street, and the 3900 block of South Compton Avenue between the intersections of South Compton Avenue and Osage Street and South Compton Avenue and Keokuk Street.
71627 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 2616 Cherokee St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 2616 Cherokee St. Redevelopment Area. The project consists of the renovation of an existing mixed-use building in the Gravois Park neighborhood. The prospective redeveloper plans on renovating the building creating 6 apartments and 3 commercials units for the approximate cost of $865,000. This Board Bill will allow ten (10) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 75 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71607 Prop C - Establishing a City Charter Commission
The bill proposes an amendment to the City’s Charter that would establish a Charter Commission to consider and recommend amendments and revisions to the voters on a decennial basis following the census or upon initiative by the qualified voters of the City as provided in the bill.
71560 Benjamin Polson Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Benjamin Polson Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Benjamin Polson Way will begin at the intersection of Shawmut Place and Ridge Avenue and run north on Shawmut Place to the intersection of Shawmut Place and North Wells Avenue.
71483 Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the Fire Chief, on behalf of the City of St Louis, to enter into and execute an Assistance to Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to receive $273,568.18 in such grant award funds. The ordinance appropriates the awarded funds and the required match amount of $27,356.82 and authorizes the Fire Chief to spend the program funds for approved purposes, which include fitness training, health and wellness programs, and exercise equipment for the firefighters’ use. The ordinance contains an emergency clause.
71473 Grant for Training Provided to Law Enforcement Trainees
This Ordinance would authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety or the Police Commissioner to enter into agreements regarding reimbursement of the City for the cost of training provided to law enforcement trainees in cases where such trainees do not accept law enforcement positions with the City or who leave their City law enforcement positions in a short period of time. The Ordinance contains a severability clause and an emergency clause.
71433 Fire Fighters Assistance Grant
The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the Fire Chief, on behalf of the City of St Louis, to enter into and execute an Assistance to Firefighters Grant Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to receive $273,568.18 in such grant award funds. The ordinance appropriates the awarded funds and the required match amount of $27,356.82 and authorizes the Fire Chief to spend the program funds for approved purposes, which include fitness training, health and wellness programs, and exercise equipment for the firefighters’ use. The ordinance contains an emergency clause.
71429 Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia
The proposed bill would repeal Ordinance Numbers 66419, 68404 and 69429, which pertain to the possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. The bill would also update local enforcement priorities, and probable cause and reasonable suspicion standards, and disciplinary standards to harmonize City policy with Article XIV of the Missouri State Constitution.
71379 Redevelopment Plan for the 3834 Virginia Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3834 Virginia Ave. Redevelopment Area. This provides for the renovation and expansion of a blighted single-family home. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement at 75 percent.
71368 Electric Vehicles for Senior Services Grant
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Division of Human Services (“DHS”), accept a grant award from FORTH in the amount $60,000.00 to cover transportation costs and expenses serving senior citizens in St. Louis through contracting the use of electric vehicles with Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center from 2021 to 2023. Bill will assist FORTH in fulfilling contractual requirements under its United States Dept. of Energy (DOE) funded project. This bill authorizes the Director of DHS to accept and approve the appropriation to expend grant funds for the purposes and uses to assist with supporting the use of Electric Vehicles to deliver meals and provide transportation services to senior citizens in St. Louis. FORTH will provide funds to purchase/lease the electric vehicles and cover the cost to install electric charging stations for vehicles used by Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center. Through the use of electric vehicles, Senior St. Louisans who rely on services from contracting organizations will have access to transportation that will assist in providing meals and transportation for daily errands and appointments.
71324 New City Food Code
The purpose of this board bill is to repeal Ordinance 68597, which contains most of the sections of the existing Food Code for the City (from the 2009 Edition of the National Food Code published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration), and adopt as the new Food Code for the City the terms of the most recent 2017 Edition of the National Food Code published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, with local revisions and amendments. The board bill also repeals Ordinance 71106 and adopts the social justice/equity aspects of the revised Temporary Food Service provisions as part of a comprehensive Food Code. Finally, the board bill proposes an updated fee structure to more closely cover costs of the City food control program, to go into effect July 1, 2022.
71321 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Arkansas/Chippewa/Marine Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill amends Ordinance Number 64019 dated February 21, 1997. Ordinance Number 64019 approved a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Arkansas/Chippewa/Marine Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill extends the time to complete projects in the area to May 1, 2030.
71305 Honorary Street Naming to Kim Massie Way
The proposed bill would create the honorary street name Kim Massie Way, beginning at the intersection of North Broadway and Convention Plaza and running south on North Broadway to the intersection of North Broadway and Lucas Avenue.
71300 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant
This Board Bill seeks the approval of a competitive Lead Hazard Reduction Grant in the amount of Two Million, Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand ($2,520,000) received by the Community Development Administration (CDA) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Funding from the grant will allow for CDA, the Building Division and Department of Health to continue efforts in reducing lead poisoning and will also allow for the remediation of lead hazards from 210 units of housing.
