Local directories, contacts, services
Top Requests
Services and Information
2020 Census
Shape the future of the City of St. Louis -
50-50 Sidewalk Program
How to enroll in the City's cost sharing sidewalk program -
ADA, the St. Louis City Board of Election Commissioners and Notice of ADA Coordinator
The Board of Election Commissioners statement on the American with Disability Act -
Absentee Voting
How to vote no excuse absentee, apply and vote absentee by mail, and how to vote if you're overseas or are deployed in the military. -
Alarm Fees and Payment
Alarm Fees and Payments information for Homeowners and Residents -
Alarm Registration and Permit Fee
Security Alarm Registration Information for Homeowners and Residents -
American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Resource Guide
Resources for COVID-19 recovery, including ARPA funded projects and additional support. -
Appeal a Property Assessment
Information on how to appeal your Property Assessment from the Assessor's Office. -
Apply For A Property Tax Exemption
Information to apply and determine tax-exempt status for property. -
Apply for Hydrant Use Permits
The City of St. Louis Water Division issues a special permit for the use of a fire hydrant to obtain city water -
Apply for a Tree Permit to Maintain
Individuals who directly or indirectly perform maintenance on any City Tree must obtain a permit to maintain. -
Apply to Be a Technical Specialist Poll Worker
Apply to become a non-partisan Technical Specialist for the City of St. Louis to set up and maintain all of the technical aspects of the polling place machines. -
Apply to Be an ADA Specialist Poll Worker
The ADA Specialist implements all aspects of election accessibility as set forth by the St Louis City Board of Elections. -
Apply to Be an Election Day Surveyor
Election Day Surveyors are responsible for auditing ADA compliance at polling places on Election Day. -
Apply to Be an Election Judge Poll Worker
Apply to be an Election Judge for the City of St. Louis to check in and assist voters on election day. -
Appraised Value vs. Assessed Value
An explanation of the differences between Appraised Value and Assessed Value of your Real Estate Property. -
Area Hazards
General information on hazards/threats local to the City of St. Louis. -
Automotive Battery Recycling
The Refuse Department accepts automotive batteries for recycling from City residents only. -
Blitz Organizer / Block Captain Responsibilities
Brightside St. Louis and Blitz Organizer Responsibilities -
Boil Water Advisories and Orders Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and answers regarding when and why boil water advisories and orders are issued, and what precautions to take. -
Brownfields EPA Program
The Brownfields Program returns underutilized and contaminated sites back to productive use. -
Business Earnings Tax Information
Information about the business earnings tax in the City of St. Louis, tax rates, due dates and more. -
Check for Your Name on the Inactive Voter List
The inactive voter list comprises voters whose registration status is inactive because the registration address could not be verified. -
Check your Voter Registration
Instructions on checking to see if you are registered to vote in the state of Missouri -
Citizen Role in a Winter Storm
Citizens are a key partner in a successful winter storm response. -
City of St. Louis Redistricting 2021
The Board of Aldermen completed the Redistricting Map for Ward Reduction of St. Louis in 2021. Read about the 14 new wards and see a map of the new boundaries. -
Climate and Air
The City of St. Louis integrates several decarbonization efforts designed to address climate change, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by building energy consumption and fossil-fueled vehicles. -
Collector of Revenue Calendar
Important dates related to paying taxes to the Collector of Revenue -
Community Sanitation
Community Sanitation responds to complaints and enforces local and state regulations for health hazards -
Compliment a City Employee
Submit compliments, thanks, or positive feedback regarding a City of St. Louis employee. -
Compost Section
Learn about the Forestry Division's compost operations, location, and Residential Yard Waste Drop Off services. -
Conceal and Carry Firearm Eligibility and Affirmation
Eligibility and Affirmation for a firearm in the city of St. Louis -
Contact the City
Elected officials, departments, boards, jobs, and more contact information -
Cultural Resources Preliminary Review
Request a Cultural Resources Preliminary Review -
Declare Your Personal Property
Declare your personal property online, by mail, or in person by April 1st and avoid a 10% assessment penalty. -
Disaster Recovery Funding Community Survey and Info Sheet
Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding aims to address ongoing recovery needs after the 2022 Floods. Please provide feedback to assist the designing of programs that cater to the impacted communities' most pressing remaining needs. -
Drop-off Recycling Locations
A list of drop-off recycling options in the City of St. Louis. Includes Fire Station and Street Receptacle drop-off locations. -
Education in St. Louis City
Resources to public, private, and charter options within City limits. -
