Services and Information

Departments and Agencies

  • Planning Commission
    The Planning Commission, its members and staff, and access to meeting information and materials.

Laws, Bills, and Policies

Plans and Reports

  • 2014 Annual Action Plan - Revised
    This report documents the many activities, initiatives, and services the will be made possible by the following Federal programs: CDBG, HOME, HOPWA & ESG. This report also serves as a detailed description indicating which specific components of the City's Five Year Consolidated Plan will be undertaken in 2014.
  • 2023 CAPER
    2023 CAPER documents
  • 7th Street Improvements Project
    The 7th Street Improvements Project is from Walnut Street to Washington Avenue. Improvements include major pedestrian and bicycling upgrades, upgraded signal timing, crosswalks, lighting and pavement. The project encourages connectivity within the downtown core and connects two regional destinations. Public comment period closes December 3, 2020. Documents and Comment Form below.
  • Adopted Plans Map
    A map of all adopted plans approved by the City's Planning Commission.
  • Citizen Participation Plan
    Citizen Participation Plan document page
  • Clifton Heights Park Master Plan
    A community driven plan that provides a vision for Clifton Heights Park for users of all ages and abilities.
  • Design Downtown STL Neighborhood Plan
    Neighborhood Plan for two neighborhoods - Downtown and Downtown West
  • Economic Indicators Report - Third Quarter 2017
    A quarterly report examining basic demographic and economic indicators in the City of St. Louis, including population, economy, housing and development.
  • Forest Park Master Plan
    Forest Park Master Plan document and the Forest Park Advisory Board Report.
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2019
    This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors.
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2020
    This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors.
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2021
    This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors.
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2022
    This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors.
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2023
    This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors.
  • North Riverfront Commerce Corridor Land Use Plan
    The North Riverfront Land Use Study is a comprehensive study of the 3,000-acre North Riverfront area, which begins north of Downtown St. Louis City and expands up to Maline Creek.
  • Overview of Ward 2
    Ward 2 Overview
  • Proposed PDA-155-04-CMP SLUP Amendment 25
    SLUP amendment 25 for regarding land use changes in the West End and Visitation Park neighborhoods.
  • Proposed Zoning Text Amendment (Special Residential Uses)
    Submittal of Resolution for Recommendation of Zoning Text Change Defining and Regulating Special Residential Uses
  • Residential Market Analysis (2014)
    Residential Market Analysis 2014
  • SLUP Amendment 15
    SLUP Amendment #15 amends the City's Strategic Land Use Plan for a large riverfront site from Recreational/Open Space Preservation and Development Area (ROSPDA) to Specialty Mixed Use Area (SMUA). The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on February 3, 2016.
  • SLUP Amendment 16 - Part 1
    SLUP Amendment #16 – Part 1 amends the City’s Strategic Land Use Plan for multiple sites throughout the City as part of an Opportunity Area (OA) Analysis Study and a Map Update. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on April 6, 2016.
  • SLUP Amendment 16 - Part 2
    SLUP Amendment #16 – Part 2 amends the City’s Strategic Land Use Plan for multiple sites throughout the City as part of an Opportunity Area (OA) Analysis Study. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on June 1, 2016.
  • SLUP Amendment 17
    SLUP Amendment #17 amends the City’s Strategic Land Use Plan for a large single parcel located in The Hill neighborhood from Business/Industrial Preservation Area (BIPA) to Neighborhood Development Area (NDA). The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on December 7, 2016.
  • SLUP Amendment 19
    SLUP Amendment #19 amends the City's Strategic Land Use Plan for scattered sites throughout the City as part of a Map Update. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on July 1, 2020.
  • SLUP Amendment 20
    SLUP Amendment #20 amends the City's Strategic Land Use Plan for a portion of CB 1648. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on September 2, 2020.
  • SLUP Amendment 21
    SLUP Amendment #21 amends the City's Strategic Land Use Plan for City Block 320 and a portion of City Block 9097. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on December 2, 2020.
  • SLUP Amendment 22
    SLUP Amendment #22 amends the City's Strategic Land Use Plan for the Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods Plan (GJHNP), which was adopted as a Neighborhood Plan and a supplement to the City's Comprehensive Plan by the Planning Commission on May 2, 2018. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on February 3, 2021. The GJHNP area is generally bounded by Gravois Ave. on the north, Jefferson Ave. and Broadway on the east, Meramec St. on the south, and Grand Blvd. on the west. It includes portions of four neighborhoods -- all of Benton Park West and Gravois Park, and portions of Dutchtown and Mount Pleasant.
  • SLUP Amendment 23
    SLUP Amendment #23 amends 9 scattered sites throughout the city, primarily based on action items relating to redevelopment plans and rezonings previously approved by the Planning Commission. The amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on March 8, 2023.
  • Section 108 Application
    Section 108 Application PDF
  • Skinker DeBaliviere Neighborhood Urban Design and Development Plan
    A Neighborhood Plan for the Skinker DeBaliviere neighborhood and very small portions of the adjacent West End and DeBaliviere Place neighborhoods
  • Soulard Market Master Plan
    View the conceptual Master Plan for renovating the Historic Soulard Farmers Market and the adjacent Soulard Market Park.
  • Strategic Land Use Plan of the St. Louis Comprehensive Plan
    The plan assigns land use designations that indicate what future development focus is intended for each block in the City.
  • Sustainability Plan
    Development of the City's comprehensive sustainability plan
  • Sustainably Developing a Historic District - Old North St Louis
    This report is a vision for sustainably developing the Old North St. Louis neighborhood. The vision is the outcome of a three-day charrette hosted by the Old North St. Louis Restoration Group in August 2015. The vision is intended to guide the neighborhood’s development in a manner that preserves and enhances its historic character while incorporating environmentally sustainable features that would enhance the quality of life for its residents.
  • Transit Oriented Development Plans
    MetroLink, TOD, Forest Park DeBaliviere, Delmar Loop, Arch Laclede's Landing, Stadium Stations
  • Transit Oriented Development Study for the Proposed Northside-Southside MetroLink Alignment
    Transit Oriented Development Study for the Proposed Northside-Southside MetroLink Alignment
  • We Collab Resident-Led Reinvestment Neighborhood Plan
    We Collab Resident-Led Reinvestment Proposed Neighborhood Plan for the West End and Visitation Park Neighborhoods

Maps and GIS

Meeting Materials

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