71292 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE) Codes
This bill will require that construction and renovations governed by the International Existing Building Code, (Ordinance 70797) provide Electric Vehicle Ready electric supply (EV Ready) or Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE) in amounts provided by the ordinance. In specific applications, the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) will be required. The definition of EV Ready for the purpose of this bill is defined as designing and constructing or renovating a building in a way that facilitates and optimizes the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment during Level 3 alterations. The ordinance does not require the construction of parking beyond what is required by the Zoning Code. Physical requirements for an EV ready location consist of the following: an adequately sized electrical service supply, conduit and conductor from the electric service panel to a termination point and branch circuit capacity for a 208/240V 50A dual pole circuit breaker. In the scenario where EVSE is to be installed per the respective parking requirements, a list is provided for the required number of Level II ‘chargers” to be installed in conjunction with the requirement for the number of spaces to EV ready for future expansion. This bill will empower the City of St. Louis to prepare for the future of electric vehicles and the growing demand for electric vehicle charging as the electric vehicle fleet increases. Numerous positive benefits are an outcome of transportation electrification, such as reduced air pollution and carbon emissions, workforce development for electricians and reduced operating costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.
71285 EV Ready
This bill will require that construction and renovations governed by the International Residential Code, (Ordinance 70795) provide Electric Vehicle Ready electric supply (EV Ready) in amounts provided by the ordinance, in general, one EV Ready space per dwelling unit with exceptions. The definition of EV Ready for the purpose of this bill is defined as designing and constructing a dwelling in a way that facilitates and optimizes the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment during construction and Level 3 alterations. The ordinance does not require the construction of parking beyond what is required by the Zoning Code. Physical requirements for an EV ready location consist of the following: an adequately sized electrical service supply, conduit and conductor from the electric service panel to a termination point and branch circuit capacity for a 208/240V 50A dual pole circuit breaker. This bill will empower the City of St. Louis to prepare for the future of electric vehicles and the growing demand for electric vehicle charging as the electric vehicle fleet increases. Numerous positive benefits are an outcome of transportation electrification, such as reduced air pollution and carbon emissions, workforce development for electricians and reduced operating costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.
71284 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE)
This bill will require that construction and renovations governed by the International Building Code, (Ordinance 70794) provide Electric Vehicle Ready electric supply (EV Ready) or Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE) in amounts provided by the ordinance. In specific applications, the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) will be required. The definition of EV Ready for the purpose of this bill is defined as designing and constructing a building in a way that facilitates and optimizes the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment during construction and Level 3 alterations. The ordinance does not require the construction of parking beyond what is required by the Zoning Code. Physical requirements for an EV ready location consist of the following: an adequately sized electrical service supply, conduit and conductor from the electric service panel to a termination point and branch circuit capacity for a 208/240V 50A dual pole circuit breaker. In the scenario where EVSE is to be installed per the respective parking requirements, a list is provided for the required number of Level II ‘chargers” to be installed in conjunction with the requirement for the number of spaces to EV ready for future expansion. This bill will empower the City of St. Louis to prepare for the future of electric vehicles and the growing demand for electric vehicle charging as the electric vehicle fleet increases. Numerous positive benefits are an outcome of transportation electrification, such as reduced air pollution and carbon emissions, workforce development for electricians and reduced operating costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.
71272 Redevelopment Plan for the 4021 Iowa Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 4021 Iowa Ave. Redevelopment Area. This project is the renovation of an unoccupied school building for 25 apartments. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%.
71269 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3620 Texas Ave.
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3620 Texas Ave. Redevelopment Area. This project is the construction of 12 apartments. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%.
71266 Chapter 99 Redevelopment for Certain Properties in the 3700 Block of Nebraska and Oregon
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3712 and 3716 Nebraska Ave. & 3717, 3719, 3728, 3729 and 3730 Oregon Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%. Construction of four single family homes and renovation of three single family homes will occur by Habitat for Humanity.
71248 Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a Cooperative Agreement (CFDA 93.978)
Authorizes the Acting Director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health to accept a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a Cooperative Agreement (CFDA 93.978)(Award No. 6NH25PS005197-01-01), known as the Community-Based Approaches to Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (CARS) grant to fund a multi-jurisdictional/cross-sector/community centered approach to address policies and practices that impact disproportionately the STI/HIV burden on young Black Men, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and to expend funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the grant purposes.
71247 Earnings Tax
An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to Section 92.115 RSMo, the question of whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
71232 Rezoning of 3600 - 3620 Texas Avenue
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on September 2, 2020, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map and in City Block 1648, from “B” Two-Family Dwelling District to the “D” Multiple-Family Dwelling District, at 3600 and 3620 Texas Avenue, including a legal description of land in City Block 1648 and containing an emergency clause.
71228 Quick Claim Deed for 3724 Aldine
This Board Bill authorizes and directs the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of “Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), a Quit Clair Deed to forever quit-claim unto the Veterans Community Project a certain City-owned property located at 3724 Aldine, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
71225 Covid-19 Response Grant for Board of Elections
This Board Bill authorizes the Board of Elections to accept the Center for Tech and Civic Life (the “CTCL”) Covid-19 Response Grant of $1,034,200.00 to provide financial assistance to local election officials (“LEOs”) for expenses incurred between June 15, 2020 and December 31, 2020, associated with the safe administration of election responsibilities, including safe election day administration; poll worker recruitment, training and safety efforts; voter education and outreach for safe voting policies and procedures; and expanding and maintaining early in-person voting sites and expedited and improved vote-by-mail ballot processing. The grant limits reimbursement to expenses incurred between June 15 and December 31, 2020, in accordance with an assessment called “Safe Voting Plan” prepared by the STL BEC. The grant precludes supplanting previously appropriated funds to BEC or the reduction in budgeted funds to the BEC during the term of this grant unless CTCL grant funds are to be returned.