Election dates, sample ballots, results for the City of St. Louis. -
Emergency Assistance Programs
A directory of emergency assistance programs available to residents who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Emergency Preparedness
Steps to being prepared for a disaster or emergency -
Employer Withholding and Payroll Expense Tax Information
Information about the payroll expense tax and employer withholding of earnings tax in the City of St. Louis -
Employment Help
The no-cost resources on this page can assist City of St. Louis residents with job skills and finding employment. -
Fall in St. Louis
Fall News, Events, City Services, Weather, and Public Health information -
File a Homeschool Declaration of Enrollment
Instructions on notifying the Recorder of Deeds of your intent to homeschool your child. -
File to Run for Office
Instructions on how to run for office in the City of St. Louis -
Free Firewood for City Residents
The City of St. Louis Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry offers free firewood to the residents from the second week in November to the first week in March. -
Healthy Home Repair Program
Home repair assistance for low to moderate income households. -
Heroin Abuse Resource Guide
St. Louis resources for Heroin Abuse help -
Host a Project Blitz Clean-up For Your Neighborhood
Project Blitz is an opportunity for neighbors across the city to get together to clean up the streets, alleys and vacant lots in their area year round. -
Individual Earnings Tax Information
Information about the individual earnings tax in the City of St. Louis, tax rates, due dates and more. -
Sustainability initiatives relating to land in the City. -
Lead Service Line Upgrades Frequently Asked Questions
To comply with an October 2024 EPA ruling, the City of St. Louis is now updating its inventory of water service line materials, including lead service lines. -
Liquor License Protest Process
Instructions on how to protest a liquor license application, renewal, or continuation. -
Locate Compost Drop Off
Learn about the composting service, drop off location, and schedule. -
Locate Compost and Wood Chips Pick Up Sites
Find locations where City of St. Louis residents can pick up compost and wood chips at no cost. -
Locate Residential Yard Waste Drop Off
Location and schedule for City of St. Louis residents who need to dispose of residential yard waste. -
Mayoral Meeting / Event Request
How to invite Mayor Jones or her staff to attend or speak at an event, or to meet with Mayor Jones or her staff. -
Milkweeds for Monarchs
Milkweeds For Monarchs: The St. Louis Butterfly Project is an effort to create pollinator habitat in ways that foster the connection between people and nature -
Municipal Court Bond Information
Municipal Court bond forfeitures, refunds, unclaimed bonds, and how to use your bond refund to pay court costs. -
National Night Out 2022 Flyer
National Night Out in the City of St. Louis is Tuesday, October 4, from 6pm - 9pm. Don't miss out! -
Neighborhood Stabilization Division Newsletter
Keep up with the Neighborhood Stabilization Division by reading our newsletters! -
New Resident Collector of Revenue Information
Information for new residents about earnings tax, real estate tax, personal property tax, and water-refuse bills. -
North Transfer Station
Residents may drop off approved trash, yard waste, remodeling debris and other items at the North Transfer Station located at 4124 North 1st Street -
Obtain a Commercial Fumigation Permit
Instructions for fumigators in the City of St. Louis to obtain a fumigation permit from the Department of Health. -
Obtain a Compliance Letter
A Compliance Letter is needed when there is a hold on your license by the Missouri Department of Revenue -
Obtain or Renew a Drivers License
Information on drivers licenses, non-driver licenses, and permits with the MO Department of Revenue. -
On the Map: Black History in St. Louis
The "On The Map" series commemorates Black History throughout the year, sharing the stories of places in our city. -
Organize Your Block
Step-by-step procedure, examples, specifics and available resources about organizing your city block -
Pay a Municipal Court Fine on a Disposed Case
How to pay fines and court costs assessed by a judge after you or your attorney have appeared in court. -
Pay a Traffic Ticket and Plead Guilty Without a Court Appearance
Many minor traffic citations and all Metro fare violation citations may be paid before the first court date without a court appearance. -
Pay a Water-Refuse Bill
Options for how to pay a water-refuse bill to the Collector of Revenue’s Office -
Photos and Video Galleries
Photos and Video Galleries related to the Office of Violence Prevention -
Prepare for Leaf Pickup and Removal
Fall leaf pickup removal runs from the first Monday in November through December 31st on the regularly scheduled street sweeping days. -
Prepare for Residential Refuse Collection
Tips to prepare for residential refuse collection -
Prepare for Street Cleaning
Year round, the City of St. Louis offers a robust street cleaning program with 1,100 miles of roads swept monthly. Here's how to prepare. -
Prepare for Yard Waste Pickup
How and when to gather your yard waste for local pickup -
Prop NS Program
