CommonSpot Tutorials
How to manage content on the City's website using the CommonSpot content management system.
These tutorials go over how to create and manage content on this website using the CommonSpot content management system (CMS).
Tutorials can be found in the left navigation, broken down by section.
Just getting started? Be sure to go through the Introduction to the Website and CMS Basics sections first.
Tutorial Sections
Calendar Tutorials
How to add and manage events and meetings on the site calendar
CMS Basics
How to do basic things like log in to the site, edit pages, find content, and more
CommonSpot 7 Changes
An overview of the changes in CommonSpot 7, compared to CommonSpot 5.
Contact Information
Department/Agency and personal contact infomation
How to add and manage documents on the website
How to add and manage content on pages using elements
Viewing and resolving website feedback
Images, Audio and Video
How to upload, manage, and insert images, audio, and videos on the site
Internal Applications
Various internal applications
Introduction to the Website
A basic overview of the City's website, and how the pieces fit together.
News articles, press releases, and newsgram articles
Creating, moving, copying, deleting, and more
Service pages, CSB requests
Text, Links, and Tables
How to add and manage text, links, and tables on the website