71217 Closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI)
This Board Bill, in accordance with Article XXV Section 1 of the St. Louis City Charter, and upon being recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, amend the duties of the Division of Corrections and Department of Health & Hospitals. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to begin the process of closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI), also known as the Workhouse, as a detainee center. This Board Bill would direct the Board of Public Service and the Commissioner of Corrections to evaluate the City Justice Center to determine if more detainees could safely be held there and to perform a study of the Medium Security Institution to determine the feasibility of repurposing and to evaluate the ongoing costs of any plan to permanently close the facility. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to contact surrounding facilities to determine the per day cost of outsourcing the housing detainees in St. Louis City custody; a requirement for the Department of Personnel to interview corrections officers of the workhouse for open positions in city government. It requires the Department of Health to develop criteria for the hiring of social workers to be assigned to detainees with mental health issues and their families, and to be employees of a newly formed Division of Recidivism Reduction. This board Bill would create a fund to be allocated to neighborhoods with high violent crime rates to be appropriated annually through neighborhood participatory budgeting process; upholding the City’s statutory requirement to detain individuals remanded to the City of St. Louis through the court system. It would direct the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to provide data as requested by the Board of Aldermen or any department or division of City Government facilitating the closure of the Medium Security Institution facility. It would also direct the Budget Director to analyze the net cost savings to the general fund if MSI is no longer operated as a detainee facility; and it contains an emergency clause.
71209 Amending Excise Codes
The proposed bill seeks to amend certain chapters of the Excise Code to permit appropriately licensed persons and premises to sell intoxicating beverages for consumption off the licensed premises, not in their original packaging, accompanied by a food purchase, in designated places, until December 31, 2020.
71207 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for 3919 and 3920 Minnesota
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3919 and 3920 Minnesota Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 15-year tax abatement (10 @ 95% followed by 5@50%). Renovation of two single family homes will occur.
71178 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Grant
• Authorizes the Director of Health to enter into a contract with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) as part of a Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grant, #6NU38OT000306-02-01, CFDA #93.421 to fund use of a Public Health & Safety Team (PHAST) toolkit. • Involves a grant during the period February 18, 2020 through July 31, 2020 (with an expectation that these dates will be extended) in the amount of $27,928.92 for the City of St. Louis Department of Health to participate with NACCHO and CDC as they develop and launch a toolkit across the country to measure creation and evaluation of public health and public safety collaborations designed to reduce substance use disorder deaths. • The City of St. Louis Department of Health will be working with NACCHO and CDC, providing feedback as this new toolkit is developed and implemented.
71159 Honorary Naming of a Street to Alderman Samuel Moore Way
The proposed bill authorizes the installation of an honorary street sign, Alderman Samuel Moore Way, at the intersection of Garfield Avenue and Newstead Avenue.
71154 Police Escort for Building Demolitions
The proposed bill would amend Section 1 of ordinance 63800 codified in Chapter 25.64.010 of the City’s code to charge of $150.00 to cover the cost to the City for providing police security escort services during Building Division demolitions, repairs, board-ups, and clean-ups of buildings or structures that have been declared public nuisances. It allows for a police security escort to be provided when, under the circumstances, such precaution is deemed prudent by the Building Commissioner and will help to reduce vacancy by increasing the holding costs of vacant buildings by enabling the City to recoup some of the cost of dealing with them.
71146 Update to the City’s Environmental and Demolition Ordinances
This bill is intended to update the City’s Environmental and Demolition ordinances to protect the health and welfare of those engaged in commercial demolition work within the City of St. Louis’s limits as well as the public health of those who live and work near demolition sites and protect the citizenry from dangerous airborne contaminants. The bill also updates fees and penalties to achieve its goal.
71125 Fire Arms Regulations
The proposed bill allows persons, business enterprises, and other entities, organizations, and groups who reserve any of the City of St. Louis’ park amenities by permit issued by the City’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry to exclude from the permitted area persons carrying firearms, in accordance with 571.107(15) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, regardless of whether carried concealed on or about their person and whether they hold a concealed carry permit or endorsement. Additionally, the proposed bill requires that permittees are notified in writing at the time of application that they may, in accordance with 571.107(15) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, exclude from the permitted area persons carrying firearms, in accordance with 571.107(15).
71122 Sale of City Owned Property at 1485-1487 South Vandeventer Avenue
The City of St. Louis is the owner of certain real property located at 1485-1487 South Vandeventer Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (the “Property”). The Property currently sits as a vacant lot. The Transgender Memorial, LLC plan to purchase the Property from the City to preserve the Transgender Memorial Garden of St. Louis in perpetuity as a memorial to murdered Trans people, a green space with a grove, a gathering space for Trans and LGBTQ community, and the greater community of the Grove and St. Louis. The proposed Bill will have a positive impact on the community, as it will help beautify the neighborhood and surround areas.