Structurally stabilizing LRA properties as a first step towards full rehab. -
Protesting a Liquor License
Protest Rules and Regulations is a way in which the public can address a problematic liquor licensed establishment in their neighborhood -
Public Alert & Warning
The City of St. Louis uses the NotifySTL mass notification system (powered by Everbridge), local media, social media, and outdoor warning sirens to provide emergency alerts and warning notifications to the public. -
Purchasing Prop NS Properties
Buildings certified as fully stabilized will be listed here when available for purchase. -
Re-Envisioning MSI
The Jones Administration plan for the property and buildings on the former Medium Security Institution Workhouse campus. -
Real Estate Tax Forms and Documents
Forms and documents concerning City of St. Louis Real Estate Taxes -
Recycle Christmas Trees
Christmas tree recycling is offered at Forest Park, O'Fallon Park, and Carondelet Park from December 26-January 9. -
Recycling Services
The City of St. Louis has a city-wide residential single-stream recycling service. The service utilizes blue dumpsters and rollcarts to collect recyclable materials from alleys and curbs. -
Register a Car
Steps to register a Motor Vehicle in the City of St. Louis -
Register for National Night Out
Sign your block up to participate in National Night Out, a national community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships. -
Report A Historic District or Landmark Complaint
Information on how to report a Historic Landmark Complaint -
Report A Missed Trash Collection
Report a Missed Trash Collection or refuse issue -
Report Fire Safety Issues
Report inadequate fire suppression in a commercial building and request a fire safety presentation or smoke alarm installation. -
Report Graffiti or Defaced Property
How to Report Graffiti on trash containers, park equipment, and public or private property. -
Report Illegal Dumping
How to report illegal dumping of any waste in the City of St. Louis. -
Report Lost or Stolen License Plates or Tags
How to replace lost or stolen license plates and/or tags -
Report Missed Street Cleaning
How to report a missed cleaning on your street -
Report Pest and Rodent Problems
Report mosquito, rodent and other pest problems to Citizens' Service Bureau. -
Report Recycling Program Problems and Request Services
Request information and services, or report problems related to the City of St. Louis recycling program. -
Report Street Lighting Problem
Report city street lights damaged or not working, on during the day, or an entire block of lights out. -
Report Weeds and High Grass
Report Weeds and high grass on vacant properties or request inspection of occupied properties. -
Report a City Water Problem
Report running water, open hydrants, water quality issues, or missing manhole cover. -
Report a Community Sanitation Problem
Guidelines for submitting complaints and requests for issues related to sanitation. -
Report a Parking Meter Problem
Report problems with malfunctioning or vandalized parking meters, and problems with parking meters properly accepting payment. -
Report a Problem With Trash, Debris and Containers
Report a problem with missing, misplaced, damaged or overflowing trash containers or commercial dumpster, unsatisfactory collection, billing or collection schedules. -
Report a Problem With a City Service
Guidelines for submitting complaints and requests for service. -
Report a Problem at City Parks
Report maintenance issues or problems with equipment, facilities, grounds, infrastructure, or vendors at parks in the City of St. Louis. -
Report a Problem with Street Signs or Street Painting
Request a new traffic sign, traffic sign needs repair, request for street painting/striping. -
Report a Problem with a City Tree
Report problems with trees on residential streets between the sidewalk and the curb, or trees in city parks. -
Report a Problem with a Recreation Center
Report maintenance or housekeeping needs; request new equipment or programs. -
Report a Problem with a Street, Sidewalk or Alley
Report street or alley problems, request inspection for right of way, sidewalk repair (including 50-50), curbs, potholes, cave-ins, missed street cleaning, or salt/snow plows. -
Report a Problem with the Outdoor Warning Sirens
Report a problem with the outdoor warning sirens during testing, or sirens not being heard at your location during a tornado warning. -
Report a Stray Animal or Pet Problem
Report a stray animal, animal cruelty, injured animal, animal bite/attack, dangerous animal, deceased animal and other animal issue. -
Report a Traffic Signal Problem
Report damaged traffic signals issues with lights out, damaged, facing the wrong way, signals out of sync with traffic flow, or not changing. -
Report an Air Pollution Problem
Asbestos pollution, demolition dust, vehicle regularly idling over 5 minutes, and open burning concerns. -
Request Planting of a New Tree
Request that a tree be planted on City property in easements in front of houses. -
Request a New Trial (Trial De Novo)
Trial De Novo is your right to appeal for a new trial before an associate circuit judge when you have been found guilty. -
Request a Residential Property Inspection - Exterior
Request exterior residential property inspections for possible building code, health, safety or historic district violations. -
Request a Residential Property Inspection - Interior
Request interior residential property inspections for possible building violations or health violations -
Request for Letter of Support
How to obtain a Letter of Support from Ward 3 Alderman Shane Cohn -
Reserve a Wagon for Urban Hayrides in Forest Park
The City of St. Louis Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry offers hayrides in Forest Park on Friday and Saturday nights on fall weekends. -
Residential Collection
Information about residential collection services: refuse, yard waste and bulk items, paying service fees, reporting collection issues or illegal dumping, and more. -
Residential Dumping Services
Information about residential dumping services offered by the City of St. Louis, including general refuse, remodeling/renovating waste, Christmas trees, compost and more. -
Residential Refuse Drop Off
City Residents refuse dumping guidelines, hours and locations of Transfer Stations, including the types of refuse, bulk or yard waste the City will and will not accept. -
Resources for Street Treatment
Resources of the City Street Department for responding to snow and ice emergencies -
Revolving Loan Fund to Increase Traffic Safety Information
The Revolving Loan Fund to Increase Traffic Safety will assist with fully licensing vehicles through payment of property taxes, automobile tag fees, and auto insurance premiums. -
Rules Governing the Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen procedural and conflict of interest rules -
School Search by Address
Enter a City address below to find elementary, middle, and high schools assigned to it. -
Search for Municipal Court Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed Municipal Court bond refunds are sent to the Missouri State Treasurer's Office, where you may claim them online. -
Search for a Municipal Court Case
Search for your court case online to confirm your court date and see additional information about your case. -
Sewer Lateral Repair Program
Sewer Lateral Repair Program covers repairs to sewer line under the right of way -
Sharing the Road
A guide to assist driver's in safely navigating roads shared with pedestrians and bicyclists. -
Snow Driving Tips
Tips for sharing the road with snow plows and other winter driving tips -
Snow Routes in Alphabetical Order
Alphabetical listing of streets that are treated or plowed during an ice or snow storm, grouped by arterial, secondary, and hill routes. -
South Transfer Station
Residents may drop off approved trash, yard waste, remodeling debris and other items at the South Transfer Station located at 4100 South 1st Street. -
Spring in St. Louis
Weather and emergency preparedness, refuse and recycling, streets and sidewalks, parks. -
Status Code Definitions of Service Requests
Definition and explanation of the status returned when checking the status of a service request. -
Street Cleaning
What you need to know about the street cleaning service and when we clean streets in your neighborhood -
Summer in St. Louis
Weather and emergency preparedness, staying cool, city parks, activities for children. -
Sustainability Initiative Documents
Links to documents and resources pertaining to Sustainability Initiatives -
Tax Abatement Programs
Information on where to find Tax Abatement Programs and check on the status of a property -
Tiered Snow And Ice Response
The Street Division has developed a tiered response to ensure efficient clearing of streets during a winter weather emergency. -
Vote No Excuse Absentee
Learn how to vote absentee without needing to provide an excuse during the two weeks prior to an election. -
Voter Identification
All registered Missouri voters can vote on election day, but you will be asked to show an ID. Learn what forms of ID are acceptable. -
Voter Information
Information about voting in the City of St. Louis: registration, polling places, absentee voting and more. -
Voting Locations (Polling Places)
Active St. Louis City polling places and city-wide and no excuse absentee polling place locations. On election day polls open at 6 AM and close at 7 PM. -
Sustainability initiatives relating to Water in the City. -
Water Treatment
How the City of St. Louis gets and treats its water supply -
When To Call CSB
Flyer giving overview of how CSB works -
Winter In St. Louis
Winter News and Events, Snow routes, Warming Centers, Hazards, Public Health information -
Winter Safety Tips for Pets
How to keep your pet safe and warm during the winter. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court (Armenian)
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court translated in Armenian. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court (Bosnian)
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court translated in Bosnian. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court (French)
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court translated in French. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court (Spanish)
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court translated in Spanish. -
Your Rights in Municipal Court (Vietnamese)
Statement of Your Rights in Municipal Court translated in Vietnamese.