71110 The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area and Plan LCRA Law
Overall Purpose/Reasons for the Board Bill The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area consists of approximately 34.7 acres, including rights-of-way, and is generally comprised of I-64 exit and entrance ramps and associated rights-of-way, Aloe Plaza West park, surface parking, and vacant and occupied commercial buildings. The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Plan contemplates that the Redevelopment Area will be redeveloped for use as a stadium and associated team facilities, but Aloe Plaza West will remain a public park owned by the City. The Redevelopment Plan contemplates 25 years of real property tax abatement on the value of improvements constructed within the Redevelopment Area, as well as certain other incentives. To implement those incentives, the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Area must qualify under both the LCRA Law (Chapter 99) and the Urban Redevelopment Corporation Law (Chapter 353). What the Board Bill Will Do Approves the Redevelopment Plan under the LCRA Law. Key points: • Declares the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” under the LCRA Law. • Approves condemnation for property located at 2008-2012 Olive Street. • Requires Redeveloper to comply with all City requirements relating to non-discrimination and MBE and WBE utilization. • A companion Board Bill (Board Bill Number 215) approves declares the Redevelopment Area to be blighted under Chapter 353 and approves a Master Redevelopment Agreement and other documents in connection with the project. The Main Components of the Board Bill The Project • Approximately 22,500-seat professional soccer stadium. • Team offices. • Practice fields. • Parking facilities. • Renovated Aloe Plaza West (which will remain a City-owned public park). • Various street, sidewalk and utility improvements. Available Incentives • 25-year real property tax abatement on the assessed value of the stadium (the Redeveloper will pay real property taxes on the value of the underlying land during this period). • Sales tax exemption on the purchase of construction materials used to complete the stadium and related team facilities. • Creation of a community improvement district and transportation development district (each imposing a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • If the port district is extended to include the project site (which would require passage of a separate board bill), the potential creation of a port improvement district (that would impose a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • Abatement of amusement tax (which is already applicable for this type of project pursuant to Chapter 8.08 of the City Code). Redeveloper Responsibilities and Obligations • Acquire the property and construct the project. • Comply with generally applicable MBE/WBE, competitive bidding, prevailing wage, First Source employment and living wage requirements. • Keep the stadium and related facilities in good repair. • Cooperate with the LCRA to identify potential locations for off-site parking that would be beneficial to both fans attending soccer matches and businesses in the downtown west area. • If the team relocates within 10 years, pay to the City the sum of $15 million reduced by $1.5 million for each year or portion thereof that the team operates within the City. City/LCRA Responsibilities and Obligations • Facilitate the incentives described above. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to acquire the necessary property. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to identify and obtain other funding sources, such as assistance from the State of Missouri. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper with respect to signage, security, marketing, traffic management, street maintenance, sidewalk utilization, construction staging, etc. in generally the same manner as the City cooperates with the Cardinals and the Blues. The Impact of the Board Bill to the Community The Board Bill will incentivize the Redeveloper to invest more than $500 million in the City to attract an expansion Major League Soccer franchise and construct a professional soccer stadium and related team facilities.
71109 Authorizes the Master Redevelopment Agreement for the Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area
Overall Purpose/Reasons for the Board Bill The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Area consists of approximately 34.7 acres, including rights-of-way, and is generally comprised of I-64 exit and entrance ramps and associated rights-of-way, Aloe Plaza West park, surface parking, and vacant and occupied commercial buildings. The Soccer Stadium Redevelopment Plan contemplates that the Redevelopment Area will be redeveloped for use as a stadium and associated team facilities, but Aloe Plaza West will remain a public park owned by the City. The Redevelopment Plan contemplates 25 years of real property tax abatement on the value of improvements constructed within the Redevelopment Area, as well as certain other incentives. To implement those incentives, the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Area must qualify under both the LCRA Law (Chapter 99) and the Urban Redevelopment Corporation Law (Chapter 353). What the Board Bill Will Do Approves the Redevelopment Plan under Chapter 353 and authorizes the Master Redevelopment Agreement. Key points: • Declares the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” under Chapter 353. • Approves condemnation for property located at 2008-2012 Olive Street. • Requires Redeveloper to comply with all City requirements relating to non-discrimination and MBE and WBE utilization. • Approves Master Redevelopment Agreement (described below) and related documents: o Cooperation Agreement regarding improvements to Aloe Plaza West o Cooperation and Transportation Project Agreement regarding proposed CID and TDD o Encroachment Agreement regarding reconstruction of Market Street • A companion Board Bill (Board Bill Number 216) will declare the Redevelopment Area as “blighted” and approve the Redevelopment Plan under the LCRA Law The Main Components of the Board Bill The Project • Approximately 22,500-seat professional soccer stadium. • Team offices. • Practice fields. • Parking facilities. • Renovated Aloe Plaza West (which will remain a City-owned public park). • Various street, sidewalk and utility improvements. Available Incentives • 25-year real property tax abatement on the assessed value of the stadium (the Redeveloper will pay real property taxes on the value of the underlying land during this period). • Sales tax exemption on the purchase of construction materials used to complete the stadium and related team facilities. • Creation of a community improvement district and transportation development district (each imposing a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • If the port district is extended to include the project site (which would require passage of a separate board bill), the potential creation of a port improvement district (that would impose a 1% sales tax) to assist in funding public infrastructure components of the project. • Abatement of amusement tax (which is already applicable for this type of project pursuant to Chapter 8.08 of the City Code). Redeveloper Responsibilities and Obligations • Acquire the property and construct the project. • Comply with generally applicable MBE/WBE, competitive bidding, prevailing wage, First Source employment and living wage requirements. • Keep the stadium and related facilities in good repair. • Cooperate with the LCRA to identify potential locations for off-site parking that would be beneficial to both fans attending soccer matches and businesses in the downtown west area. • If the team relocates within 10 years, pay to the City the sum of $15 million reduced by $1.5 million for each year or portion thereof that the team operates within the City. City/LCRA Responsibilities and Obligations • Facilitate the incentives described above. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to acquire the necessary property. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper to identify and obtain other funding sources, such as assistance from the State of Missouri. • Cooperate with the Redeveloper with respect to signage, security, marketing, traffic management, street maintenance, sidewalk utilization, construction staging, etc. in generally the same manner as the City cooperates with the Cardinals and the Blues. The Impact of the Board Bill to the Community The Board Bills will incentivize the Redeveloper to invest more than $500 million in the City to attract an expansion Major League Soccer franchise and construct a professional soccer stadium and related team facilities.