Departments and Agencies
Animal Care and Control
Ensuring the health and safety of City of St. Louis residents and companion animals through the enforcement of pet-related ordinances, and the promotion of pet safety and responsible pet ownership. -
Board of Election Commissioners for the City of St. Louis
The Board of Election Commissioners is a state mandated agency which conducts all public elections within the City. The division is responsible for the registration of voters and maintenance of voter registration records. -
Board of Equalization
Board of Equalization responsibilities, meetings, agendas. -
Brightside St. Louis
Dedicated to cleaning, greening St. Louis since 1982 -
Citizens' Service Bureau (CSB)
The Citizens' Service Bureau's (CSB) purpose is to effectively and efficiently register and route city service requests, answer citizen requests for information, and provide City departments with statistics as needed. -
Collector of Revenue
The Collector of Revenue's office is responsible for collecting real estate and personal property taxes, water-refuse bills, and earnings and payroll taxes for the City of St. Louis. -
Forestry Division
Report tree problems and high weed and grass, tree inventory, compost, ash borer information, -
Health Department
The Department of Health is responsible for the health and safety of the community. -
Neighborhood Stabilization Division (NSD)
Empowering residents to sustain a quality environment within their neighborhood through effectively and efficiently registering and routing City services, providing information, assistance, education, and intervention. -
Recycling Program
Find City recycling services, drop-off locations, submit requests for recycling service and file complaints. Follow links to to learn what goes in your blue recycling bin and beyond. -
Refuse Division
The Refuse Division is responsible for collection and disposal of residential waste and also coordinates efforts to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, such as recycling, composting, and waste reduction. -
Soulard Market
Hours of Operation, Daily Vendor Participation, Market Ordinances and Rules, Stand Rental, and Contact information. -
St. Louis Poet Laureate
The Saint Louis Poet Laureate will promote the art of poetry and encourage literacy and learning throughout the Saint Louis region. -
Street Division
The Street Division is responsible for street maintenance such as patching potholes, snow plowing, and street sweeping along with street lighting, street signs, and traffic signals -
Traffic and Lighting Division
The City of St. Louis Traffic Division maintains traffic signals, traffic signage, traffic painting and striping, and street lighting.
Online Applications and Forms
Building Permits Search by Address
Enter a City address to find past permits issued for that property. -
Find Your Neighborhood Improvement Specialist (NIS)
These are the Neighborhood Improvement Specialists (formerly known as NSO's) serving the City. Enter your address to find the NIS for your area, ward and other contacts. -
Look Up Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection Days
Use the address search to find your collection day for trash, recycling, bulky items and yard waste. -
National Night Out
National Night Out is a national community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships. -
Neighborhood Stabilization Division Staff
Contact information for the staff of the Neighborhood Stabilization Division -
Role of Neighborhood Improvement Specialists (NIS)
Neighborhood Improvement Specialists serve as advocate for community betterment and have a broad range of duties and responsibilities.
Downloadable Forms
Personal Property Tax Exemption Form
Form to file for Personal Property Tax Exemption -
Real Property Tax Exemption Form
Form to file for Real Property Tax Exemption -
Request For a Missouri Absentee Ballot Form
Form to request a Missouri absentee ballot -
W-3 Form (Fillable)
Form W-3 is a reconciliation of Form W-2 annual compensation and Form W-10 tax withholdings. -
Water Wagon Application
Apply for the Water Wagon when your event requires one location with multiple fountains and a sink.
Laws, Bills, and Policies
Board Bills
Legislation introduced by Aldermen in the form of bills. -
Building Codes Adopted by the City
Building Codes adopted by the City of St. Louis -
City Charter
The Charter is the constitution of the City of St. Louis and the plan for the government of the city. -
City Code and Revised Code
The Revised Code of the City of St. Louis is a compilation of ordinances which are generally enforceable throughout the city. -
Mayor Executive Order No. 73
An executive order declaring a state of emergency in the City of St. Louis following historic rainfall and flash flooding -
Mayor Executive Order No. 74
An Executive Order relating to the creation and funding of the position of Senior Advisor of Children, Youth, and Families in the City of St. Louis -
Mayor Executive Order No. 75
An executive order establishing a volunteer commission to explore and recommend opportunities for reparations in the City of St. Louis. -
Mayor Executive Order No. 76
An executive order regarding building stabilization -
Mayor Executive Order No. 77
An Executive Order relating to the support and protection of trans residents in the City of St. Louis. -
Mayor Executive Order No. 78
Executive Order 78 establishes transparency and accountability measures for surveillance technology utilized by the City of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) -
Mayor Executive Order No. 79
An Executive Order relating to the Division of Civilian Oversight of the City of St. Louis and its boards, specifically the Civilian Oversight Board (COB) and the Detention Facilities Oversight Board (DFOB). -
Mayor Executive Order No. 80
An Executive Order establishing a Long-Term Revenue Advisory Council
Plans and Reports
Planning and Urban Design Agency Reports
Download and view Planning and Urban Design Agency report documents including Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Reports and Economic Indicators. -
FY2022 Annual Operating Plan
The FY2022 Annual Operating Plan as adopted. -
Influenza Reports Old Index
City of St. Louis Influenza Reports Repository by Publication Year -
Neighborhood Histories
Neighborhood Histories by Norbury L. Wayman published in 1978 -
Overview of Ward 2
Ward 2 Overview -
Reports to the Community
The Affordable Housing Commission Reports to the Community describe the state of affordable housing in the City of St. Louis.
Maps and GIS
Bicycling Routes and Maps in St. Louis
View interactive bicycle street routes and greenway project maps for the City of St. Louis. -
Bulk Refuse Pickup Schedule Map
The map outlines bulk pickup regions and schedule. -
Committee Adopted Redistricting Map 11-22-21
Version 6 - Committee Adopted Redistricting Map 11-22-21 -
Delmar East Commercial Corridor
Map of the Delmar East commercial corridor -
February 2023 Map of the Month: African American History
The mapping and graphics division is creating a map of the month for each month in 2023. Enjoy! -
Free Map Downloads
Free Downloadable Neighborhood and Ward Maps -
Historic Districts Map
The maps shows landmarks and national, local, and certified local historic districts that possess national, state, or local significance. -
March 2023 Map of the Month: Cultural Resources: Areas of Review
The Mapping and Graphics Division is creating a map of the month for each month. Enjoy! -
May 2023 Map of the Month: Forestry Division: City Street Trees
The Mapping and Graphics Division is creating a map of the month for each month. Enjoy! -
National Night Out Party Map
Saint Louis City National Night Out party locations. -
Neighborhood Maps
St. Louis neighborhood maps -
North Broadway Commercial Corridor
Map of the North Broadway Commercial Corridor -
North Grand Blvd Commercial Corridor
Map of the North Grand Blvd Commercial Corridor -
Page Ave Commercial Corridor
Map of the Page Ave Commercial Corridor -
Public Schools in St. Louis City
Interactive map and list of public schools in the City of St. Louis -
Snow Route Interactive Map
Snow Routes in the City of St. Louis -
Snow Route Map (download)
Map and alphabetical listing of City of St. Louis snow routes -
St. Louis Forestry Ash and Treated Ash Tree Project
Interactive map showing the inventory of ash and treated ash trees by the City of St. Louis Forestry Division. -
Strategic Land Use Plan Map
The Strategic Land Use Map assigns land use designations to each block in the City. The pattern of colors represents the essential components of a strong and vibrant urban landscape, a landscape with both variety and cohesiveness. -
Street Cleaning Map
Map shows street cleaning areas and provides dates and times for those areas. -
Ward Boundary Map
Interactive map displaying the 14 ward boundaries
Meeting Materials
Virtual Town Hall Program for National Justice Database Study Findings
Virtual Town Hall to present findings from a seven-year analysis of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) policing practices and behaviors.
External Resources
2-1-1 Missouri Resource Directory
24/7 connection to resources and agencies. -
2010 Census Summary Data
Geographical breakdowns and comparisons of the February 24, 2011 Census release of the 2010 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) -
A Parents Guide to St. Louis Schools
High-level information to help parents understand their school options, plus a comprehensive database of schools including test scores, reviews, photos, events, and video.
Academy/Sherman Park Neighborhood Association (ASPNA)
Creates community within the neighborhood between Union Blvd and Kingshighway and seeks to improve the quality of residential life. -
Academy/Sherman Park Neighborhood Association (ASPNA) on Instagram
ASPNA on Instagram -
Academy/Sherman Park Neighborhood Association on Facebook
ASPNA Facebook presence -
American Red Cross of Eastern Missouri
The American Red Cross provides relief to victims of disaster, blood to hospital patients, health and safety training to the public, and emergency social services to U.S. military families. -
Asthma Friendly St. Louis
Asthma Friendly St. Louis is a community program designed to help school-aged children and teens manage their asthma. -
Bellefontaine Cemetery
For generations, Bellefontaine Cemetery has provided a tranquil, dignified setting in which to commemorate the lives of those who have shaped us, our families, and our city. -
Benton Park Neighborhood
The official site of the Benton Park Neighborhood in St. Louis, MO -
Benton Park Neighborhood Association
The official website of the Benton Park Neighborhood Association. -
Benton Park Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
Benton Park Neighborhood Association Facebook Page -
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association Facebook Page -
Benton Park West Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Better Bevo Now Neighborhood Association Official Facebook Page
Facebook page for the Better Bevo Now Neighborhood Association. -
Better Bevo Now Neighborhood Association Website
Better Bevo Now promotes a safe, vibrant neighborhood by facilitating community awareness, involvement, inclusiveness, investment, and sustainability. -
Bevo Community Network on Facebook
This is a Facebook Group that allows community members to post.