71106 Amending the City's Temporary Food Permits
Board Bill Number 191 is designed to amend the City's temporary food permit process set forth in Ordinance 68597.
71104 Prohibiting the Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Persons Subject to a Restraining Order
The bill would prohibit the carrying of a concealed firearm by persons who are subject to a restraining order or who have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence when the firearm such person is in receipt has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce as prohibited by Title 18, Section 922g (8) and (9) of the United States Code.
71102 The City being designated a Hybrid Entity pertaining to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-91, as amended (hereinafter HIPAA).
The purpose of this bill is to commemorate the re-designation of the Department of Health of the City of St. Louis as a Health Care Component of the Hybrid Entity of the City of St. Louis. The City has been designated a Hybrid Entity pertaining to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-91, as amended (hereinafter HIPAA). Designating the Department of Health as a Health Care Component by amending Ordinance #68109 commemorates the determination by the Director of Health that the Department of Health as currently operating is a Covered Entity as defined by HIPAA.
71094 Prevailing Wages
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69427 approved February 21, 2013, and pertaining to City public works contracts, Tax Increment Finance projects and St. Louis Bonded Projects, and workforce diversity, and establishing apprenticeship training, construction workforce development, and a Community Jobs Board, and in lieu thereof establishing a new ordinance pertaining to the same; and containing a severability clause and effective date.
71093 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3426 South Compton Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3426 South Compton Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement at 95%.
71092 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3400 Chippewa St. and 3809 Louisiana Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3400 Chippewa St. and 3809 Louisiana Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement at 95%.
71064 Prohibiting Conversion Therapy
An ordinance prohibiting medical and mental healthcare providers from providing conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, ex-gay therapy, or sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts to a minor, regardless of whether the provider receives compensation in exchange for such services, and providing penalties for the violation of said prohibition; and authorizing the Director of the Health Department to receive, investigate, and refer to the City 6 BB Counselor for prosecution in municipal court complaints of alleged violations of the provisions of this ordinance, and containing an emergency clause.
71063 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
An Ordinance to amend the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code; and containing a severability clause, savings clause, and an effective date.
71054 Prohibiting Firearms in City Parks
The proposed Bill would prohibit persons from carrying on or about their person any pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or other firearm in any City of St. Louis park, athletic fields and facilities, or recreation facilities, regardless of whether it is exposed to view either in whole or in part, except as provided in section 15.130.010 of the City of St. Code of Ordinances, which is set forth below:
71026 Cure Violence
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, making a supplemental appropriation to the Annual Budget Ordinance 70963 for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 amounting to the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000) for the purpose of providing funding for the violence prevention alternative program, “Cure Violence,” and containing an Emergency Clause.
70982 Medical Marijuana
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission pertaining to the Zoning Code, Title 26; amending Chapter 26.08 of the Revised Code by adding a cross-reference in the definition section for marijuana related uses; adding a new Chapter to the Zoning Code, Title 26, pertaining to the regulation of medical marijuana facilities and including sections on the purpose, definitions, use regulations and site requirements for Medical Marijuana Facilities, to be codified as Chapter 26.70 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis (“Revised Code”); and containing a severability and an emergency clause.
70952 Women Inmate Health
An ordinance pertaining to the duties of the Commissioner of Corrections (“Commissioner”) and St. Louis City Sheriff, amending Title 16, Chapter 16.16 by adding to new sections to Chapter 16.16; new section16.16.350 requiring that the physical health needs of pregnant inmates, including providing for adequate nutrition, clothing, continued and adequate access to prenatal care and all other pregnancy related health services, and to limit the restraint of pregnant inmates throughout their pregnancies and post-partum period while in custody; and new section 16.16.360 requiring that adequate feminine hygiene supplies for all female and/or menstruating inmates be provided; and containing an emergency clause.
70949 Redevelopment Plan for 3535 Michigan
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3535 Michigan Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 18, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year tax abatement (based on 95% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70890 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3555-3559 California Ave.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3555-3559 California Ave.
70882 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3107 Meramec St. ("Area")
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3107 Meramec St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis
70880 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3521, 3526, 3527, and 3534 Oregon Ave.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3521, 3526, 3527, and 3534 Oregon Ave.
70862 Graduated Business License Tax
An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 62571, pertaining to exemptions from the graduated business license tax, codified as Section 8.07.020 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, by adding a new Subsection 5, to Section 1 of Ordinance No. 62571, creating an exemption from the graduated business license for local farmers selling their agricultural products and products produced therefrom directly to consumers solely at farmers’ markets; and containing an emergency clause.
70852 An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health, Mayor of the City of St. Louis, and their authorized grantee official, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Cooperative Agre
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health, Mayor of the City of St. Louis, and their authorized grantee official, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Cooperative Agreement Award with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, to fund the St. Louis Opioid and Homicide Prevention Command Center
70845 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3520-3522 Arkansas Ave. Area
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3520-3522 Arkansas Ave. Area
70836 Redevelopment Plan for the 3211 Osage St.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3211 Osage St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated April 24, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year 90% tax abatement based on the assessed value of the incremental improvements; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan
70835 Redevelopment Plan for the 3437-3439 Iowa Ave.
B.B.#79 – Spencer - An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3437-3439 Iowa Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 22, 2018 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year 80% tax abatement based on the assessed value of the incremental improvements; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70828 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3429-3431 Ohio.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3429-3431 Ohio.