Bevo Mill Neighborhood Watch on Facebook
Bevo Mill Neighborhood Watch on Facebook -
Calvary Cemeteries
Within this site you will find maps, directions and historical information about many of the 17 cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. -
Casa de Salud
Casa de Salud is the premier healthcare resource for the foreign born community of metropolitan St. Louis, and part of the infrastructure that welcomes people of all origins to our region. -
Central West End Neighborhood Association Website Page
Central West End Association Website Page -
Central West End Scene Facebook Page
Central West End Scene Facebook Page -
Citizens for Modern Transit
Citizens for Modern Transit or CMT, leads advocacy efforts to expand light rail as the critical component of an integrated, affordable and convenient public transportation system that will enable economic growth to improve quality of life in the St. Louis region. -
Clifton Heights Neighborhood News
Clifton Heights Neighborhood News -
Code of Ordinances Title 23 - Public Utilities Division I. - Water Chapter 23.06 - Water Bills
St. Louis, Missouri City Charter section governing water bills and payment. -
Compton Heights Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Cost of Living Comparison
Cost of living calculator. Compare cost of living between US Citites. -
Downtown Dutchtown Business Association Facebook Page
Downtown Dutchtown Business Association on Facebook -
Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA)
The St. Louis Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) is a non-profit organization that undertakes community building and organizing in Downtown St. Louis in order to improve the livability and economic vitality of our neighborhood. -
Downtown Neighborhood Facebook Page
Downtown Facebook Page -
Downtown STL, Inc Website
Find Downtown St. Louis attractions, entertainment, shopping, lodging, events and amenities for visitors and residents. -
Dutchtown West Neighborhood Association Website
Dutchtown West Neighborhood Association -
Ellendale Neighborhood Association
Information and links for resources relative to the Ellendale Neighborhood and the City of St. Louis. News, Announcements and Meeting Notes. -
Ellendale Neighborhood Facebook Page
Facebook profile for the Ellendale Neighborhood in the City of St. Louis -
For the Sake of All
Improving the health & well-being of African Americans in St. Louis and why it matters for everyone -
Forest Park Southeast Neighborhood Association Website
The Forest Park Neighborhood Association is the volunteer governing body of the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood and meets every third Tuesday of the month. -
Fox Park Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
Fox Park Neighborhood Association on Facebook -
Fox Park Neighborhood Association Website
Fox Park Neighborhood Association -
Franz Park Neighborhood Blog
Franz Park Neighborhood Blog -
Franz Park Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Hamilton Heights Neighborhood Organization, Inc. on Facebook
Hamilton Heights Neighborhood Organization, Inc. -
Hammerstone's, very well known for live music, great food, and a beautiful patio. All of this in a building with history dating back to 1884. We have been told that during prohibition it was a drug store in front with bootleg liquor out back, and doctor's offices up stairs. -
Holly Hills Improvement Association
Holly Hills Improvement Association -
Holly Hills Neighborhood on X
Holly Hills has an active Twitter account and regularly post news that is relevant to the residents. -
Home Sweet Home
Helps clients from partner organizations transition to their new living situations with furnishings and basic household items and accepts public donations of these items. -
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association of North St. Louis
The association works on adaptive reuse of historic buildings, stabilization of the area through careful development, and supports the growth of its culture, arts, retail, and social systems. -
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association on Facebook
Facebook page for the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association -
Hyde Park St. Louis Neighborhood on X
X account for hydeparkstlouis -
Instagram hydeparkstlouis -
Jeff-Vander-Lou (JVL) Neighborhood Association
The associations advocates on behalf of its residents and pursues a range of investment in the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood -
JeffVanderLou Neighborhood on Facebook
JeffVanderLou is a neighborhood located in the City of St. Louis -
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Jefferson Barracks, one of the National Cemetery Administrations oldest interment sites, has served as a burial place soldiers from all wars. The National Cemetery is open to visitors every day of the year from dawn until dusk. -
The mission of KDHX is to build community through media, with diverse and independent voices that enrich the perspectives of our audiences. We promote civic and cultural participation by providing the tools, technology, and training vital to informed, creative expression. -
LGBTQ Community Services Directory
Advocacy; Crisis Hotline; Educational Services; Identity Document Resources; LGBT and Allies Group -
La Leche League of Greater St. Louis
Offers practical support to mothers through monthly meetings, email, and on the phone. Information covers the practical, physical, and psychological aspects of breastfeeding. -
LaSalle Park Community Garden Resource on Facebook
LaSalle Park Community Garden Resource on Facebook -
LaSalle Park Neighborhood Association on Facebook
Facebook page for the LaSalle Park Neighborhood Association -