70827 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3452 Oregon.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3452 Oregon.
70781 An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits;
An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits; amending Ordinance 70357 Sections 1 and 3, and repealing Section 4 of said ordinance, to acknowledge newly passed State of Missouri maximum limits on campaign contributions and to decrease maximum limits on campaign contributions for local elections as provided herein.
70756 Ordinance amending Civilian Oversight Board Bill
BOARD BILL NO. 233 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN PAMELA BOYD, ALDERMAN BRANDON BOSLEY, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERWOMAN LISA MIDDLEBROOK, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO An ordinance amending Ordinance 69984 (which established the City of St. Louis Civilian Oversight Board, known as the “COB”) to empower the COB to issue subpoenas to compel the appearance of witnesses, produce documents, recordings and other evidence which the COB determines in its reasonable judgment are relevant and necessary to its thorough Inspection and Review of Complaints of misconduct by members of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department which may be subject to COB Independent Investigation.
70752 Ordinance pertaining to Semiannual registration fee for buildings
BOARD BILL NO. 171 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance to revise Ordinance 68610, approved March 16, 2010, pertaining to a semiannual registration fee of two hundred dollars for certain buildings and structures, by removing the fee exemption for properties subject to a specific redevelopment agreement with the City of St. Louis and its development agencies.
70737 Enforcement of Code Violations
BOARD BILL NO. 242 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN SARAH MARTIN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An Ordinance pertaining to enforcement of code violations related to buildings, structures and premises in the City of St. Louis; partially repealing and amending Section Eleven of Ordinance 66857 and enacting in lieu of a new sub-section C related to the procedures for the collection of administrative citation fines in accordance with Sections 479.011 and 67.451, RSMo; containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70736 Collection of fines assessed by the Building Commission
BOARD BILL NO. 241 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN SARAH MARTIN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An Ordinance pertaining to the collection of administrative citation fines assessed by the Building Commissioner pursuant to Ordinance 66857 on buildings or structures within the City of St. Louis which are detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City; authorizing the Comptroller, upon receiving certification of administrative citation fine amounts to cause a special tax bill to be assessed to property owner or if the amount is unpaid for more than one year authorizing the amounts be added to the annual real estate tax bill; containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70728 Redevelopment plan for 3548 S. Broadway
BOARD BILL NO. 231 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3548 South Broadway ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 19, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70727 Redevelopment plan for 3024 Potomac
BOARD BILL NO. 230 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3024 Potomac St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 19, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70726 Redevelopment plan for 3450 Oregon
BOARD BILL NO. 229 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3450 Oregon Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated December 19, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70716 Ordinance regarding public meetings calendar
BOARD BILL NO. 243 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance requiring the City of St. Louis Information Technology Services 3 Agency to create, and maintain in good functioning order, a calendar on the homepage of 4 the City of St. Louis website specifically for the purpose of publishing required 5 notifications of City departments’ and divisions’ “public meetings” as the term is defined 6 in 610.010 RSMo, and requiring said City departments and divisions to publish 7 notifications of public meetings on said calendar.
70704 Ordinance establishing a public works project
BOARD BILL NO. 203 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JACK COATAR, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER An Ordinance, recommended by the Board of Public Service of the City of St. Louis (the "Board of Public Service"), establishing multiple public works and improvement projects within the City of St. Louis (the “Projects”).
70684 Redevelopment plan for 3420 California
BOARD BILL NO. 185 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3420 California Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 26, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is occupied and the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70681 Establishing the Office of Community Mediation
BOARD BILL NO. 132 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN JOHN (JACK) COATAR, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN SARAH MARTIN, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN TOM OLDENBERG, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An Ordinance establishing an Office of Community Mediation and for the appointment of a Director for its oversight and management who shall establish a protocol for delivering voluntary mediation services for the citizens of the City of Saint Louis and a schedule of fees which may be charged therefor to be based upon participant’s ability to pay, and who shall monitor the outcomes and lasting results of mediations; and containing an emergency clause and severability clause.
70656 Redevelopment plan for 3422 Oregon
BOARD BILL NO. 155 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3422 Oregon Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated August 22, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70646 Redevelopment plan for 3442-44 California
BOARD BILL NO. 144 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3442-44 California Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated July 25, 2017 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70608 Animal control bill
BOARD BILL NO. 52 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An Ordinance pertaining to the Animal Code; repealing Section Two of Ordinance 62941, providing definitions, codified as Section 10.20.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis (hereafter “Revised Code”), and enacting in lieu thereof a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Five of Ordinance 62853, codified as Section 10.20.013 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Rules to be promulgated by the Health Commissioner and enacting in lieu thereof a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section One of Ordinance 68463, pertaining to the prohibition of the keeping of certain animals, codified as Section 10.20.015 of the Revised Code, and enacted in lieu thereof is a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Eight of Ordinance 62853, pertaining to the regulation of animal housing, codified as Section 10.20.016 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Four of Ordinance 47883, pertaining to the penalty for violating certain sections of the Revised Code, codified as Section 10.20.160 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section One of Ordinance 47883, pertaining to the definition of fowl, codified as Section 10.20.130 of the Revised Code; repealing Ordinance 42333, codified as Section 10.70.170 of the Revised Code, pertaining to the appointment of a veterinary surgeon; and containing a severability clause.
70607 Ordinance for regulation and control of air pollution
BOARD BILL NO. 86 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance for regulation and control of Air Pollution within the City of St. Louis: repealing Ordinance 68657, approved June 2, 2010, pertaining to the regulation and control of air pollution and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter, and containing a severability clause, a penalty clause and an emergency clause.
70572 Ordinance establishing 4-way stop at Potomac and Louisiana
BOARD BILL NO. 81 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance establishing a four-way stop site at the intersection of Louisiana Avenue and Potomac Street by regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Potomac Street at Louisiana Avenue, and containing an emergency clause.
70571 Ordinance establishing 4-way stop at Oregon and Cherokee
BOARD BILL NO. 80 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance establishing a four-way stop site at the intersection of Oregon Avenue and Cherokee Street by regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Cherokee Street at Oregon Avenue, and containing an emergency clause.
70551 Stop sign at Chippewa & Marine
BOARD BILL NO. 33 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance establishing a two-way stop site at the intersection of Chippewa Street and Marine Avenue by regulating all eastbound traffic traveling on Chippewa Street at Marine Avenue and regulating all northbound traffic traveling on Marine Avenue at Chippewa Street, and containing an emergency clause.
70535 Zoning change for 3627 & 3635 S. Jefferson
BOARD BILL NO. 252 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on January 4, 2017, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “B” Two-Family Dwelling District and “J” Industrial District to the “B” Two-Family Dwelling District in City Block 1648 (3627 & 3635 S. Jefferson Avenue), so as to include the described parcels of land in City Block 1648; and containing an emergency clause.
70523 Domestic violence leave bill
BOARD BILL NO. 261 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, AND ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER An ordinance requiring employers to provide unpaid leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking; containing definitions; violations; a penalty clause; and a severability clause.
70468 Redevelopment plan for Chippewa Park Scattered Sites
BOARD BILL NO. 238 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated November 25, 2016 for the Chippewa Park Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area (as further defined herein, the “Plan”) after finding that said Redevelopment Area (“Area”) is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 RSMo inclusive, as amended); containing a description of the boundaries of the Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "B", pursuant to Section 99.430 RSMo, as amended; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the redevelopment of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”), a public body corporate and politic created under Missouri law, through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that no property within the Area is occupied, however if it should become occupied the Redeveloper (as defined herein) shall be responsible for providing relocation assistance pursuant to the Plan to any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a fifteen (15) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of this St. Louis Board of Aldermen (“Board”) and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan; and containing a severability clause.
70467 Redevelopment plan for 3305 Winnebago St.
BOARD BILL NO. 237 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3305 Winnebago St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated September 27, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70461 Ordinance establishing the Cherokee Street CID
BOARD BILL #229 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving the petition to establish the Cherokee Street Community Improvement District, authorizing the district to impose special assessments, finding a public purpose for the establishment of the Cherokee Street Community Improvement District, and containing a severability clause.
70459 Ordinance regarding pregnancy and reproductive health decisions as protected classes
BOARD BILL NO. 203 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN AND ALDERMEN AND ALDERWOMEN INGRASSIA, CARTER, SPENCER, AND COHN An ordinance to prohibit discrimination based on a person’s reproductive health decisions or pregnancy; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70424 Redevelopment plan for 2920 Cherokee
BOARD BILL NO. 178 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2920 Cherokee St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated October 25, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70404 Fiscal Note Bill
70392 Election Approving Permit Fees for Short-Term Loan Establishments
BOARD BILL NO. 70 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN An ordinance calling and providing for the holding of an election in the City of St. Louis on November 8, 2016, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis the question of charging a fee for the issuance of a permit for the operation of a Short-Term Loan Establishment, and directing the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen to notify the responsible election authorities of this election.
70391 Short-Term Lending Code
BOARD BILL NO. 69 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN An ordinance amending the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis by amending Section 26.08.384 (and Section 3 of Ordinance 68185) and adding a new Section, titled the “City of St. Louis Short-Term Lending Code,” pertaining to the regulation of Short-Term Loan Establishments, as defined herein.
70390 Amending Public Nuisances Code
BOARD BILL # 151 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD An Ordinance revising and amending the Public Nuisances Code of the City of St. Louis to protect victims of domestic violence or stalking by amending Sections One, Two, and Five of Ordinance 69730, approved April 18, 2014 and codified at Chapter 15.42 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
70357 Ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits
BOARD BILL NO. 53CSAA INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE AND ALDERWOMEN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, CARA SPENCER, MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, DONNA BARINGER, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits; containing findings; containing definitions; campaign contribution limitation amounts; adjustments to limitation amounts; determination of maximum contribution; contributions from persons under fourteen; filing campaign finance disclosure reports; establishment of the Municipal Officials and Officers Ethics Commission; duties of the Municipal Officials and Officers Ethics Commission; violations; a penalty clause; and a severability clause.
70333 Ordinance regarding Traffic Calming
BOARD BILL NO. 88 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance requiring that requests for Traffic Calming, as defined herein, and related traffic complaints, received by the City of St. Louis be managed in accordance with a centralized process to be called the City of St. Louis Traffic Calming Policy; granting the Director of Streets authority to develop and promulgate the City of St. Louis Traffic Calming Policy, subject to the Board of Public Service approval; containing an emergency clause.