Lafayette Square Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
LeadSafe St. Louis
Lead Safe St. Louis is a City of St. Louis ten year initiative to reduce lead exposure. It provides testing services and education. -
Lindenwood Park Business Directory
Lindenwood Park Business Directory -
Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Madison County Transit (Illinois)
MCT provides the community with numerous public bus routes, a Paratransit service for the disabled and elderly, bikeway development, as well as overseeing RideFinders, the St. Louis regional rideshare program. -
McDonald Dog Park
Tower Grove South dog park located in McDonald Park -
Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri
Committed to an approach to mental health grounded in the encouragement of early interventions and treatments to promote mental wellness for everyone. -
Metro Transit
Metro Transit is best known as the operator of the public transportation system for the St. Louis metropolitan region, with MetroLink, MetroBus and Metro Call-A-Ride -
Midtown Alley Facebook Page
Midtown Alley Facebook Page -
Midtown Alley Street Fest Facebook Page
Midtown Alley Street Fest Facebook Page -
Midtown Alley Website Page
Midtown Alley Website Page -
Missouri Business Portal
Provides assistance with starting a business, growing a business, incentives, financing, and workforce training. -
Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim
Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim -
Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
Mount Pleasant Facebook Page -
Nextdoor Shaw
The private social network
for neighbors in Shaw. -
North Newstead Association (NNA)
North Newstead Association constructs and rehabs affordable housing units in North City neighborhoods. -
Old North St. Louis Facebook Page
Old North St. Louis Facebook Page -
Old North St. Louis Neighborhood Website
Old North St. Louis Neighborhood Website -
Recycle Beyond Your Blue Bin database of location to recycle automotives, batteries, construction, electronics, garden, glass, hazardous, household, metal, paint, paper, and plastic items. -
Recycle at Home
Recycling is easy, learn how in five easy steps. -
Revised Statutes of Missouri, RSMo Section 137.100
Certain property exempt from taxes -
SLU Billikens
Saint Louis University Official Athletic Site -
Shaw Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council
Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council -
Skinker DeBaliviere Community Housing Corporation
The Skinker DeBaliviere Community Housing Corporation is a sister organization to the Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council, focusing on the property development and management. -
Smoke Free St. Louis Kids
Smoke Free St. Louis Kids is working to identify parents, pregnant women, and family members whose smoking in the home puts children at risk. -
Soulard Restoration Group
Soulard Restoration Group promotes the historical integrity of the neighborhood. -
Southampton Neighborhood Website
The official site of the Southampton Neighborhood in St. Louis, MO -
St Louis Public Radio
St. Louis Public Radio is recognized as a distinctive and vital media source that strengthens the civic and cultural life of the communities it serves. -
St. Louis Hills Neighborhood Website
Community website for St. Louis Hills Neighborhood -
St. Louis Hills Neighborhood X
St. Louis Hills Twitter Account -
St. Louis Public Library
Branch location information, online catalog search, event schedule, and kids area. Also provides Internet access to important city government information. -
St. Louis Public Library
You come to us from all over the state, the nation and the world to find the Library’s resources and to learn about St. Louis. -
St. Louis Public Schools
Official site. District information, board of education, directory of services, calendar, food, and foundation. -
St. Louis Water Division
St. Louis Water Division -
Tennessee Williams Festival St. Louis
The Tennessee Williams Festival St. Louis produces an annual theater festival that celebrate the art and influence of Tennessee Williams. -
The Hill Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
The Hill St. Louis Directory Website
The Hill St. Louis Directory Website -
Tower Grove East Neighborhood Ownership Model
The Tower Grove East Neighborhood Ownership Model (TGE NOM) is a resident driven initiative committed to improving the quality of life in Tower Grove East and surrounding neighborhoods. -
Tower Grove East Neighborhood Website
Community Website -
Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation
Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation -
Tower Grove South Neighborhood Association Website
Tower Grove South Neighborhood Association Website. TGSNA serves the Tower Grove South Neighborhood, bound by Arsenal to the north, South Grand to the east, Chippewa to the south, and South Kingshighway to the west. -
Promotes healthy, active and vibrant communities where walking, bicycling and the use of public transit are a way of life -
Vandeventer Community Development Corporation
The Vandeventer CDC facilitates infrastructure improvements in the Vandeventer Neighborhood and works toward achieving the equitable delivery of city services. -
Water Division St. Louis
See billing and consumption information for your Water Account. -
Winter Storms & Extreme Cold @
Official Website. Prepare, Plan & Stay Informed.
See Also
Neighborhoods, Marriage, Birth, Immigration, Support
Law, Safety, and JusticeCourts, Emergency Services, Police, Fire, Legal Assistance
HousingOwning, Renting, Homelessness, Repairs, Financing Programs
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