70329 Redevelopment plan for 3944 Michigan
BOARD BILL NO. 79 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3944 Michigan Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 and Chapter 353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statutes" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive and Chapter 353), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 24, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Sections 99.430 and 353.020 (4); finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70328 Redevelopment plan for 3839 Indiana
BOARD BILL NO. 78 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 3839 Indiana Ave. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 and Chapter 353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statutes" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive and Chapter 353), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 24, 2016 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Sections 99.430 and 353.020 (4); finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70311 Ordinance pertaining to drug related overdoses and medical assistance
BOARD BILL NO. 40 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMEN CARA SPENCER, LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN An Ordinance pertaining to drug-related overdoses and medical assistance; immunity from prosecution for possession or control; and containing definitions and an emergency clause.
70277 Program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances
BOARD BILL NO. 36 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMEN AND ALDERMEN LYDA KREWSON, CARA SPENCER, DIONNE FLOWERS, MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, CAROL HOWARD, KENNETH ORTMANN FRANK WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH VACCARO, PRESIDENT REED, MARLENE DAVIS, STEPHEN CONWAY, SHANE COHN, DONNA BARINGER, LARRY ARNOWITZ, ANTONIO FRENCH, JOSEPH VOLLMER, TERRY KENNEDY, JEFFREY BOYD, CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance pertaining to the development and administration of a program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances by professionals licensed to prescribe or dispense such substances within the City of St. Louis; establishing penalties for violations thereof; authorizing Health Department officials to work with officials in St. Louis County, which is currently setting up a prescription drug monitoring program; authorizing the receipt of donations for support of the monitoring program; and containing an emergency clause.
70275 Ordinance pertaining to semi-trailer trucks
BOARD BILL NO. 7 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance pertaining to commercial semi-trailer trucks, also known as a semis, or tractor-trailers; prohibiting such traffic along certain portions of Chippewa, Keokuk, Osage, and Kosciusko streets and along a certain portion of Marine Avenue, exempting from said prohibition emergency vehicles, including privately owned tow trucks when providing emergency service to non-commercial vehicles, vehicles making deliveries to nearby addresses, and vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of less than 26,000 pounds, and containing an emergency clause.
70259 Ordinance requiring online record of Board of Aldermen votes
BOARD BILL NO. 309 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE AND ALDERWOMEN CARA SPENCER AND MEGAN ELLYIA GREEN, AND CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance requiring certain votes taken by the Board of Aldermen to be published online, containing a Severability Clause and an effective date.
70189 Rezoning 2748-54 Chippewa
BOARD BILL NO. 250 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on December 2, 2015, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “B” Two-Family Dwelling District and “F” Neighborhood Commercial District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District in City Block 1639 (2748-54 Chippewa Street), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 1639; and containing an emergency clause.
70184 Earnings Tax
BOARD BILL No. # 265 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERMAN THOMAS VILLA, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERMAN ANTONIO FRENCH, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to section 92.115 RSMo., the question whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
70150 Ordinance pertaining to the regulation of home occupations
BOARD BILL NUMBER 109 SPONSORED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission of the City of St. Louis pertaining to the regulation of home occupations in the Zoning Code; amending Ordinance 59979, Section Twenty-One, in part; codified as § 26.80.060(A) and § 26.80.060(B) of Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, pertaining to permitted home occupations; containing a severability clause.
70136 Vacate travel at Judith Court
BOARD BILL #141 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in Judith Court from Gasconade Avenue to Piedmont Avenue in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
70135 Ordinance regarding Maya Angelou's birthplace
BOARD BILL NO. 76 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN TERRY KENEDY , ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR., ALDERMAN ANTONIO D. FRENCH, ALDERMAN JOE VACCARO, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN JOHN J. COATAR, ALDERMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN MEGAN E. GREEN, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE An ordinance pertaining to the Maya Angelou Birthplace, located at 3130 Hickory Street (the Property), having as subject matter the designation of the Property as a City of St. Louis Landmark, containing definitions, Landmark Standards and a severability clause.
70121 Ordinance pertaining to Recreation Centers
BOARD BILL NO. 115 INTRODUCED BY PRESIDENT LEWIS E. REED, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An ordinance pertaining to 12th and Park, Buder, Cherokee, Gamble, Marquette, Tandy and Wohl recreation centers, providing that revenues derived from sources at 12th and Park, Buder, Cherokee, Gamble, Marquette, Tandy and Wohl recreation centers shall be held in the special fund as created by this ordinance for each center to allow for the collection of private donations for the purpose of making capital improvements to these seven (7) neighborhood recreation centers and to provide additional free or low-cost recreational, educational and social opportunities for all residents of the City of St. Louis through the hiring of staff, contracting of services or other investment deemed appropriate; authorizing and directing the Comptroller to establish said accounts for the deposit of and disbursement of all collected funds, and
70120 Soldiers Memorial Agreement
70078 Ordinance establishing a minimum wage in the City of St. Louis
BOARD BILL NUMBER 83 SPONSORED BY ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR., PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE An ordinance establishing a minimum wage in the City of St. Louis, providing certain exemptions and exceptions from the minimum wage, providing for updates to the minimum wage rate in the future, setting forth remedies for violations of the minimum wage rate, requiring employers to notify employees regarding the provisions of this Ordinance, acknowledging the right of collective bargaining, and containing a savings provision, a severability provision, and an emergency clause.
70047 Redevelopment plan for 2700-06 Cherokee
BOARD BILL NO. 46 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CARA SPENCER An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 2700-06 Cherokee St. ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated April 20, 2015 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.

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